Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2194: Fight with the king 1

"It’s not appropriate to treat people in the middle three circles like this.? Eight? One Chinese? W≤W≤W≤.≤8=1≈Z≈W≠.≥COM" The lazy voice is in the square. It sounded up.

Bach and Jun did not open a certain distance, squinting at the sounding people, and the Jiugong disciples also looked over.

I saw that in front of the dense crowd, a handsome and handsome man dressed in a red armor, and when Su Jingyan’s eyes fell on the flaming figure, he stopped!

Lord of the Temple of Lingyao!

Standing in front of people is the seclusion of the millennium, the most recent one in a sudden resurgence of the Lingyao Palace!

When the Lingyao Temple fell suddenly, it fell into the clouds from the peak of the peak and fell into the mud. Everyone thought that the Lingyao Hall would disappear from it, but did not want to. In this year, the twelve halls were destroyed and the Lingyao Temple rose. Suddenly it became a hot force in the middle three circles!

Behind the main body of the Lingyao Temple, a group of girls dressed in Lingyao Temple costumes stood in the face of Zhang Qingxiu's beautiful face, but floating a strange and determined look, hidden for thousands of years, Lingyao Temple Once again in front of everyone, show the hidden edge!

What is even more shocking is that after the disciples of Lingyao Temple, there are a group of people dressed in messy and different ages. These people are wearing various clothes and holding sharp weapons, but at the moment their faces are written with the Lingyao Temple. A firm and angry look like a disciple!

"Aliu!" A nine-room disciple suddenly recognized one of them.

Isn't that the same time that he entered the Yunxiao College with his companions? Only after the two left from Yunxiao College, one entered the Tianji Palace, one of the nine palaces, and the other went to the Temple of the Twelve Temples. From then on, he split up and the man never thought that he would be away today for many years. The companions met again.

The main hall of the Lingyao Temple stood in front of the people, and the battle on the square suddenly appeared a strange pause because of their arrival.

The silver armor of the innocent has been dyed red with blood, and the red one is in harmony with the flame armor of the main hall of the Lingyao Temple!

She looked at the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao with a slight sorrow, but her eyes fell on the woman who was wearing a mask behind the main hall of the Lingyao Temple.

is her?

The woman's face was covered with a bronze mask, and her body was light and heroic. When she saw the blood-stained silver armor of the innocent, the calm scorpion suddenly stunned and painful!

"The Upper Three Realms are all right, but don't forget, you are standing now, the land of our three worlds! The land of the Three Kingdoms, Rong Ronger and so on!" The face of the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao became extremely fierce. No one can compare the lazy man of the past.

There was a sneer in Bach's mouth. He looked at the group of people brought by the Lord of the Lingyao Temple. In his eyes, what is the difference between a group of dogs and a group of dogs?

"The land of the Three Kingdoms? What is the middle three circles? The three circles and me, but the slaughterhouse that wants to kill and kill, do you think that with such a group of shrimps and crabs, you will scare me? It is ridiculous! A group of waste I still want to ascend to heaven!"

Bach's words made all the people in the middle and third worlds in sight look ugly, and even the disciples of the Nine Palaces cast an unpleasant look on Bach.

The three of them may not be as strong as the three worlds, but they are not tolerant of others!

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