Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2196: Fight with the king 3

"What's special! Laozi is not a coward!" The man surnamed Hu rushed out of the crowd, and he was condemned by his conscience. He saw that Jun was no evil to save Suya from the blood and dyed the sand. He was greatly affected. The impact, and the voice of the brothers once accused, finally tearing the last trace of his heart, provoked his hidden blood!

The man bowed to the elders of the celestial palace: "The disciples are honoured by the celestial palace, but today's things, the disciples can no longer sit back and watch, ask the elders to understand, from today, I am with the celestial palace. Nothing to do, what I did today has nothing to do with the celestial palace!" The voice of the man fell, and he succumbed to the earth! Then I got up and strode melastingly toward my brother!

He can be afraid, can be timid, but he is not willing to be a coward who does not even dare!

A tall figure walked into the crowd of Lingyao Temple, and the fallen back was shrouded in shocking majesty. In August 1st, the text network?? W?W (a) W?. ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (a). COM

There was silence in the entire square.

The man surnamed Hu went to the former brother, and the two stared for a long time, and finally they raised their fists!

The brothers of this world are suffering together and suffering together!

"Elders, please let the disciples leave." He is also a disciple of the Jiugong, and he has already gone to the direction of Lingyao Temple without waiting for the elders.

"The disciple thanked the Red Flame Palace Ende, and today he will be decisive!"

"The disciple is willing to live and die with the Suya mentor and the dean!"

"The disciple will voluntarily leave."

"Today will have nothing to do with Brahma."

"The disciple is pleased to leave the Sirius Palace!"


In an instant, hundreds of people walked out of the ranks of the Nine Palaces. They went farewell to the Elders of the Nine Palaces and abandoned the glory of the Nine Palaces. They would rather join a battle with no chance of winning, and would not be burdened with conscientious condemnation!

More and more people have left the team of the Nine Palaces, and the army behind the main body of the Lingyao Temple has grown stronger, and this scene is like a wildfire that infects everyone on the square!

Su Jingyan’s eyes widened. How could he think that the people of Lingyao Hall would appear, and would actually bring such a fierce reaction?

Even among them, there are nearly a hundred disciples in the Sirius Palace!

In the face of those who have a firm gaze, even if the elders of the Jiugong are sad, they will not be able to keep up.

Bach's gaze was swept away from the nine-room disciples who had left. The colder and deeper the eyes were, how could he think that this group of dogs, who were obedient, had a bite!

"This is the person you raised in the Nine Palaces? You don't have to keep it, so if they are desperate to find death, let them take the ridiculous loyalty and get down to Huang Quan." Bach sneered, his eyes sweeping through the nine palaces Elders.

The face of the Elders of the Nine Palaces was ugly to the extreme. If they did not represent the Nine Houses, I was afraid that I could not help but anger.

In their hearts, at this moment, they have inexplicably envied those who have left, envy those who have such courage and dare to pursue their true beliefs in their hearts, rather than being as weak and incompetent as they are.

Among the Jiugong, the disciples who once worshipped Yunxiao College were almost all derailed, and the remaining disciples were only afraid to speak with their heads down.

The monarch looked at this scene indiscriminately. She had already forgotten the pain in her body at this moment, and her eyes fell on the mighty temple of Lingyao.

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