Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2197: Fight with the king 4

Even if it is a no evil, I did not expect that the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao would bring someone to come here for support. This is far beyond her expectations, but it also makes her feel shocked!

In the world, the word "conscience" is simple, but how many people have really done what is right for their conscience?

The strength of the Upper Three Realms has been vividly demonstrated in the previous battles, but those disciples in the Nine Palaces are still willing to take this step. Eight? One? Chinese network? W ≥ W ≠ W ≈. ≥8=1≤Z=W≈. COM

Even if there are only a few hundred people, it is already very valuable.

Jun Wuxu looked at the Lord of the Temple of Lingyao, nodded slightly to him, and wiped away the bloodstains from the corners of his mouth. He looked at Bach in a cold-eyed manner.

Today's World War I is far from over!

All this, just the beginning!

The main hall of Lingyao Temple has a wave of arms!

"For the glory of the Three Realms, kill!"

Under one command, everyone rushed away, countless ray of light flashed, and countless spirits were summoned out. For a time, the whole square was a mess, blood and tears, hatred and hate intertwined into a sigh of relief at this moment. Praise!

"President adult! Let us help you!" A group of people do not want to take their own ring spirit to the group of golden spirits surrounded by the little old man. Among them, there are blue spirits, purple spirits, and even The Qingling spirit is flat, but at this moment, they have forgotten their fears, forgot their lives and deaths, and put together the greatest dignity of this life, and rushed to those who are far stronger than them!

The little old man raised his head in the scuffle. He looked at the passionate people with amazement. Those people were so strange to him. The Yunxiao College was established for thousands of years. How many thousands of disciples have been taught? He had already forgotten the face of the piece of Zhang. He didn't even know what those people were calling, and when he was practicing in Yunxiao College, but it was such a group of people who did not care about life and death and fought bravely to kill the enemy!

Among the golden light of the road, the purple, blue, and blue fascinating light interspersed, and the strange spiritual light flashed a dazzling color on the square.

The strongness of Jinling, the brilliance of the golden aura, no one against the enemy, but the faint aura of light, perhaps not the dazzling golden light, but this time, the purest, most beautiful light!

Under the **** battle, the stifling sounds in a line.

Hundreds of huge beasts rushed to the side of the adults. They rushed to bite and smashed the golden spirits that constantly attacked the adults. They might be weak, but never retreat!

Dissipated in the blood of a dim light, it is the disappearance of a martial art, and it also heralds the death of their masters.

Rao is the number of people brought by Lingyao Temple. Rao is more than several times more than Jinling. However, under the strength of Jinling, they are hitting the stone with eggs.

Of course.

No one fled, every fallen figure, there was no scar on their backs, until the moment of death, they did not turn and flee, one did not...

Face the enemy and write their last insistence with life.

The masked woman, in collaboration with the female disciples of the Lingyao Temple, entered the battlefield. The Lingyao Temple was hidden for thousands of years. Even when they took over the twelve temples, they did not fight. Today is the birth of the Lingyao Temple. The first **** battle!

Years of seclusion has made the tacit understanding between the disciples of Lingyao Temple reach an astonishing level. They cooperate with each other and keep holding down.

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