Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2264: One year 7

"Is it still good! Is it lazy to do the garbage? I will not give it to me!" The fierce supervisor of the fierce god, shaking the whip and walking over, ignored the pleading of the teenager, and the whip in his hand continued to fall and beat in Liu Shuhe. On the teenager's body, the teenager was scared and scared. He could only lean down and hold Liu Shu and bear most of the injuries. He kept pleading and prayed that the supervisor could be merciful, but his pleading was eventually covered by cruel slaps. . Bayi Chinese network W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM

Outside the palace, other laborers are cold-eyed to watch all these life. They have already been ruined by the days of death, and they have been ruined by the heart of the world. They look at Liu Shu and the teenagers who have been pumped to the ground, even though they can’t bear it, but they are even I don't dare to say a word. I am afraid that I will bring the same kind of torture to them.

Here, they do not have any human rights at all. The only thing they can do is to follow the instructions of the supervisors and work day and night.

The young man of Ruilinjun frowned at the scar of the boy being beaten, and his eyes rose with anger. He clenched his fists on his side and forced his inner anger. He hated not to smash the neck of the supervisor, but There are tasks in the body, so he has to choose to ignore all of this.

If it was five years ago, he would definitely rush out to step on the sher’s supervisor, but now...

In the midst of a horror, a black shadow descended from the sky, and the shadow of the shadow was extremely fast. The people around it could not see what the shadow was like.

I only heard a pig-like roar, and the supervisor who had been holding the whip and swaying Wu Yangwei was suddenly shot out!

Outside the palace, there was a dead silence at the moment. Everyone was stunned and watched the supervisor fly out. He fell heavily on the stone steps in front of the palace. His head was directly blown away by flowers, blood and white flowers. The brains spilled over the ground...

Everyone took a breath of air in an instant, and they fixed their eyes on it. Only then did it notice that the black figure that suddenly appeared was a tall man with a tall, light black armor.

The man stood in the crowd, a pair of cheetah-like eyes swept over the crowds around, and the eyes passed by like the cold wind, freezing everyone was shocked!

"Who! Dare to scatter here! Don't you die!" Several supervisors finally came back to God. They watched as someone dared to make a mess here, and immediately took the whip and walked over!

The black man looked coldly at the supervisor who was coming, and suddenly hit a finger!

In an instant, more than a dozen men with the same clothes whizzed, and at the moment when the supervisors had not returned, the figure of those people had already flashed in front of them, and there was no moment to give any reaction to the other party.

Only heard a sound of crisp sound, the heads of the supervisors were suddenly screwed down by the black people in an instant!

For a time, the pungent **** smell pervaded the entire palace. Under the scorching sun, a few blood spurted out of the neck with broken heads!

Blood splattered and shocked under the scorching sun. This scene scared all the workers around. For a moment, those people woke up from a nightmare, and the mourning sounded one after another. The over-excited laborers fled like birds and beasts. !

Soldiers who were on the periphery rushed in, and hundreds of people surrounded the black people in chaos!

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