Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2265: One year, 8

The soldiers of Ruilin Army squatted in the spotlight. He walked through the crowds running around and looked at the black men in light armor. Their eyes suddenly widened. Eight?? A Chinese network W = W ≤ W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

In the past five years, although most of the Ruilin army was sent to the middle three circles, their cultivation has never stopped within the middle three circles, and every half year, they will replace a group of people and go to focus on cultivation. In five years, the Ruilin army reached the purple spirit all over the country. Even some people have already begun to attack the silver spirit. It can be said that the current Ruilin army, even to the middle three circles, can compete with the elites of the middle three circles.

However, in terms of his strength, he did not even see the ranks of the black people!

The strength of this group of people... even all of them are above the purple spirit?

The one that shocked him the most was the one who first appeared. When he saw the moment of the person's appearance, his whole person was stuck in the same place, and he couldn't stop shaking!

"Who are you! Dare to be confused here!" The guards frowned and looked at the group of people who suddenly appeared. They were all from the hands of the Upper Three Realms. They were sent to the palaces that were supervised everywhere, and the strength of each of them. They are all in Jinling, so that in the middle three circles, no one is their opponent, and they force the laborers to resist and can only work quietly.

The commander of the black man looked coldly at the arrogant guard. His eyes were cold, but he said nothing, but nodded slightly to other companions.

In the blink of an eye, there was no hint that the black men in light armor suddenly rushed to the guard!

In an instant, blood splashed!

Standing close to the Ruilin army soldiers, they widened their eyes and looked incredulously at this scene.

Hundreds of Jinling, in the blink of an eye, were scrubbed by the dozens of people! ! !

The battle was only solved within a short period of five minutes. Those guards who had not even had the sorrow of despair could not move on the ground until the moment before they died. I was afraid that they did not realize that they were born. What...

What a powerful force this is!

After annihilating hundreds of guards, the black men did not leave, but turned and walked into the half-built hall.

The laborers who fled around saw the powerful guards who could not be seen at all. Even after one day of being slaughtered, they had already scared their courage and thought that they would also greet the coming of death today.

I didn't think that the black people seemed to have no interest in them, and all of them brushed into the palace.

The young boy who took a lot of whip helped Liu Shu, and almost subconsciously ran to the side of the Ruilin soldiers.

"Big brother, who is this group of people?" asked the boy.

The soldiers of Ruilin Army stared at the palace smoothly, and the double fists clenched on the side of the body were faintly shaken, and the sharp eyes showed great shock and joy!

If you look closely, it is not difficult to see that those black people are not using any spiritual power in the battle. They have a black mist that is very strange, but it is the black mist, and that For the man, let the soldiers of Ruilin Army have a big shock!

Was awake from the huge shock, he just wanted to go forward and find out, but the palace in front of him was actually torn apart at the moment he was just one step away!

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