Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2281: Please enter 瓮5

"I don't know why, I always feel that the exposure of this night's whereabouts is somewhat wrong.?????? Chinese? W=W=W=.=8≤1=Z≤W≈.≥C≤O≥M "Van Zhuo squinted at the side. He has always been keen on his mind. After hearing the news of the sudden attack on the night by the Ruilin army, he vaguely felt that this night's negligence seemed to be somewhat abnormal."

He didn't believe that with the nightingale they could kill Jinling's strength, he would accidentally let go of an enemy, and he happened to expose his next attack target to the other's ears.

all of these……

It’s too much to be a coincidence. He always thinks that this time, it’s like the way someone once designed an opponent.

Please enter the 瓮, 螳螂 catch the oriole in the back!

This model, it seems, is too much like the habit of that person!

"You mean... the night is deliberate?" The flower buds raised their eyebrows slightly, but the eyes did not reveal a trace of surprise, as if Van Gogh said, it was what he thought.

"Do you think so?" Van Gogh immediately realized the idea of ​​the flower bud, probably the same as him.

The flower buds nodded slightly.

"Much like her style is not? Deliberately revealing flaws, let the opponent think that they can succeed, but I don't know if I have hidden my backhand. Everything thrown in front of me is just a bait." Hua Yan's eyes involuntarily became more moderate. It seems to be missing the memories of the past.

Rong Ruo, non-smoke and Qiao Chu, after hearing the dialogue between Huali and Vatican, looked at each other. They saw a look of hope and a trace of joy in each other’s eyes.

This way of doing things is too similar to that person's means. They have seen countless times, and their opponents are planted in these traps. How can they feel strange when they have personally participated in the design of exhausted design? !

When is it five years... Will they really meet again?

"I suddenly have some expectations, the arrival of the night." Joe Chu's face burst into a smile, the smile seems to be sincere, a heart beat vigorously, a speculation full of hope, already in The hearts of the five of them emerged.

They are waiting, looking forward to, maybe today, they will be able to get what they want!

Long Qi looked at the subtle changes in the face of Qiao Chu and others. He couldn't remember how long these five people had not been so free and easy. Looking at their smiles, they seemed to feel vaguely, and Ryusaki's eyes were slow. Slowly looking at the city not far away, suddenly, he saw a team riding a black horse, wearing a black cloak, the horse is slowly walking towards the entrance of the city!

The number of people in that team is not too large, only a dozen people, but this number is exactly the number of people who attack each night!

"Come on!" Long Qiaqiang suppressed the excitement of his heart, and said to Qiao Chu and others.

Qiao Chu and others immediately took back their minds and turned to the team that was gradually entering the city.

A cluster of fires ignited in the eyes of five people!

If you want to raise your hand, "Everyone, prepare!"

Behind Qiao Chu, there were tens of thousands of soldiers wearing light armor, all of them from the Lower Three Realms. This time they came with Longsaki, Qiao Chu, etc. Welcome their big lady to go home!

The gust of wind whizzed past, everyone's eyes were focused on the team that entered the city, and every step of the horse stepping on the ground was like stepping on people's hearts.

Da da da……


[Tomorrow opens the king return mode. 】

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