Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2282: 瓮中鳖鳖1

When the people at night, stepping into the city, the vast city is very empty, and there is no one on the broad street. Everything looks so strange. ?八一中?文??W?W?W?. (8) 8?1?ZW. COM

The nightingale narrowed his eyes and looked at the strange atmosphere around him. He secretly gestured to his companions behind him, and the members of the night immediately pulled the reins. The formation formed a circle and carefully observed the situation around him.

For a moment, the open city gate was suddenly closed!

The dull sound echoed under the silent sky!

Outside the city gate, Qiao Chu and others who came from the team did not enter the city, and the gate that was sealed was blocked.

"Damn, there is an ambush!" The non-smog flashed a sudden anger at the bottom of the closed door.

The huge city gates isolated their connection to the night in the city.

"Take this door to me!" Qiao Chu immediately rolled over and a pair of Yanlongquan appeared on his wrist, and his face was printed with blazing fire.

In the city, nightingales and other people have already formed a posture of alert. Only a moment, countless figures have come out from all over the city. The tens of thousands of horses are in a blink of an eye, and the dozens of people in the night are surrounded!

Qiu Yun walked into the night vision with the crowd, and his hands fell behind him, slowly coming at an arrogant pace.

"The evil domain? The night? Oh... It’s a bunch of sly mice. I have a great night. Now it seems that it’s just a bunch of wastes that dare to do something about stealing chickens and dogs." Qiu Yun raised his eyebrows slightly. With more than a dozen night members surrounded by arrogance, the arrogant eyes swept over them from the nightingale, with a look of contempt, as if standing in front of him was not a group of people, but more than a dozen Dogs are generally not worth mentioning.

The nightingale looked at Qiu Yun quietly, and did not give birth to any negative emotions because of Qiu Yun’s words. He only secretly directed other people in the night, gradually narrowed their footsteps and tried to take care of them as much as possible. To prevent the enemy from attacking around.

"How? Don't you talk? You don't really like to destroy? You have ruined more than a hundred palaces, and you have raided all the branches of the Nine Palaces. Are you really omnipotent and invincible? I want to see it today. How much skill do you have in the end, can you escape from here?" Qiu Yun’s mouth sneered a sneer, and the night’s chaos in the night has completely aroused the anger in his heart. Today he is so motivated to do so. Let the night waste know that their point of doing things is nothing in his eyes!

What about the evil domain? What is the power of the evil emperor?

However, it is a small trick in the middle three circles, and it is impossible to enter the eyes of the Three Realms!

The atmosphere in the whole city has become very depressed at this moment. Qiu Yun has assembled a part of Jin Ling from the upper three circles that can be used in his hands. In addition, the number of elite disciples of the Sirius Palace and the Soul Palace has already exceeded 10,000. The army of the people will be surrounded by dozens of people at night, even though they are the night members of the three episodes of the epicenter, but they are also four-handed and difficult to attack. So many enemies, even if they are wheel battles, can consume them. Light up!

Qiu Yun is not in a hurry to send everyone in the night to hell. In the past half a month, the shame he has suffered will be back in a thousand times today!

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