Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2292: Return of the king 8

After Qiu Yun was tortured, his body was like a balloon that was broken. He slammed and blew it out!

The stench of pus is mixed with red and white viscera. I am afraid that he will not imagine before he dies. He will use such a disgusting death, as he said before the nightingale, but only It is him who is dead without a whole body, not the night. ????? 中?文W?W?W?. (a) 8 (one) 1? Z (eight) W?. (8) C?O (eight) M

From the beginning to the end, there was no expression on the face, and the vines weaved a layer of walls in front of her, blocking the disgusting mixture, and the dark green spirits flew back from her broken body. In the hands, there was no contamination on the upper part of the dirty.

The walls of the vines were scattered, and the eyes of the innocent were swept away from the crowds who were not afraid of the body. She raised her hand and took the ring back, turning her head toward the nightingale.

Just the moment when everyone is secretly relieved!

A series of screams were intertwined into a piece of music from **** in a city full of **** smells. People who were plagued by vines were cut into pieces of meat in an instant, and they fell into the ground...

Behind the innocent, the blood flows into the river.

Only some of the disciples of the Nine Palace survived, but they witnessed the whole Shura hell. They had already been weakened in all four limbs, and their legs lost all their strength. They slammed into the ground full of blood and minced meat, under the palm of their hands. The sticky touch, let countless people fall on the ground and vomit.

Su Jingyan is also among the surviving people. He is soft on the ground, and he can't stop shaking. He is covered with blood, the disgusting internal organs and minced meat, and his stomach is bursting. The overwhelming, his face is already white, even if he knows that Jun is not prepared to kill them, but the inner fear has not been able to dissipate for a long time.

"Go back to the Nine Palaces and tell those from the upper three circles. After half a month, I will visit the Nine Palaces and let them wash their necks. I will take their lives." Jun no evil turned his head and looked at Su Jingyan, who was looking green. Without a swearing oath, the blood of the people will almost freeze.

Su Jingyan still wants to say something, but just opened her mouth, the rich **** smell that came to her face, broke into the lungs, and spit it out in an instant.

Nothing is said by Jun Wuxie. Everything today is just a little "small face-to-face ceremony" for the Three Realms. In January, the **** wash of the forecourt of the Nine Palaces.

Just as the innocent preparations and the nightingales and other people left, the locked gates were finally broken by people at this moment!

Huge roars echoed in the city, and the figures were revealed from the smoke.

In order to ensure that the night can be killed in the city today, Qiu Yun deliberately made his hands and feet on the city gate, making it invincible. Qiao Chu and others watched the night enter the trap, and they were anxious, but they were born hard. It was blocked by the city gate, and it was only the power of the people. It was hard to blow up the gate.

But when the gates were destroyed and everything in the city was printed in their eyes, the original arrogant Qiao Chu and others were stunned in an instant.

The corpses are like a slaughterhouse that has just experienced blood washing. The broken limbs and nausea are everywhere. There is a mixture of nausea all over them. In a **** color, there is such a familiar figure standing quietly. That kind of thin, but it is so cold.

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