Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2293: We will pick you up 1

The petite woman wore silver armor, and her blood was red under her feet. The contrast between silver and red in the sun was extremely strong. When the eyes of Qiao Chu and others touched the familiar but strange face, their bodies began to be uncontrollable. Shake. August 1st???? Chinese W(1)W?W?. 81ZW. COM

"Small... little evil spirits..." Qiao Chu’s lips trembled, his eyes widened, and he stared at the little figure who was stepping into the blood.

In the five years of the year, more than 1,800 days and nights, this figure has never faded from the memory of any of them. When they dream back at midnight, they don’t remember how many times they have seen her in their dreams. After many years of searching, I never thought that today... I can see each other.

It is still the look of the cold, still the thin body, still the strong and unyielding back, everything is exactly the same as their dreams.

The only difference is that the expression on her face is colder.

As Joe Chu was in the ghost market for the first time, when she wanted to see her, there was no cold feeling in the cold, and it was totally different from one person.

"Little evil man... is you right? You are back..." Qiao Chu’s eyes were red, and he couldn’t help but shake, but the voice was so light and light. It’s as if I’m afraid that my voice will scare her, and it will make her disappear from her own eyes again.

The innocent and unmoving standing in the same place, the cold gaze touched the familiar figure, and there was a moment of sluggishness.

She never thought about it, she would see them at this moment.

"Little evil spirits, have you been in these years... Are you okay? We... I miss you..." Joe Chu’s voice trembled, and he couldn’t take care of the flesh and blood under his feet. He stepped toward the innocent Go, look is no longer able to accommodate others.

The innocent and rigid standing in the same place, just looking at the companions who are constantly coming towards themselves.

"I am stupid... You must have been bad, right? Five years... You must have suffered a lot..." Qiao Chu slowly walked to the front of the innocent, obviously a short road However, it seems as if he has been a long time in his life. He stood still in the place where he was in front of the innocent, looking at the familiar face, his eyes flushed, and his eyes were full of eyes that he did not realize.

"Don't be afraid, we are here, let's pick you up, can you go home with us?" Joe Chu's voice shook more clearly. He wanted to reach out and hug his partner who hadn't seen him for a long time, but just lifted it. When he started, he hadn't touched the innocent clothes corner. He suddenly trembled and suppressed the shackles in his chest for many years. He suddenly squatted on the ground and cried out helplessly.

"I'm sorry...sorry...we are useless. We didn't get there in time five years ago, so you have suffered so much. It's all our don't... don't ignore us..." Joe Chu Yu cried on the ground like a child. In five years, they dreamed of the unsuccessful battle in countless dreams. They dreamed of helplessness in desperation and dreamed that she was in the most difficult. When a person rushes to the wound.

In the past five years, their constant cultivation has been the hope that the tragedies that were born will not be staged again. They are searching hard, but when they really find her, they feel that they have no face to face her.

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