The innocent marriage is of great significance to the entire third world. ?? Bayi Chinese network W = W = W ≤. ≤81ZW. COM

The marriage of the two men was finalized after seven days. The preparation time for the seven days made the city inside and outside the city busy.

The people who received the news did not go to prepare for the gift, but poured into the city to help prepare for the marriage. The people in the city began to make the whole city pool automatically. The lively scene dispelled the former repression. It is better.

During the seven days, there was nothing in the innocent, and the marriage was handled by Junyi and Junqing.

Since Junqing became married, Lin Wang has not had such a happy event for many years, and naturally it is all about it.

The two little guys, Yueyue and Xiaoyan, followed the busy schedule, and even the **** velvet flowers were summoned by Junqing. The reason was none of them. Just because the time was too fast, the flowers near the city could not be lived. This has dragged a few plants to sneak out the flowers and make up the city.

After Jun Wuji returned to Lin Wangfu, Jun Qing gave her mother's wedding dress to Jun.

The flaming wedding dress, embroidered with beautiful patterns, is not luxurious, but it is very beautiful. The needles and lines on the top seem to condense the gentleness of the gentle woman to the child. For a long time, I couldn't help but sneak through the delicate embroidered lines above. I wonder if my mother had dreamed of the daughter's wearing when she was doing this wedding dress.

In the past, the time of the ****, the innocent people lived as usual, enjoying this rare leisure, the busy and noisy outside the Lin Wangfu seems to have nothing to do with her, she completely got a few days of rest, no one The harassment, even the no drug has not appeared in these days.

I want to come, maybe it is busy for marriage.

Under the night, Jun is sitting in the courtyard of the courtyard, the moonlight is scattered all over the pool, and the koi in the pool swims quietly.

Early tomorrow morning, it was her big marriage, but until now, the mood of the innocent is extremely calm, just like the only marriage in life has nothing to do with her.

This calm, even the little black cats are all speechless.

However, as far as the innocent temper is concerned, she can think of marriage and it is already a valuable thing.

As for the other...

Still don't ask for so much.

The night winds smashed, with a hint of coolness at night.

A glimpse of the figure appeared quietly in the quiet courtyard, slowly approaching the immortal.

Innocent in the moment was circled into a warm embrace, the familiar atmosphere, let her relax the alert, subconsciously close.

"I miss you." The low voice rang in her ear, telling the pain of Acacia that had not been seen for a few days.

There is no opening in the innocent, and there is no turning back. It’s just that the eyes are drooping and watching the calm pool, I don’t know what to think.

The man behind him did not speak again, just holding her quietly and bathing in the moonlight.

After a long time, the talent once again said: "Tomorrow, you are my wife."

"Yeah." Jun no evil lightly sighed.

The man seemed to be laughing, holding her hand and twitching, revealing the feeling of flying.

"Little evil child is waiting for me, I will come to marry you tomorrow."

"Well, I am waiting." Jun nodded slightly.

The man knocked away and was as silent as he came.

He was in a hurry, but he had never had time to see the faint blush that appeared on the cheeks of Jun.


[No responsibility small theater]

A certain North: I will marry my daughter tomorrow, and my generation is so sad.

No evil: Didn't you marry yourself?

Some North: I was forced!

Sir Alex: Oh?

Some North: Let me cry for a while...

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