Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2458: Big wedding 1

The sun rose, and the faint sunshine sprinkled a little on the earth, dispelling the darkness and plating the city with a layer of gold. August 1st? Wenwang?W?W(1)W?. (8) 8?1 (a) Z?W (eight). COM

Inside and outside the city, the sea is everywhere, stretching.

On both sides of the road, the flowers bloom and fragrant.

The team that came to celebrate was endless, driving into the city from outside the city, all the way to the flowers, everyone's face was filled with joy.

After the war, we welcomed these happy events, which naturally made people happy.

The forces of the various parties came one after another and brought a gift of congratulations. The inside and outside of the city became very lively. The Ruilin Army played the role of a **** today. From the outside of the city, it took two rows along the street. Fang Gang’s soldiers have temporarily removed the light armor and replaced them with a uniform crimson gown. They have lost their murder on weekdays and have a little joy and gentleness.

In the king's palace, a flaming figure sits in front of the dressing table, and the bronze mirror reflects the face of a beautiful city. Rao is a hundred flowers in the city, but it is not as beautiful as the eyes of the beautiful woman.

Suya was dressed in a red dress, standing behind the innocent, looking at the bright and moving, the eyes were full of smiles.

If you don’t use your heart to make up your mind, it’s already a fascinating beauty. Today, she is a little more accustomed to the quiet beauty. Eye-catching.

Even Suya, who is also a woman, sees wearing a wedding dress and a little bit of a powdery innocence, and she can’t help herself.

Her apprentice is really the best spring scene at the end of the day.

Su Ya looked at the innocent, the day of great joy, the innocent but the performance of the extraordinary calm, bathing and changing clothes, makeup and appearance, everything is quiet, no trace of panic, Suya with wooden comb Slowly combing the hair for the innocent.

In Lin Wangfu, there is only a son-in-law who is innocent and innocent. There are no sisters or no mothers. Instead, Suya and Yuelu entered the room with the identity of the innocent master and apprentice, respectively. The moment before this big joy.

"Your master, is she looking good today?" Suya smiled and looked at the moonlight sitting on the side.

The eyes of Yuelu have long been straightforward, and they have asked Suya’s question and only nodded.

"My master is the best under the sun!"

Suya chuckled and her eyes were low. Today she is really happy for her innocence, but her heart is quietly floating with a touch of sorrow.

This flaming wedding dress is destined to be impossible for her life. Since the death of the man, she will not wear such a dress for anyone.

"Master, are you not nervous?" The moon looked at the innocent eyes, and the eyes were full of curiosity.

Jun looked at the moonlight calmly and shook his head.

Is it her mouth, why should she be nervous?

After watching the innocent for a while, the moon was urged to "dress up" for the adults and the blood rabbits.

These two stupid buddies are going to marry with the innocent today, and Suya and Yuelu think about the idea to dress them up.

Two stupid Mengs just washed white yesterday, and now they are sitting on the stool waiting for their tasks.

Jun looked at it all quietly, but the heart was never calm.

This kind of calm is a special enjoyment for her.

The crisp knocking sounded in the room, and the moon was standing up almost in an instant, and his eyes looked nervously.


Scratching the wall ing... It’s hard to write a big idea, and continue to struggle to write...

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