For Long Jiu, their life and death is small, and the safety of the soul tree is big. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W?. ?8?1 (eight) Z?W (a). ?C (eight) O (eight) M?

In the case that the soul tree could not be determined, they did not dare to act rashly.

In desperation, you can only go to the soul prison first.

The soul of the dragon and Jiuyi also wanted to follow, but was advised to go back by Long Jiu. The strength of these souls was not very good. At this time, I said that I would help, and I would not be able to delay my legs. He can only be good. Let the words find a safe place to hide, and dare not let them really follow the past.

The soul prison is located in the corner of the soul world. The area is wide. Everything in the soul world is transformed from the soul tree. Although the soul prison is the place to hold the wrong body, the soul tree still makes the place very elegant. quiet.

After crossing the mountain path and stepping through the meandering stream, in a piece of bamboo forest, Jun No Evil saw the legendary soul prison.

It was a cell made up of bamboo houses. It looked like it from the outside. It was no different from the ordinary bamboo house. I didn’t feel any depression or darkness. Outside the bamboo house, some clothes were unified. The guards are coming back and forth.

"Here is the cell of the soul world?" Jun looked at the elegant and elegant bamboo house, and looked at the dragon nine in a strange look.

To tell the truth, Jun has never been seen in the two generations, and has never seen such a "clear and refined" dungeon.

On the face of a dragon, it is natural to understand the meaning of the innocent words. It can only be whispered: "The soul tree is kind, even for the soul that made the mistake, it is also very tolerant. For the soul tree, we Like its children, it never succumbs to any soul, even if the soul has disrespected it."

The creation of the soul prison is completely different from the dungeon. It is more like giving the souls of the erring souls a decent home. Even if they are locked here, they will not suffer any torture.

The soul tree never punishes any soul, just like a mother, caring for her naughty children, giving the greatest tolerance.

There is no opening in the innocent. Although she has never seen the soul tree, but from the appearance of this soul prison, it is not difficult to see that the soul of the soul tree should be very tolerant and loving, and it believes that all souls are kind. Perhaps it is this wonderful idea of ​​it that makes the soul world become the present.

Of course...

All of this, the innocent is just to think about it, she will not say a word with Long Jiu.

You must know that Long Jiu’s admiration for the soul tree has already become more faithful.

"Do you have a way to let those guards temporarily lose consciousness?" Jun rudely pulled the smack of the drug, and she did not intend to stun the snake before the situation was clear.

Jun has no medicine and laughs: "Nature."

When the voice landed, there were a few ink snakes in the sleeves of the unmedicated medicine. Those ink snakes were extremely small, and they would not be felt by anyone in the grass. The ink snakes hidden in shape were silent. They are directed to those guards.

Those guards who are still unaware of the dangers are still moving around.

Suddenly, there was a slight tingling in their heel, like a mosquito bite, and the tiny one could hardly attract their attention.

But just a few seconds after the pain appeared, the guards who were guarding the souls of the prison, even all the ones that were brushed down, fell to the ground, and they were unconscious!

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