The piano song sits in the corner of the bamboo house, and the light that comes in through the window looks at the companions who are locked in the house. Bayi Chinese W≈W≥W≥. ≈81ZW. COM

In this room, more than 20 souls were shut down, and each of them was buckled with a chain of soul-collecting stones.

The Soulstone is a stone unique to the soul world. It does not seem to differ from ordinary stone. However, when the soul touches it, all the souls will be suppressed and cannot be used.

"Five brothers, do you say that we can... can you go out?" In the bamboo house, a teenager who looks like a 18-year-old boy, pale, curled up his legs, and pressed tightly against the piano song in the corner, a pair of ignorant In the eyes, with fear and uneasiness that cannot be concealed.

He is a soul that has just been born, and it really counts, but the light and shadow of more than ten years is very small in the age of the soul, but when he was born, it was not good. The partiality was when the situation was chaotic. The heart that has not grown up has already been confused by the soul world, and the soul that scares it is not attached.

He and the piano song were arrested in the soul on the same day. Before that, he never even saw the piano song until the person who was locked here, called the piano fifth, the boy was only until the piano song was originally the soul world. Man, and still the powerful soul that he once heard from his predecessors.

Only he did not understand why the piano song was also caught here.

The piano song leaned against the wall made of bamboo and looked up at the sun-drenched window. For a long time, he responded: "I don't know."

He really doesn't know...

After witnessing it all, the piano song has no idea whether the soul world is still saved.

There was silence in the whole room, and all the souls were sitting on the cold ground like a lost soul.

The words of the piano song made the young man tremble slightly, and the subconscious went to the piano song.

"Five brothers, isn't there anyone who will come to save us? So many powerful souls... Don't they come to save us?" The boy's voice was faintly carrying a cry.

Qinqin reached out and stopped the trembling shoulders of the boy, but the words of comfort, but can not say anything.

A powerful soul?

The piano song just wants to laugh.

There are many powerful souls in the soul world, but... more among them are betrayed!

A few of those who have strong powers and have a loyalty to the soul tree, but they are all in common with them. How to save?

For the first time, Qinqin felt the taste of despair.

"Five brothers, I am afraid... will they take us away?" The youngsters trembled even more. After they were locked up in the bamboo house, many souls were taken out before and after, but Since then, they have never seen the souls that were taken away, and they don’t know where the souls were brought.

The juvenile's intuition, vaguely made him feel that it was definitely not the answer he could accept.

The piano song still has no opening. He does not know how to appease this new soul that has just been born. Even his own, for the future of the soul world, can not find any hope.

Who else can save the soul world?

The piano song can not help but smile.

A slight footstep came from outside the bamboo house. The teenager leaning against the piano song subconsciously shrank his neck. He was afraid of such footsteps. Every time it sounded, it meant someone was to be taken out.

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