Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2634: Temporary security 3

The fear that has never been seen in this moment is covered in the heart of every soul. For the first time in their lives, they feel... the soul tree is being shrouded in the shadow of death. August 1st? Chinese? Network? W?W (eight) W?. (8) 8 (eight) 1? Z? W (1). ?COM

Jun No Evil slightly widened his eyes and looked at the soul tree that was dying in front of him.

No wonder... No wonder she would feel that it was so simple to break the soul festival, even if she did not suffer much reflexion.

Just because she is only a medium of the soul tree, the soul tree takes advantage of the seed in her body, and the power that belongs to it is quietly sent into the soul sacrifice, destroying the conspiracy of the upper three circles.

It is not her, but the soul tree that really bears the soul sacrifice!

Jun has no said that the soul tree will not dare to do everything in this world. Jun believes in no evil, and believes that even if the soul world is used, the soul tree will not be shot, but... it still does not hold itself. the rules.

The soul world created by it, the souls that have been nurtured by it, have already let the soul tree consciousness have the emotion that should not exist.

Its shot comes from the reluctance of the soul world.

It is grass, not ruthless.

The yellow leaves have fallen, and the soul tree that once made the king feel amazing is already different.

Withered in front of you, let the innocent sorrows.

Long Jiu and Qin Song seem to have suffered a huge blow. They are not willing to believe that the soul tree is really withering.

In the first time when Qinqin returned to God, he immediately rushed to the front of the unmedicated, and the calm eyes of the past, but now it has been covered by fear.

"Night Master! What is the soul tree?"

The fear that has never existed in the hearts of all the souls, they can not imagine, the moment the soul tree passed away...

The soul tree created the soul world and created them. In their minds, the soul tree is eternal. No matter the time changes, it will always exist in the soul world, but the change of the soul tree in front of it is hard to destroy. They have strengthened their faith in the millennium!

"It is the reversal of the soul sacrifice." Jun no medicine slightly frowned.

The piano song was slightly shocked, and he suddenly kneeled in front of the night prince, "Night Master! Please save the soul tree!"

Jun did not open his mouth, but felt that his sleeve was gently pulled. He turned his head and looked at it. The innocent in his arms was frowning and pulling his sleeves.

"I will go and see..." There is a weak opening in the innocent.

Jun has no medicine to hold the evil spirits to the side of the soul tree. The soul on the side makes the face look like a dead gray. Seeing the figure of the unmedicated figure, they have a pleading in their eyes. They can’t accept the withering of the soul tree. I hope that there is no way to save the soul tree.

Jun has no medicine in accordance with the requirements of the innocent, gently put her under the trunk of the soul tree, no evil, some effort to raise his head, stroking the rough trunk of the soul tree, before the tough bark, but now The scorched earth is as fragile, and it falls to the ground with a touch of light, intertwined with the dead leaves.

I don't know why, when the innocent hand touched the soul tree, it seemed to be able to clearly feel that the weakness of the soul tree at the moment, the original surging power, has disappeared from its soul, leaving only a faint faint The power of the soul still exists in the soul tree, and the weakness is scary.

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