Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 2635: Temporary security 4

The weakened soul of the soul tree is tight, although it has only one side to the soul tree, but at the most critical time of the soul sacrifice, it is still the soul tree to save everything, and the innocent believes that even the whole soul is sacrificed. With the power of the soul tree, it is not difficult to save itself. After all, it is much simpler to destroy the power of the soul sacrifice in turn to protect itself. Bayi Chinese network W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM

Even if the soul is destroyed, as long as the soul tree still exists, it can still recreate another soul world and give birth to more souls.

However, it did not do this. It chose to sacrifice itself, preserve the entire soul world, and preserve the souls who faithfully believe in it.

The souls make their crying, echoing in the ears of the innocent, the innocent heart is unusually calm, this is the choice of the soul tree, for the soul it attaches to make everything, such feelings, Yu Jun It is no stranger to evil. If she changes her, she will make the same choice in order to protect the people she values.


The innocent eyelids hang down slightly, and she does not want the soul tree to really die.

When the souls made grief, a vine hanging on the soul tree suddenly moved, but then the eyes of all the souls suddenly lit up, and the desperate soul seemed to catch a trace. Twilight.

All the souls closed their mouths at this moment, and they dared not let out a little sound. Their eyes were gathered on the vine that was slowly rising.

That vine, eventually fell on the innocent eyebrows.

The voice of the soul tree once again sounded in the mind of the innocent, still so gentle, that is also serene, but the voice is mixed with too much exhaustion and weakness.

"Little guy, thank you."

There is a slight smile in the tired voice of the soul tree.

"Are you going to die?" Jun no evil brow wrinkled, the heart can not tell the suppression.

"Not yet." The slow opening of the soul tree, the simple three words, but let the heart of the innocent hanging in the air fell.

"The power of the soul sacrifice is too great. The ordinary soul can't compete with it. You have more important things to do. You shouldn't consume your life here. This is the soul world I created. Here are my children, I am. I have the obligation to guard them. Help me tell them that I am fine, just consume too much power and need some time to cultivate."

The words of the soul tree let the sinless breath, but then everything that the soul tree said, but let the nerves of the innocent are once again mentioned!

"The upper three worlds will not easily give up the plan of the blood sacrifice of the three realms. If they can't catch the night prince, they can't find the soul bone. They will still shoot the soul world. In order to prevent them from continuing to enter the soul world, I will be in the future. Blocking the whole soul world, blocking the soul world will consume all my strength, I will fall into sleep, little guy, I hope that at the moment I wake up, I will see a brand new upper three worlds, I believe you, too Believe in the night."

Although the soul sacrifice of the Upper Three Realms was destroyed, it can be known that as long as there is still one day in the soul world, the soul sacrifice can be established again. The million souls in the soul world are always the targets of the upper three worlds, and the soul tree has to block the entire soul world. In this way, the invasion of the upper three circles is prevented.

The soul tree of the past never made such tough things, but after experiencing this great disaster, it has already understood that it is impossible for them to watch the souls that they gave birth to be sacrificed. Therefore, it can only guard the "children" of the group in its own way.

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