Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 196 Mathematics is my old profession!

When discussing the division of labor to verify the conjectures in the paper, both Dai Tianqing and Han Hui felt that it would be great if one or two items could be verified to be correct.

Only one or two items of the overall content are correct, which means that most of the basic and simple experiments are incorrect, and even all simple experiments are verified incorrectly.

It is hard to imagine that the results are correct now.

Dai Tianqing said with a wry smile on his face, "We prepared a dozen mice, injected viruses into the blood, and designed the initial test."

"Zhang Wei has done research on myocarditis and has several mice that have been sick for a period of time, which is convenient for verification. However, several verification results from yesterday to today are consistent with the process and conclusion of the paper."

Han Hui nodded and said, "We tested the blood of the sick mice. The proportion and number of immune cells, changes in serum and giant cells are basically consistent with the judgment of the paper."

"There is also an analysis of the development and changes of the virus into the blood and heart. The data are basically the same. Although there is not enough data to support it, it can be said to be correct to a certain extent."

The two looked at each other and continued to smile bitterly.

If the test results are all wrong, it would be easier to accept that guesses are just guesses after all. Most of the errors are normal, and all of them are correct without even thinking about it.

Although it is only a simple experimental verification and cannot explain all the problems, it can at least show that the 'general direction' is OK.

Just like a car driving on the road, cameras at several locations on the road have captured images of the car passing by, but it does not mean that the car has been driving on the road all the time. It may also have stopped in the middle, or gone around in a circle somewhere. Back on the road, however, it always shows that there is no problem in the general direction of the car's driving. As long as there is no problem in the general direction, it will reach the end point normally.

In other words, many of the conjectures in the paper must be correct.

This proportion may be 30%, it may be 50%, even if it is more than 60%, it has become a matter of course.

As experienced biomedical researchers, Dai Tianqing and Han Hui know what the verification results mean.

Many medical-related research institutions have conducted projects on the 'mechanism of viral myocarditis'. The national scientific research gene allocation has exceeded hundreds or tens of millions, just to understand the pathological mechanism. So far, the research results have been very little.

If nothing else happens, research on pathological mechanism projects like this will continue for more than ten years, and a large amount of funding will continue to be invested, with a conservative estimate of more than 20 million.

This is only the national funding for scientific research on genes.

The 'mechanism of viral myocarditis' is a typical disease. The study of the mechanism involves the immune logic of the heart. It can also play a great reference role in the study of heart diseases.

Heart disease has become a deadly killer for twenty-one human beings.

One can imagine how significant the research on the ‘mechanism of viral myocarditis’ is.

Many researchers put their efforts into this project, but Liao Liao's project was rewarded. A rookie who had not yet entered biology relied on observing the experimental process of mice suffering from viral myocarditis, and brainstormed a "reasonable explanation" of medical conjecture.


Just cracked most of the mechanism?

Dai Tianqing and Han Hui both felt that their research was all in vain. They studied hard and did research, but they couldn't keep up with each other's achievements by looking at the experiments and making up their minds.



The two stood in the corridor. After being silent for a long time, they looked at each other and sighed again, with complicated expressions on their faces.

Finally, Han Hui broke the silence, "Geniuses are incomparable. I will continue to do experiments."

"I am coming too."

Dai Tianqing took a deep breath and walked away with complicated emotions.

In fact.

Dai Tianqing and Han Hui had mixed emotions. In fact, they were very excited. People involved in the verification in the two laboratories were also very excited.

Experimental verification, everything is correct!

It means they may usher in a breakthrough!

Although the content is all derived from the hypothesis paper, as the first team to conduct verification, it can also get a little glory. Especially when public opinion is negative, being the first to verify the results can cause a sensation. .

Fame comes second!

Many participants enjoy the moment of success. They hope that every verification is correct, which is equivalent to completely solving the problem of the mechanism of viral myocarditis.

All the verifications done now are very meaningful, and everyone is 100% enthusiastic. Some people simply stay in the laboratory and check the results when they have time, lest they make mistakes that will affect the conclusions.

at the same time.

Public opinion is still abuzz, but the difference is that the popularity of Zhao Yi's paper has gone down, while the popularity of another person has risen -

Deng Shufang!

Deng Shufang really turned on the hype gene. He gave interviews to reporters continuously. At first, he talked about Zhao Yi's paper to discuss the education issues for students. Later, he expressed various views on university education and domestic medical research. With his "dare to tell the truth and humorous" scientific research and education expert persona, he quickly rose to star status, attracted a lot of attention, and won the favor of many people.

Nowadays, when people talk about Yanhua University on the Internet, the name of "famous professor Deng Shufang" seems to come to mind.

"Deng Shufang is the most famous professor at Yanhua University!"

"It is because of Deng Shufang that Yanhua University was rated as a first-class university in the country!"

"Yanhua University has nothing. I used to wonder why Zhao Yi chose Yanhua University. Now I know, they have a super professor Deng Shufang!"

As for what specific research Deng Shufang has done and what specific achievements he has achieved, no one seems to care at all.

At this time, a piece of news came out - "Many of Zhao Yi's conjecture papers are correct."

"Our reporter interviewed Han Hui and Dai Tianqing, a famous institute of biomedical research. Both Han Hui and Dai Tianqing said that their team used experiments to prove Zhao Yi's conjecture about the molecular mechanism of viral myocarditis. A lot of it is correct.”

"Han Hui said, 'The eleven experimental conclusions drawn so far all support the reaction process described in Zhao Yi's paper.'"

"Dai Tianqing believes that Zhao Yi's conjecture is very consistent with the logic of the pathological mechanism. He also said specifically, 'Even if you just read the content of the paper carefully, you will not come to the conclusion that 'it is all nonsense'."

"Han Hui and Dai Tianqing are famous researchers at the Institute of Biomedicine of Yanhua University. They have made very outstanding achievements in the fields of medical pathology and mechanism research..."

This message initially attracted very few people.

When most people saw the news, they thought it was just someone speaking out and expressing support for Zhao Yi. After carefully looking at the content, they discovered that it was a formal interview with a small official media, and the person who accepted it was also in the field of medical research and had a certain influence.

Gradually, the heat came up.

The content in the news was almost the same as announcing the results of the preliminary verification experiment. For a while, many people didn't know how to react.

The preliminary experimental verification of the content of Zhao Yi's paper, are all the results correct?

So Zhao Yi is not just making things up randomly. The conjecture paper he wrote has great value... Is this what you mean?

What does this mean?

Public opinion suddenly became somewhat silent, and many people did not know how to react.

Biomedical Research Institute.

Dai Tianqing's laboratory welcomed two distinguished guests, one was director Yan Xuelin and the other was veteran academician Zheng Yingru.

Yan Xuelin is the director of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences. He also holds academic and political-related positions. He often goes out for academic exchanges and participates in various conferences.

Zheng Yingru is a 71-year-old female academician. She is a heavyweight pillar in the development of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences. However, due to her age, she does not come to the institute most of the time and is almost in a state of retirement.

The two heavyweights arrived to verify Zhao Yi's conjecture paper.

This is important.

If Zhao Yi's medical conjecture papers are all wrong, it is just a small joke in the scientific research process, and it is not a big deal. Many of them are correct, which means that to a certain extent, the role of human immunity in Breakthrough progress has been made in the direction of cardiac allergy.

Yan Xuelin and Zheng Yingru were both very concerned about the progress in this area. When they came to the laboratory for inquiries, they also put forward some opinions on experimental verification.

They all read the paper carefully.

Zheng Yingru spoke very highly of the content of the paper, "From a pathological point of view, there are no loopholes in the paper."

"So, it is normal for the experimental verification to be correct. Zhao Yi is indeed very thoughtful in mechanism research."

Yan Xuelin smiled and said, "I have heard of Zhao Yi a long time ago. Kakutani guessed Zhao Yi, but I didn't expect that he chose the Department of Biology and was interested in medical pathology research."

"After reading his paper, I found that although they are all hypothetical, the pathological logic it explains is really airtight, which is probably related to his rigorous thinking in mathematics."

Next, he explained the principles of experimental verification, "Every experimental verification requires all the data, what kind of experiments have been done, the detailed process of each (experiment), where there is any abnormality, what is normal, all Mark it out.”

"This is a big project, and we have to be serious, serious, and serious."

Yan Xuelin not only gave verbal guidance, but also asked the laboratory to send all the summaries of the designed experiments and check them every day.

Zheng Yingru decided to go to Han Hui's laboratory and directly participate in the experimental verification.

She hasn't been out of the mountains for a long time.

This time she came to work in the research institute out of her interest in the role of human immunity in cardiac pathology. She has been working in the field of cancer and has conducted in-depth research on human immunity.

The director supervised the entire process and academicians participated.

This is what we pay attention to.

Most people in the outside world have not yet reacted, and conspiracy theories have appeared on the Internet, saying that the Biomedical Research Institute came forward to protect Zhao Yi.

In addition, there is also talk of a ‘civil war among professors’ breaking out at Yanhua University.

Deng Shufang is a university professor.

Dai Tianqing and Han Hui were both researchers in the laboratory, with similar levels, except that Deng Shufang also held an administrative position.

But in fact, the news of Dai Tianqing and Han Hui's interviews has been fermented in the field of medical research, and other research institutions with the same direction have also begun to conduct small experiments for verification.


The medical laboratory of the Affiliated Hospital of Capital Medical University published four experimental reports and stated that "no errors in the mechanism paper written by Zhao Yi were found, and more in-depth experiments are needed."

Several research institutions and medical professors have also reached the same conclusion.

Now no one dares to say that the mechanism conjectures made by Zhao Yi are correct. They can only say that "the experiment did not find errors." Whether it is correct and how much is correct requires a large number of experiments to verify.

This is enough.

The release of new news immediately affected the direction of public opinion.

Zhao Yi's paper is indeed a "pathological mechanism conjecture" that is very incomprehensible. All the conjectures are wrong. It can be said to be "nonsense." But is part of it correct?

It makes sense to guess!

It is much easier to use experiments to verify conclusions than to do research. As long as one part is proved correct, it can be said that Zhao Yi has made a great contribution to the research on the "pathological mechanism of viral myocarditis".

Tian Zhenke, an expert from Capital Medical University, stood up and explained the significance of the 'simple experimental results', "When simple experiments cannot prove the error, it means that the general direction is correct. And the general direction is correct, it means that there is A lot of it is correct.”

"This is very meaningful and will make a major breakthrough in the study of human immunity's role in cardiac allergy!"

"Just judging from the current results, we can say that Zhao Yi's paper is very valuable!"

"That is certainly not random speculation, but a reasonable inference and analysis based on what has been observed."

"In fact, this is very common in medical trials."

Tian Zhenke said seriously, "In some medical experiments, the results do not know what problem they reflect, so researchers will make a possibility analysis and then use experiments to verify it."

"Zhao Yi's conjecture paper did a complete set of possibility analysis. It sounds incredible, but if you consider his mathematical level, you should think so. He applied the method of studying mathematics to the study of medicine."

"This is interesting."

Tian Zhenke even made a little joke of his own when he said, "But, I'm sure, I can't learn it."

Then the reporter asked about Deng Shufang, and he said something very interesting, "I think he can make the same comment on Zhao Yi's Kakutani conjecture paper. Maybe the Journal of the Mathematical Society will like this kind of humor?"

That's a joke of course.

"Journal of the Mathematical Society", one of the four top mathematics magazines, will not pay attention to Deng Shufang.

What Tian Zhenke means is that Zhao Yi's mechanism conjecture paper is of great significance, but it has received unwarranted critical comments from professors at the school, which is really ridiculous.

Tian Zhenke is not an important figure, but what he said in the interview aroused widespread heated discussion.

Public opinion finally reacted.

Those who didn't know how to react suddenly felt like they had been deceived by Deng Shufang. At first, they thought that Zhao Yi had written a paper that was 'nonsense', but later they found that the paper was very interesting, but very meaningful. The paper was criticized as useless by Deng Shufang, a professor at the school, which directly guided the development of public opinion.

Deng Shufang...

What the hell is this shit?

Public opinion is very powerful, and the Internet has strengthened this power. Soon Deng Shufang's resume was dug out.

Medical PhD.

Forty years old, rated professor.

Afterwards, he gave up his medical research career and applied for an administrative position. He was one of the editors of the Journal of the School of Life Sciences.

"What, Deng Shufang doesn't do medical research?"

"What? Deng Shufang is engaged in administration?"

"What? He is also one of the editors of the magazine. In other words, he has the right to decide what is published in the magazine?"

This is pure deception!

Public opinion suddenly appeared to question and even abuse Deng Shufang.

Officials also stood up.

Public opinion revolves around Yanhua University. Whether it is Deng Shufang, the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, or Zhao Yi, who is also a freshman at the university and serves as a distinguished researcher in the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory, he is inseparable from Yanhua University. relation.

Yanhua University responded immediately, announcing the dismissal of Deng Shufang from his administrative position, the dismissal of the editorial position of the Journal of the School of Life Sciences, and internal sanctions. It also announced that it would continue to investigate the incident.

In fact, the investigation is just an external statement, and the school will definitely study how to deal with Deng Shufang.

Specific results are generally not made public.

That is not to be lenient to Deng Shufang, but to avoid triggering subsequent public opinion, because punishment can easily cause controversy. It will have an impact if it is severe or light. Even if it is not serious or not, it will still cause controversy, because everyone's heart The judgment criteria are different.

In short, it is best to suppress public opinion.

at this time.

Deng Shufang was really a bit confused. He couldn't figure out why. Public opinion changed in a short period of time. He was denounced everywhere, and many people even directly cursed him.

The reporters who had lined up to interview him basically disappeared. No one was planning to invite him to participate in the program. He was also punished by the school.

The basic saying in school is, "Go home and wait for the results!"

Of course.

Deng Shufang also understood that the reason was that many of the contents of Zhao Yi's conjecture paper had been verified to be correct, but this was what he couldn't accept.

how can that be possible?

A freshman who has not yet entered school, even if he is a math or computer genius, has nothing to do with medical research!

The other party suddenly came up with a detailed paper on pathological mechanisms and claimed that it was a 'process conjecture'. He naturally thought that the paper had no meaning.

How did it end up like this?

at the same time.

Zhao Yi was bored in the dormitory, studying Baders's Fermat conjecture paper. He had been locked in the dormitory for two days, and he asked someone to help bring him food in the middle, and he kept studying without sleep and food.

After more than three hours of continuous struggle, Zhao Yi stopped writing and stretched out. He finally understood what the errors in the "Law of Supervision" feedback about Baders's proof paper were.

He's done too.

The thing on the table is to prove the errors in the "Baels Proof Paper". What he wrote is still a little complicated, but in fact it can be simplified a lot.

Although there is not much content on the scratch paper, it is very important and can be published as a paper.

Of course.

The prerequisite still needs to be sorted out.

Zhao Yi checked the time and decided to go out to eat in the cafeteria. It would be nice to go for a walk on campus. His body became rigid without going out for a long time.

Open the door.

There were several people standing at the door.

Among them were Dai Tianqing, Zhang Wei, Han Hui, Qian Hong, who was obviously the leader standing next to him, and two unfamiliar people. He asked inexplicably, "What are you doing here? Why not?" Knock on the door?”

Several people looked at each other.

Zhang Wei was the first to ask, "Zhao Yi, what have you been doing in the past few days? I heard that you haven't been out for a long time..."

"Researching something?"

"Study what?"

"Mathematics, Fermat's conjecture, I think there is something wrong with Baders' proof, so I will study it." Zhao Yi explained briefly.

"How come you started studying mathematics!"

Dai Tianqing spoke anxiously, "Zhao Yi, you are a genius in biomedicine. You can't give up on yourself! We have verified your thesis and almost all of it is correct. In other words, we all know that you It’s right, Deng Shufang is wrong!”

Han Hui also said anxiously, "Don't give up on yourself. You are a genius in biomedicine. Studying mathematics is not a waste of time! Come on, come with us to the laboratory. Some experiments still need..."


Zhao Yi really couldn't listen anymore and interrupted in a daze, "Teacher Dai, Teacher Han, I haven't started studying biology yet, and I don't know anything about biomedicine. Mathematics is my main field. I still Get ready for the International Congress of Mathematicians in August!”

Dai Tianqing opened his mouth in confusion, turned his head and looked at Han Hui.

Both of them turned red.


Mathematics and computers are Zhao Yi's main fields. Biomedicine is really just getting started, but he can achieve such achievements just after getting started, which makes them all feel that Zhao Yi should focus on biomedicine.

Both of them were a little embarrassed and glanced left and right. Fortunately, there were no math or computer people around. Otherwise, why not start a fight with them?


Qian Hong!

Dai Tianqing turned his head to look at Qian Hong, and immediately pretended not to know him, and used words to cover up his embarrassment, "Zhao Yi, your girlfriend is so beautiful!"

He left immediately after saying that.

Han Hui also followed and nodded, "It is indeed beautiful!"

Several other people also cheered and left.

Qian Hong didn't even have time to explain, so he stood and spoke to the corridor with a smile on his face.

Regardless of whether she is a 'girlfriend' or not, being praised for her beauty is true.

Zhao Yi put his hand on the door frame and said with a smile, "Xiao Honghong, the guests have left, do you want to go do some exercise?"

Qian Hong blushed and said, "What are you talking about! I'm not your girlfriend!"

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Yi was very confused. He locked the door and walked out along the corridor. He said, "I mean go out for a walk. I haven't been out for several days and my body is stiff. Yes, I'll be there soon." Go play basketball!”

He asked Xiang Qian Hong, "Are you going?"

Qian Hong took a deep breath, the blush on his face had not faded, and he said two words angrily -

"No! Go!"

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