Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 197 This is the most lucrative position!

"Women are such a complex species."

Zhao Yi sighed.

For a beautiful woman, whether to flirt or not is a problem.

Flirting, she was angry.

If you don’t flirt, she’ll be even more angry!

"This is the trouble of handsome and unrestrained men!" Zhao Yi thought about the philosophical issues caused by charm while walking.

If you were an extremely ugly man, you would definitely not have similar troubles, because the reaction of women would be 'stay away from me'. Only a good-looking guy like me would have a choice of ' whether to flirt or not' Choice troubles.

After some philosophical thinking, Zhao Yi went to the cafeteria to have a meal in a relaxed and happy mood, and then went to the stadium.

The stadium is a little deserted during the holidays.

The basketball court was only half occupied. There seemed to be a game being played in one venue, and there was a large group of spectators nearby. The atmosphere seemed very lively.

Others are just two or three people.

Zhao Yi patted the ball and walked to the corner, and shot several shots around the basket. Later, he simply stood on the three-point line facing the basket and calculated the movement and angle of the shot using the "Unconscious "Law of Contact"". Throw the ball as you feel.



Smash the box into the net!

Zhao Yi found that his shooting skills were much better than before, but it definitely had nothing to do with his usual practice, but that his control of body strength was much better than before.

For example, the control of angle and strength.

After subconsciously making calculations, he can roughly find the angle and shoot with about the same force. The basketball will naturally enter the net easily. Concentration is also very important. Improving concentration is purely because the brain becomes more loving. Clear.

"This is probably also the effect of increased brain development, right?"

Zhao Yi thought.

When he found an angle and force that allowed the basketball to fit behind the basket into the net and almost bounce back and be caught, he simply stood still and pushed the ball directly toward the basket. The basketball hit the After the basket hits the net, it bounces right back.



many times……

Zhao Yi mechanically shot the ball and then caught the ball, while his brain turned to other places. For several days, he had been thinking about the process of proving Badles' Fermat conjecture. He also found out the key problems and completed an article proving Badels. The content of the paper is wrong.

Is this thing going to be submitted for publication?

Zhao Yi thought carefully about the pros and cons, and decided not to submit the manuscript for the time being. Firstly, the content was not perfect yet, and secondly, the review process was too troublesome. The content of the manuscript was not simple, and it was not as good as Badles' complex conjecture paper, but because it was a proof Baders proved that the process was wrong, and he must first understand what was wrong.


The review after submission will be a troublesome matter, and the time required for publication will be very uncertain.

After making the decision, Zhao Yi took a long breath and stopped shooting. He heard shouts from around him, "Keep going! Zhao Yi!"

"That's awesome! One more!"

"This is the first time I have seen this kind of shooting. Every three-pointer can be made, and the basketball can bounce back accurately..."


Zhao Yi looked around suspiciously, only to find that there were many people standing next to him, and some were holding up their mobile phones to take pictures.

He looked down at the basketball.


It turns out that I was so engrossed in thinking just now that I forgot about the movements of my hands. I shot almost mechanically. Not only did I score three consecutive points while standing still, the basketball bounced back directly...

This performance is too much!

Zhao Yi was very calm, he just waved his hands around, showed a gentle smile, and then left with the basketball in his arms. As for how high his basketball skills are, let them guess!

Maybe better than NBA stars?

A dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way out. Zhao Yi raised his head slightly and saw a man with a square face, short hair, dark skin, and a tower-like appearance. He was conservatively estimated to be over 1.9 meters tall?

Just looking at the other person's appearance, an animal immediately came to mind -


"Hello, Zhao Yi, I am Zhou Jinlai, captain of the school team!" Zhou Jinlai introduced himself solemnly.


Zhao Yi shook hands with him.

Zhou Jinlai said, "I just saw your shooting. It was very good. Have you considered joining the school team after you enter school?"

"School team?"

"Yes, our basketball team!"


Zhao Yi opened his mouth in disbelief. He had received many invitations, but this was his first invitation to the basketball team. No. 13 Middle School also had a basketball team, and the physical education teacher in charge always ignored his performance.

You're not even in college yet, and you're being spotted by the captain of the college basketball team?


Gold shines wherever it goes!

Zhao Yi opened his mouth, continued to look at Zhou Jinlai, and suddenly asked, "By the way, orangutan...Senior Zhou, do you have a sister?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Your sister...?"

"Do you know my sister?" Zhou Jinlai was full of doubts. After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone, pulled out a photo inside, and showed it to Zhao Yi, "You know me? My sister's name is Zhou..."

Zhao Yi listened patiently and nodded, and finally said, "Sorry, I probably admitted my mistake. I have no interest in playing basketball. I just came here to exercise."

After politely speaking, he hugged the basketball and left. He felt a sense of satisfaction in completing the scientific verification and felt that the trip was worthwhile.


The cartoons are all lies!

How could Takenori Akagi have a sister as cute as Haruko Akagi?

This proves the validity of genetics.

So in reality, Haruko is definitely not Takenori Akagi's biological sister, at least not the same father and mother.

If they are half-mother...

It is said that the cheating rate of RB women has always been high, which may have something to do with it! ?

The conjecture paper on the "pathogenesis of myocarditis" and its experimentally verified effects are still being fermented.

The Institute of Biological Sciences initially announced simple experiments. After verifying the correctness of the conjecture process and conclusions, the impact was actually not very great. For the study of medical mechanisms, it is difficult for some simple experiments to explain many problems.

In the next few days, the institute continued to release news that the experimental verification was correct. The verification was not big news, because it is difficult to explain the problem with multiple experiments. In the field of medical research, if you want to verify the entire process, you need to design a huge The 'experimental group' also takes a long time, and most important experiments require that all the viruses in the mouse myocardium have disappeared before they can be designed and tested.

Therefore, short-term experimental conclusions are of little significance.

But one thing is striking. There is no verification error in the completed experimental conclusions.

This is so surprising!

Judging according to normal logic, the process of 'conjecture on the mechanism of myocarditis' is based on reasonable thinking and judgment based on the logic of disease mechanism, but there are too many things in the whole article, and there will definitely be some mistakes and inaccuracies. , the error will definitely be verified by the initial experiments.


Not a single mistake?

Is it the Institute of Biomedical Research that publishes false news, or is it true that experimental verification is true?

This has even sparked discussion in the field of medical research.

Other medical research institutions originally just waited and watched the matter. After seeing the news released by the Institute of Biomedical Research, they all became interested in the content of the paper and began to design experiments to verify it.

They have nothing to do with Zhao Yi, and there is no benefit in conducting verification, so they will definitely not invest a lot of resources. However, if there are laboratories with similar research, they can rely on existing resources to carry out some experimental designs.

A week has passed.

Some verification institutions came forward and published experimental verification results, which almost unanimously supported the conjectured description of the pathogenesis of myocarditis.

At this time, medical research institutions began to issue some arguments, "Maybe Zhao Yi's mechanism conjectures are correct."

"This is too scary!"


"But so far, all the conclusions support his point of view, and it also means that subsequent experiments will support most of the results. We are not sure that it is completely correct, but what is certain is that most of them are correct..."

This conclusion feels incredible.

Just like the initial feelings of Dai Tianqing and Han Hui, it is difficult for people doing medical research to believe that they can unveil the mystery of a very difficult mechanism project by thinking about a "reasonably designed inference", and what they are doing is Most of the work done only makes a little progress on the project, and most of the time there is no progress at all.

Now the other party has completed the significant 'pathogenesis of myocarditis' project with just a conjecture based on brain thinking?

This is unacceptable...

When many medical researchers were doubting themselves, veteran academician Zheng Yingru stood up. She publicly accepted an interview with reporters and talked about the issue of experimental verification and also talked about medical research.

"Many people in the field of medical research now have a feeling that medical research, especially in the field of pathological mechanisms, relies heavily on luck. Maybe you suddenly discover something, and the research will make progress. If you are not lucky, you will not discover it for a long time. , there is no progress.”

"this is not right!"

"In my opinion, scientific research in the medical field is no different from other fields. It does not rely on hard work or luck, but on a solid foundation, seriousness in doing things, and talent, all of which are indispensable."

"From the perspective of normal pathological mechanism research work, the 'medical mechanism conjecture' is like a child who doesn't even know how to walk and suddenly runs away. It doesn't make sense at all. It relies on the brain to perfect the mechanism. Instead of conducting experiments step by step to draw conclusions, it is difficult to understand.”

"However, we cannot deny that there are some geniuses in the world who may be able to run away directly or simply fly."

"We can find from the conjecture paper that it is not just imagination, but is supported by observed experiments."

"It's like running on the road. There are only a few barriers on the road. Most people will lose their way, but some people can make sure they are on the right path based on the position and direction of the barriers."

"It's very clear from the metaphor just now. Some people still can't draw clear conclusions after looking at clear experimental results, while some people just look at simple experiments and some reasonable ideas can appear in their minds. Summarized together, perhaps a complete set of pathological inferences can be completed.”

"So I think that talent is also very important for scientific research in the medical field and the study of pathological mechanisms..."

The summary of Zheng Yingru's meaning is that most people who do medical scientific research are ordinary people without any medical research talent. They can only complete scientific research and experimental projects by accumulating experiments one after another.

Zhao Yi is one of those top-notch geniuses who can draw reasonable conclusions based on simple experiments.

Most people don't dare to say similar things, but when many people think about it, they feel like "ordinary people".

Although everyone can be said to be ordinary people, it seems that they are still looked down upon if they are directly called "ordinary".

Zheng Yingru is not afraid of offending people with her words. She is already an academician and has reached the point where she cannot be promoted. She is also over seventy.

What are you afraid of at this age?

Zheng Yingru's interview process made the news, and because of her strong influence in the medical academic field, she was also featured on the news channel of Capital Television.

Many medical researchers finally felt a little relieved after hearing Zheng Yingru's words.

"All right!"

"I'm not a genius, but neither are some people, and Zhao Yi is a genius, so why should I compare with him?"

"The same goes for mathematics and computer fields. I guess many mathematics professors will be so depressed that they vomit blood when they hear that high school students have solved the Kakutani conjecture..."



After more than ten days, the experimental verification of the Biomedical Research Institute has reached the most critical and frequent moment.

Some experimental designs are better, but some are very troublesome, and I don't even know what to do. The introduction in the paper is no longer enough.

Dai Tianqing and Han Hui both wanted Zhao Yi to come and explain the detailed mechanism ideas so that the experimenters could know more detailed content so that they could design more reasonable and efficient experiments.

At this time the embarrassment appeared.

Zhao Yi has not been to the Institute of Biomedical Sciences since he submitted his conjecture paper to the journal. When there were a lot of doubts from the outside world, he didn't seem to care and just stayed in the dormitory studying mathematics.

Now everyone knows that Zhao Yi is studying mathematics. It is not clear what he is studying specifically, but it seems not good to disturb him.

Mainly there is no reason.


The 'Myocarditis Mechanism Conjecture' is a paper published by Zhao Yi, but now it is beneficial to the Biomedical Research Institute to verify the process. They initially resisted Deng Shufang's behavior and wanted to help Zhao Yi verify one or two items. Later it became a big project of 'verification process'.

The director supervises and academicians participate.

Under such circumstances, it would make no sense to interrupt Zhao Yi's mathematical research and ask him to come to the institute to give explanations.

Of course.

From the perspective of personal friendship, it doesn't matter if you invite him, but the experimental verification will take a long time, and it will take more than once or twice. It is equivalent to asking Zhao Yi to do the work for the research institute, and the matter needs to be carefully considered.

at the same time.

Zhao Yi was indeed immersed in the study of mathematics. He found out the contradictions in the logic of Baders' proof. He originally thought that the research was over. When he went back to sort out the manuscript, he saw the 'three-dimensional tremor waveform diagram' and suddenly discovered something. question.

"Laws of Supervision" has new reminders on the detection of three-dimensional tremor waveforms.

"Is there something wrong with the conclusion? Or is it incomplete? Or is the conclusion wrong?" Zhao Yi was a little confused, but he was certain that the new reminder was related to the 'new conditions', which was the problem with Baders' thesis. research process.

In the process, he learned a lot about curve functions, modular equations and other knowledge. When discussing with Professor He, he also learned about a complex mathematical method.

The improvement of knowledge coverage will definitely improve some conditions, and we can rely on the conditions to get more results from the "Law of Supervision", "Law of Causality" or "Law of Contact".

"What problems can there be with the wave diagram?" Zhao Yi was a little confused. The 'three-dimensional tremor wave diagram' was a function that he spent a lot of effort to create. It can replace the role of the Riemann function. For him, mathematical research and even It can be said to be very important for future mathematical applications.

Since there is a problem, it must be investigated.

Zhao Yi felt a little strange. The 'three-dimensional tremor wave diagram' was something he created out of thin air. It could be said that he created it, but because it was based on the 'Riemann Hypothesis', he did not have a full understanding of the function.

Therefore, mathematics is really profound and profound!

When Zhao Yi was immersed in the ocean of mathematics, the Institute of Biomedical Sciences finally came up with a plan for Zhao Yi to help verify. At the critical moment, director Yan Xuelin stepped forward and directly applied for financial support from the national fund.

Yan Xuelin said 1.2 million as soon as he opened his mouth. His reason was also very good. Research on the pathological mechanism of myocarditis is very important. Tens of millions of dollars may be spent in the future, but it may not be possible to thoroughly study it. Zhao Yi is very familiar with the mechanism. The conjecture of the process has confirmed that it can solve a big problem, and the cost of more than one million yuan is not much.

Of this part of the funding, 600,000 yuan was given to Zhao Yi alone. He reported that Zhao Yi was an 'intern' at the institute, and the rest was for laboratory funding.

The verification fund of 600,000 yuan may sound like a lot, but in fact it is really not much. The verification process of the "experimental group" requires a lot of personnel, time, materials, and various high-end equipment.

The combined monthly salary and benefits of several researchers must exceed 100,000 yuan. Add in associate researchers, assistant researchers, and subsidies for graduate students and doctoral students, and a lot of money will be spent on personnel.

Six hundred thousand, just enough to cover the cost price.

Of course.

Biomedical research institutes are definitely willing to spend money for verification. The greatest value to them is the process of experimental verification. The success of each small stage, experimental data and inferences are enough to write a pretty good paper.

In any case, having scientific research subsidies is better than not having any.

Other medical-related research institutions can also conduct similar verification projects, but their main problem is that without the participation of the person involved, Zhao Yi, they cannot obtain the details of the mechanism conjecture, and many subsequent experimental verifications cannot be carried out.

Therefore, Zhao Yi is very important.

After being bored in the dormitory for several days, Zhao Yi finally decided to come out and relax. He found that going to school was really good, because he had to go to school during the day and did research in the evening. Suddenly he didn't have to go to school, and he had more time. This resulted in him re-evolving into a workaholic.


Zhao Yi suddenly came to his senses, "It can't be like this. It's wrong to work overtime and it's wrong to do research continuously. Otherwise, it will be the same as before?"

"Want an easy life, an easy life..."

He quickly shook his head vigorously to eliminate thoughts about research from his mind.

Zhang Wei came over and said hello from a distance, "Zhao Yi!"

"Sister Zhang Wei!"

Zhang Wei had a hearty smile on her face, "I have good news for you. Our director has applied for a project fund of 600,000 yuan for you, and it has been approved."

"Six hundred thousand?"

Zhao Yi was a little confused and didn't understand why he just talked about money.

"Your hypothesis paper on the pathogenesis of myocarditis is worth 600,000 yuan. No, Academician Zheng said, it is worth 6 million yuan!"


Zhao Yi opened his mouth in confusion. After digesting it for a while, he realized that a paper describing the mechanism of myocarditis could apply for 600,000 yuan in funding?

Or did you apply after publication?

If it were a mechanism research project that was actively applied for, wouldn't it be possible to apply for millions of dollars in funding? By then, how many days will it take to complete?

This... money has a bright future!

Zhao Yi felt a little resistant to the position of 'Special Researcher of the Intelligence and Automation Laboratory', a job with a monthly income of only 20,000 yuan...

He’s just a wage earner!

Or is a job as a researcher at a biomedical research institute more suitable for you?

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