Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 671 Inspiration is very important, and so is luck!

When making domestic decisions about the latest technology, Zhao Yi is always asked for his opinion, because Zhao Yi is the person who knows the most about technology. At the same time, his personal influence has also radiated around the world, making him the most influential scientist.

However, Zhao Yi has no interest in decision-making. The most important thing is that Z-wave related research and development involves confidentiality issues. He will definitely not be able to make decisions personally. He can only put forward his own opinions for reference.

He first pointed out that the study of Z-wave coverage area is very meaningful.

Now he has analyzed what happened in the Z-wave coverage area and the underlying physical properties based on the experimental results, but it is impossible for him to analyze them all.

When space compression occurs, how does the surrounding space operate, what is the reaction of the whole, and the changes in the internal physical mechanism? Every problem is very complicated, and there are many things that can be studied. As long as you have the patience to do the research, you will definitely There will be many new discoveries.

This is also the reason why many foreign institutions and foreign scientists hope to participate in physical research related to the Z-wave coverage area.

The current domestic Z-wave generating equipment is still based on Zhao Yi's original design.

Z-wave generation technology is said to be mature. In fact, it is only relatively proficient in its application. But perhaps Z-wave generation technology can be used in many aspects. Because the relevant technology is not well understood, the scope of application is greatly reduced. .

Application, not analysis or research.

Now for Z-wave technology in China, it is like accidentally discovering the method of making explosives, and they have been making explosives continuously, using the explosive characteristics of explosives to apply them in various fields. The application is indeed very skilled, but what is lacking is the understanding of explosives. Dig deeper.

Why can explosives be made according to the formula?

Why do dynamite explode?


This involves a lot of scientific content and requires very careful and in-depth study.

If you just apply it, you will definitely miss a lot of things. .

The same is true for Z-wave technology. In-depth research is what must be done in the future.

When many foreign institutions came to discuss and join in studying the physical characteristics of the Z-wave coverage area, the country felt very excited.

This is mainly due to the lack of top theoretical physicists in the country, and the physical issues related to the Z-wave coverage area are more complex than particle collisions and require a large number of top physicists to participate in research.

Although China has been encouraging the cultivation of theoretical talents in physics and mathematics in recent years, the training effect is not very good because the time is still short. In addition, not everyone can become a top mathematician or physicist by working hard. Talent is very much needed in the fields of mathematics and theoretical physics.

Some people are good at solving problems and can quickly answer any difficult questions. They can be said to be geniuses, but when they really participate in mathematical physics research, their work efficiency is very low.

Therefore, it is very difficult to cultivate theoretical geniuses, and a large talent base is required before some top talents can emerge.

For many years in the past, China has focused on engineering education, such as information technology, machinery, materials and other majors. It is easier for graduates to find jobs. If you want to find a job in science majors such as mathematics and physics, you may have to change careers.

The utilitarian nature of university education is also an obstacle to the cultivation of scientific talents.


But no matter how excellent the training environment is, it is impossible to train a large number of top theoretical physicists in a short period of time. High-end research on the physical properties of the Z-wave coverage area is like particle collision research, which requires thousands of, Tens of thousands of top talents need to bring together talents from all over the world to make new discoveries possible.

The advantage of China now is that it does not need to spend a lot of money to build Z-wave generating devices to attract talents. The trouble is that attracting talents is very easy. The key lies in the confidentiality of Z-wave technology, and there is no absolute guarantee. ensure.

This is left to the senior management to make decisions.

After several years of development, China has completed space deployment, has dominant air superiority, and completed global space surveillance, and has taken an absolute advantage in the competition.

In such a situation of competitive advantage, high-end decision-makers have different considerations.

If we can lead a scientific research project that attracts the participation of top talents from around the world, we can attract a large number of talents into the country, greatly increase our future potential, and continue to increase our influence. At the same time, it will bring impact in many aspects such as technology, strategy, and cooperation.


The many benefits are an important reason why decision-makers are hesitant.

These have nothing to do with Zhao Yi.

He is not putting forward his own opinions on technology. As for issues such as strategy and confidentiality, professional talents are needed to think about it.


The land shuttle experiment of the spacecraft ended, and the whole world witnessed the magical shuttle, which gave the project more attention and higher support.

The core part can complete the land shuttle, which means that there are no technical obstacles in the future of the project, and it can proceed smoothly and be assembled into a large spacecraft step by step.

What is certain is that the follow-up progress of the spacecraft will be rapid.

Zhao Yi will continue to participate in the project, but because most of the follow-up work is other supporting branches and a series of tests, there is not much work that is actually handed over to him, and there is no need to continue to stay in Space City.

He went back.

The first stop back was the capital, where he had to go to the Medical Science Center.

After arriving at the laboratory, Zhao Yi met Zhu Qi and asked about the progress of related research and development.

Zhu Qi turned on the computer and showed a results report, "We have discovered two enzymes and two proteins related to the synthesis of coenzymes."

"This is type I coenzyme, and this is type II. The two coenzymes have a direct effect on anti-aging."

"This is certainly a world-class discovery."

Zhu Qi said enthusiastically, "Last month, the Pennsylvania State University laboratory disclosed their research results and discovered the effects of nicotinamide mononucleotide."

"In their study, they explained why exchange transfusion therapy works. They also said that in the future, exchange transfusion therapy will not be needed. Only the injection of a single chemical element, nicotinamide mononucleotide, can have an effect."

"At the same time, they also disclosed experimental data, showing that it is indeed effective."


Zhu Qi said with a smile, "Based on our conclusion, a single nicotinamide mononucleotide is obviously not effective."

"If several enzymes and proteins work together, the best results can be guaranteed. However, one of the enzymes and proteins only has a number for the time being and cannot be produced in large quantities."

He shook his head regretfully, "Otherwise, I really want to experiment on myself!"

Zhu Qi spoke out the inner thoughts of several ‘old men’ in the laboratory.

When they completed the relevant research and came to a conclusion, they were determined to really try the effect. Injecting themselves with relevant enzymes and proteins might make their bodies younger within a certain period of time.

Everyone would like to be younger, especially after the age of 50, when physical fitness will decline rapidly and age-related diseases will quickly strike.

Zhao Yi could understand, he said with a smile, "If you agree to cooperate with the experiment, it is not impossible. Anyway, relevant research must find volunteers, and there should not be too many sequelae."


Zhu Qi said cheerfully. He was very sure that there would be no serious side effects, so he felt that it was feasible to experiment on himself.

Zhao Yi shook his head again as he spoke, "But I think these proteins and enzymes are effective in anti-aging, but the effect is very short-lived, and they should have no effect on extending life."

"The human body is very complex. Long-term use of blood transfusion therapy is difficult to extend life, and it will also cause serious side effects."

"If you really want to significantly extend your life, I think it's only possible from a genetic perspective."

Zhu Qi nodded after listening.

Of course he knows that it is almost impossible to 'extend life'. Even long-term injection of anti-aging proteins and enzymes may cause a chain reaction in the body. For example, if the body detects that similar proteins and enzymes are sufficient, the normal secretory function will be affected.

When the continuous injection of relevant proteins and enzymes is stopped, the normal secretion function is weakened, which may cause the body to age rapidly.

The function of the human body's normal secretion of several proteins and enzymes is weakened, and may cause other chain reactions, which may cause some secretory and immune diseases, directly endangering the health of the body.


Of course, no matter how severe the side effects are, temporary anti-aging effects are indeed very attractive.

After Zhao Yi and Zhu Qi chatted for a while, they went directly to the newly established genetic laboratory.

The establishment of the genetic laboratory was funded by Zhao Yi Laboratory, but because it required a large area, it was not established within Zhao Yi Laboratory, but was allocated to the old building of the original Biomedical Research Institute.

Zhao Yi went to the genetic laboratory and met the newly hired female expert Zhang Ning.

Zhang Ning is not yet forty years old and is already an internationally renowned genetic expert. She graduated from Shuimu University and received a doctorate abroad. She studied under the famous biological science expert Shi Jingwen, and Shi Jingwen also returned to work in China.

Zhang Ning has led the team to conduct many top gene-related studies and has also won top international awards.

The main reason why the laboratory can invite Zhang Ning is that the research and development funds are very abundant.

When Zhang Ning was invited, she proposed that there must be sufficient R\u0026D funding support. In addition, the laboratory also promised to support Zhang Ning's personal research and help her apply for the academician title.


These are all Zhang Ning needs.

It is very difficult to invite top international genetic talents, because every top genetic talent is the target of competition by international institutions.

Fortunately, the word "Zhao Yi" is a big name, and being able to work in Zhao Yi's laboratory is very attractive.

After Zhang Ning came to work in the genetic laboratory, he put forward requirements for several high-tech equipment, which together amounted to more than 10 million yuan.

Zhao Yi was in Space City at the time, and when he heard the news, he immediately decided to support it, because equipment is very critical for gene-related research, and Zhang Ning's requests were all reasonable.

Biomedical research institutes lack experience in gene-related research, so they naturally have to follow the guidance of professionals as to what kind of equipment to purchase and what kind of environment to create.

Zhao Yi came to the genetic laboratory and shook hands cordially after seeing Zhang Ning.

This is not only polite, but also shows respect for top genetic experts.

Zhang Ning also showed a rare smile, "Hello, Academician Zhao! I have always wanted to see you since I came here, and now I finally see you."

"How do you feel?" Zhao Yi asked teasingly.

"So young and handsome!" Zhang Ning also joked with a smile.


The two joked for a while, and Zhao Yi asked about whether he had adapted to the environment, what his needs were, and what plans he had for personal research.

Zhang Ning simply said that she was very satisfied with the working environment. The most important thing was that the laboratory provided enough funds to purchase equipment and support her research.

This was an important reason why she decided to work here.

Then Zhang Ning suddenly mentioned that her teacher would come over tomorrow to take a look.

"Mr. Shi Jingwen?"

"Yes." Zhang Ning said, "Professor Shi happened to be coming to the capital. He heard that I was coming here, so he planned to come and take a look."

"That's great. You must introduce me to him."

Zhao Yi said with interest.

Shi Jingwen was very punctual. He arrived at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at ten o'clock.

Zhao Yi only waited for more than ten minutes.

Shi Jingwen was mentally prepared for Zhao Yi. Zhang Ning had obviously told him about it. At the same time, Shi Jingwen was also very interested in Zhao Yi, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was "admired" or "respected".

"Your laboratory has developed a lot of high-end things!"

Shi Jingwen praised, "Everyone knows that you are a top mathematician and physicist who leads human research and development and explores the high technology of the universe. But in the field of biomedicine, I think your achievements are also very amazing."

"This is a very strange thing. I think it is quite remarkable for everyone to reach the top level in the world in one field."

He shook his head as he spoke, feeling that compared to Zhao Yi's achievements, he was far behind.

Although he is the world's top biomedical expert and has made many international achievements, especially in the direction of apoptosis and membrane proteins, which have been recognized by the international medical community, even in the direction of biomedicine, It is incomparable to Zhao Yi's results.

Zhao Yi came up with the most famous Tianqing protein in the prevention and treatment of AIDS.

In the treatment of cancer, universal immunotherapy has been developed, allowing a large number of cancer patients to receive high-end treatment plans, saving a large number of people in a few years.

Zhao Yi's contribution in the medical field has reached its peak, and his achievements are enough to win the most influential Nobel Prize in Medicine. However, for him, the relevant awards no longer have meaning. He also issued a statement that no Will no longer accept any awards of a scientific research and development nature.

Faced with Shi Jingwen's continuous praise, Zhao Yi said, "Not talking about the results of biomedical research, at least in terms of genetic research, compared with Professor Zhang Ning, I am like a beginner."

"Both I and others in the laboratory are very immature in this regard."

"So we need to establish a genetic laboratory and we need talents like Professor Zhang Ning. I believe that in the future, under the leadership of Professor Zhang Ning, our genetic laboratory will be able to produce top results and contribute to the development of human medicine. .”

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he also praised Shi Jingwen's achievements.

Then Shi Jingwen suddenly asked, "Academician Zhao, actually I have a question that I can't figure out. Why can your research produce so many results?"

"I'm referring to biochemical research and drug research, such as Tianqing protein."

"Based on my experience, the research on this new type of protein, even if it goes smoothly, will take a long, long time. If you encounter problems during the research and development process, how did you solve them? Can you tell me in detail? ?”

This is something that Shi Jingwen cannot figure out, and it is also something that many top medical researchers cannot figure out.

Zhao Yi was silent for a moment and said hesitantly, "It should be inspiration and luck, right?"

"Whenever I encounter a problem, I make a choice directly. At this time, inspiration is rarely important, and luck is also important."

"If I were to sum it up, it would be this-"

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