Near Northland Bank.

Originally, Dadalia was cautiously preparing to escape after noticing Ningguang and the others.

But after seeing all the fun people in the chat group speaking, black people suddenly had question marks on their faces.

What does it mean that even if the sky falls, Dadalia must pay?

What does it mean that everyone’s consumption today is paid for by me, Dadalia?

Do you really think he was taken advantage of?

If you can barely accept these, then you really can’t bear it when you see what happens next.


“Are dragon-carved and phoenix-shaped chopsticks a wedding gift?”

“Does it represent a perfect match, a perfect couple, and an early birth of a child? ?”

He originally thought that Mr. Zhongli thought this pair of chopsticks looked good, so he gave it to him.

But you told me that it meant this?

Plus, he paid for it himself!

That’s simply the most obvious example of being taken advantage of!

Dada Leah’s whole body was numb.

At this time, there seemed to be tens of thousands of horses running in his heart…

Immediately, he wanted to complain to the group.

Then he asked Mr. Zhongli what the situation was.

But suddenly, He suddenly found that everyone around him was looking at him in surprise.


“What I just said was too loud!”

At this time, Dadalia reacted instantly.

Thinking that Ningguang and the others were nearby, his heart suddenly”thumped”.

Subconsciously, he turned his head stiffly and looked over. As expected


Ningguang, Keqing, and Gan Yu, Yelan and others also looked over at this time.

Apparently they were attracted by the exclamation just now.

In full view of the public, the two sides looked at each other.

Well, I confirmed the look, it’s the person I’m looking for!



Sensing something was wrong in the other person’s eyes, Dadalia secretly thought something was wrong.

Without much hesitation, he just dodged away and rushed towards the outside of Liyue Port as quickly as possible.

“he is the one!”


Ning Guang gave the order directly!

Good boy, if I had taken one more step later, I would have let you escape! As soon as the words fell, Ke Qing, Gan Yu, Ye Lan and others rushed forward.

But she and several secretaries did not Rush forward.

Because they still have a mission to go to the North Country Bank!

Suddenly, such a scene appeared in Liyue Port.

Yuheng Xing Keqing, Seven Star Secretary Gan Yu, Ye Lan, and some people were chasing a Young people.

The people of Liyue Port were shocked.

However, Keqing and others did not say anything, nor did they call for help from the Liyue people.

They were worried that this might cause the other party to harm the people.

But in fact, they were overly worried..

Dadalia has no idea about this at all.

As it is now, even if he doesn’t escape, he will be imprisoned by Liyue for a while at most.

After all, he has not caused trouble yet, nor has he released Osel.

Her Majesty the Queen will come to save him. His.

But if he takes action and hurts the people of Liyue, it will be a serious matter!

So the best situation is to run as long as possible.

Seeing Dadalia running more and more vigorously, Keqing began to ask for help in the chat group

【Ke Qing: I, Gan Yu, and Ye Lan are now chasing the Fools’ Executive Officer Dadalia.】

【Ke Qing: But this person’s escape skills are quite good, and it’s hard to keep up. I hope you can help. ]

Seeing this, everyone in the chat group was not too surprised.

They knew something like this would happen after the light curtain broke the news before.

Originally I was still guessing when these two groups of people would meet.

It seems the time is now!

For a time, capable people in Liyue Port, such as Xiang Ling, Yan Fei, Beidou, etc., were eager to try.

And just when they were about to speak, one person spoke up!

【Mandrill: Address!】

【Gan Yu: Currently in the north of Liyue Port, we are about to leave Liyue Port!】

【Mandrill: I’ll come right away!】

【Dadalia:? ? ?】

【Dadalia: What the hell? Invite an immortal? You don’t bring this kind of thing, do you?】

【Dadalia: Zhongli, Mr. Zhongli, I didn’t do anything bad! For the sake of my wallet, let me go back to Solstice!】

【Rich man: Northland Bank has always had only one owner, and that is Her Majesty the Queen!】

【Rich Man: So Dadalia is definitely not a wallet! It’s okay to arrest him, but please don’t make a mistake!】

【Ningguang: We don’t know what wallet it is, we just want to see if there is anything wrong with the Fools and Beiguo Bank.】

【Ningguang: I hope you will cooperate well! (smile.jpg)】

【Rich people:……】

【Zhongli: Dadalia, cough, it’s rare to come to Liyue, why go back so early? Spend more time in Liyue and have fun!】


Stay longer and have fun?

I’m afraid you’re not playing in prison, right?

Thank you for my sincerity in treating you. I didn’t expect you to be such a Mr. Zhongli!

For a moment, Dadalia felt a little resentful.

But it’s too late to think too much, because the immortal is coming!

Thinking of this, he no longer had the intention to watch the chat group and started running wildly.

After all, we still have to give it a try~

Looking at this scene, everyone in the chat group was also filled with emotion.

If only Seven Stars were to attack, Dadalia would still have a chance to escape.

But now~ the immortal takes action!

There is definitely no chance!

Let’s see how long this game of cat, claw and mouse can last~

At this time, there was movement in the light curtain again.

Seeing this, everyone temporarily put aside the topic and quickly looked over

… villa

“Dadalia is going to be arrested?”

Luo Chen raised his brows slightly when he saw the barrage in the chat group.

Well, actually this is to be expected.

But compared to being blocked by Liyue in the future, it should be much better~ he shook his head. Without thinking too much, he continued to speak.

“I just mentioned two wallets, Walnut and Dadalia.”

“But sometimes the wallet is gone and doesn’t work.”

“Under such circumstances, there is nothing Morax can do”

“So after eating at Wanmintang, I ran away���Got it!”

“This attracted an angry rebuke from Xiang Ling!”

“Now let us appreciate Xiangling’s eloquence!”

As he said that, Luo Chen controlled the mouse and started playing a new video.

【Xiangling angrily scolded Zhongli for not paying for meals.】

Backstage at Manmin Hall.

Xiangling is frying vegetables.

After seeing this content in the light screen, everyone was dumbfounded.

She… angrily scolded Zhongli, the emperor?

Good guy!

Where does this courage come from?

At this time, Master Mao hurried in from outside.

When I saw Xiangling, I became nervous.

“My daughter, it is already our honor for the emperor to come to dinner.”

“It’s okay if you don’t pay me”

“You must not be angry!”

Xiang Ling:”……”

“Dad, I still haven’t figured out the situation yet.”

“Let’s talk after watching the video!”

Xiang Ling said helplessly.

Master Mao felt the same after hearing this.

So the father and daughter and Guo Ba beside them all looked over.

In the light curtain.

Soon there was movement.

The picture is the way news is.

Host Gan Yu is on the left side of the screen.

Behind you and to the right is a huge screen.

On the screen was Zhongli’s image.

At the bottom of the screen is the conspicuous text”Liyue News”

【Xiangling: Geneva, pay back the money!!!】

【Zhongli’s refusal to pay for food has become the biggest obstacle to Liyue’s development!】

【Affected by Zhongli’s refusal to pay for meals, the stock price of Shengshengtang fell to the limit, the capital chain of Liyue’s catering industry was about to break, and Zhongli’s appetite became a mystery! 】

At this time, Gan Yu spoke

“Zhongli refusing to feed Mo La has become the biggest topic in Liyue these two days.”

“Xiang Ling said bluntly, Zhongli is afraid that he will blame me for not giving him face when he eats like this!”

After saying that, the screen turned and came to Xiangling’s interview screen.

“Tell me, Zhongli, how many dishes have you eaten in one meal? Have you given it to Maura?”

“Zhongli also had a reason to say it!”

At this time, the scene changed to Zhongli’s side.

“Who am I, Zhongli?”

“I am the ancestor of your father…!”

“What did I eat?”

“It’s a seat!”

“Can I give Mora food to eat at my own table?”

“Can’t give it!”

“Do you know that there is no such tradition?”

At this point, the screen once again cuts back to the scene of Xiangling being interviewed.

“Zhongli said this, then there is no other choice but to find Hutao!”

“But Hutao said that she could only use the set meals in her store to pay off the debt!”

“But what kind of store does Hutao open?”

“It’s a hall of rebirth!”

“What kind of set meal is yours?”

“They are all packages from the underworld!”

“If you tell me to die, even the death of my family tree won’t be enough for Zhongli to pay off his debt!”

“But Hutao also has a reason.”

“I’ll build the tomb first, and you can just go in and die one by one!”

“Now that Wuwangpo has been repaired, if you go down further, you will be buried in Qingce Village!”

“Then there are Qingyunding, Guiliyuan, and Wangshu Inn……”

“Now there is no place for burial, so we can be buried directly in the castle tower.”

“I have never been in a relationship, and I don’t have a partner, but my granddaughter’s grave has been repaired.……”

“Everyone is numb~”(cjde) (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I advise Zhongli that it is best to understand the concept of paying for food first!”

“Otherwise, if this continues, I will find a pot to burn him!”

As he said that, the scene came to the scene where Guo Ba and Zhong Li met.

“It’s you, an old friend after a long absence.”

Zhongli smiled and said hello.

But what greeted him was,

“Geneva, pay me back!”

Then, the scene of Xiangling being interviewed came again.

“The rice cooker was so angry that he could talk directly!”

“Everyone is numb!”

At this time, Zhong Li came behind Xiang Ling.

With the idea of “solve the enemy if you can’t solve the problem”, he directly came with a”Heavenly Movement”!

In an instant, Xiang Ling was petrified.

Now the problem is solved! []

And it was solved from the root cause!

Then Zhongli left in a swagger. Gan Yu looked at it and made a [tears.expression].

At this point, the video ends

After watching this video, the expressions of people in the chat group became a little subtle.

They have now seen a lot of inappropriate review videos.

There are all kinds of abstract and outrageous ones!

So is this one right now!

But it is rare and well-founded and logical!

Among them, the words of Xiangling, Zhongli, and Hutao were unexpectedly reasonable!


Backstage at Manmin Hall.

At this time, Xiangling was stunned and everyone was dumbfounded.

There was only one thought in her mind right now.

It’s over~

I really rebuked the emperor!

Even Guo Ba started talking about it and said,”Geneva, refund the money!”

Although she didn’t quite understand it, she thought it was definitely not a good thing!

I don’t know how the emperor will react?

Although this is not a serious review!

But he still denounced it angrily!

Could it really be like what happened at the end of the video, where she would be given a direct blow from heaven?

On the side, Master Mao, who originally looked worried, became quiet at this time.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

Noticing this situation, Xiangling quickly looked over

“Dad, what are you thinking about?”

“I’m thinking about what you said in the light curtain!”

“You said there that you have never been in love and have no partner, but your granddaughter’s tomb has been repaired.”

“I see that your tone seems a little sad and angry when you say these words.”

“In this case, how about finding a partner later?”

“This way, if the tomb is repaired in the future, it can be used!”

Master Mao rubbed his hands and said with a somewhat expectant look.

I can only say that he is worthy of being a parent!

In such a video, such information can be captured accurately!


At this time, she had a black question mark on her face. no!

Gan Yu, the Seven Star Secretary, is over 3,000 years old and is still single!

She is now a teenager and will be forced to get married?

And the purpose of urging the marriage is to use that tomb? ?

For a moment, Xiang Ling felt numb all over.

But she knew that it was useless to reason with her parents about this kind of thing.

So I can only change the topic

“Dad, is this the point now?”

“It’s the emperor, it’s the emperor!”

“In the inappropriate comment just now, I angrily scolded the Emperor���!”

Upon hearing this, Master Mao was stunned for a moment.

Then he reacted suddenly. right!

It seems so!

Suddenly, his whole body became panicked.

Walking back and forth in the room

“It’s over, it’s over, it’s over now”

“I don’t know if the emperor will be angry after seeing it.”

“If he was angry, who would Xiangling have to talk to?”

“There was no time to even repair the tombstone!”

Xiang Ling”……”

She rolled her eyes cutely.

Then he ignored his speechless father and looked directly at the chat group

Hall of Rebirth


“Pay off the debt with the Shengshengtang package?”

Hu Tao’s eyes couldn’t help but light up after reading the content in the light screen.

What a great idea!

Isn’t this just like making a business in disguise?

Although the price may be lower when the debt is paid off.

But it’s okay!

Just treat it as such. It’s on sale!

Anyway, she often has discounts on weekdays!

“Well, I’ll use it on Ke Qing from now on!”

“If he is unwilling to consume because of this,”

“That’s just right!”

“Going to the Rebirth Hall will save you a lot of bills!”

“If he is willing, he can pay off the debt with the Gossip Hall package!”

“There is a business in disguise!”

“If you use it well, you can also customize different packages for different stores!”

“Kill two birds with one stone!”

“Hee hee, this hall leader is really a genius!”

The more Hu Tao thought about it, the more excited she became. Finally, she ran directly in front of Zhong Li and spoke out her thoughts excitedly.

After listening, Wendy and Tevarin looked at each other.

Good guy!

Can you draw inferences like this?

You are worthy of it. It’s you, Hall Master Hu!

And Zhongli… he was already a little overwhelmed when he saw the content in the light curtain.

The way of breaking up sentences of death!

The picture of making gestures in front of his own tombstone!

Why are you eating your own meal? What else ? An old friend said”Geneva, pay back the money!””

And in the end, they couldn’t solve the problem, so they solved the enemy’s”all things moving in the sky”!

Zhongli’s mouth twitched slightly when he saw it.

From being afraid of seafood at the beginning, to the public execution of actors, to now without Mora, it has become more and more… Outrageous!

His ominous premonition has indeed come true!

But it’s not over yet!

There’s no telling what outrageous and inappropriate comments will appear in the future!

After experiencing it personally, Zhongli finally realized the horror of it.

He suddenly felt tired.

He was about to take a sip of wine to relax.

But after hearing the Hall Master’s thoughts, he felt numb all over.

He wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn’t know how to speak.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally helpless way

“Hall Master, you are really a genius!”

“But the premise is that you can convince those merchants”

“Otherwise, I’m afraid there will be a situation like that in the light curtain, where the entire family tree is gone and it’s not enough to pay the debt.”

In response, Hutao patted Hungry with a confident look on his face.


“This hall leader repairs the tomb first!”

“Just wait until they all go in!”

“If there are more, they can give them away, how nice!”

“Or you can also switch to the after-sales service of Shengshengtang!”

“One-year replacement guarantee and three-year repair guarantee!”

“Thousand-year-old shop, no one can bully anyone!”

After hearing this, the two gods and one dragon opened their eyes wide.

Finally, they all gave a thumbs up.


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