The old man was very happy.

But Rome was not built in a day, and a frozen heart cannot be melted in a moment.

Cole just felt unprecedented kindness, and her road to redemption has just begun.

Lin Yuan also felt the difference in the depths of Cole's eyes. He and Ying smiled at each other, and then looked at Amber with praise.

Although Amber's ability is not the most outstanding in the Knights of Favonius, and her strength is not the strongest, she is the only one who can save Cole.

"Let me taste this snack!" Amber came to Cole, picked up a toothpick and put a piece of fried meat into her mouth.

"It tastes okay, Cole, try it!" Then she fed Cole another piece.

"Hmm~" Kelai had a piece of barbecue stuffed into her mouth, just like the carrot balls were stuffed into her mouth before.

However, this time, she found that she was not so opposed to this behavior...

Paimon solemnly hung the third-class medal on his chest and said happily: "Let's go, let's play other games."

"Okay!" Amber pulled Kelai's wrist and said to the others: "Follow me, I will take you to experience the badminton festival blessed by the wind god today!"

Then, under the leadership of Amber, Lin Yuan, Ying, Paimon and Kelai played games such as ring tossing, wreath making, and wine glass balancing.

Among them, Lin Yuan won the first place in the ring tossing game, Ying won the first place in the wreath making game, and Amber won the first place in the wine glass balancing game.

Everyone played for a whole day. In addition to food and games, everyone also experienced poetry performances, wine tasting banquets, badminton making and other unique badminton festival projects.

As time went by, the sun hung on the edge of the western sky, and the thousands of rays of light burned the clouds into a fiery red, and the entire sky was dyed with a layer of sunset fruit color.

However, the badminton festival did not lose its audience with the arrival of night, because at night there was the most important program of the badminton festival: the circus performance.

The circus here does not have performances like animals, but a grand banquet that integrates magic, ventriloquism, acrobatics, dance, music and other performances.

When Amber led everyone to the circus performance place, it was already surrounded by the crowd.

Under the night sky, Mondstadt lit up the lanterns, the breeze was warm, and the summer evening breeze was so comfortable.

"Wow! Circus performance! This is my first time to see it!" Paimon flew around, looking excited.

"Paimon, make way in front!" Lin Yuan protected Ying and squeezed forward with Amber and Cole little by little, and finally squeezed to the front.

At this time, the stage was preparing for the next magic show: the great transformation of living people.

"Kaia?" Suddenly Lin Yuan found a figure with dark blue hair in the front row of the audience.

Kaia heard the noise and turned to look over: "Yo! It's you, you're here to watch the circus performance."

"Of course," Amber didn't give Kaia face at all, and snorted coldly: "Why are you here to slack off instead of doing your duty?"

Kaia laughed: "Didn't you play all day?"

"You! You followed me?" Amber was exposed by Kaia and had nothing to say: "Hmph! Hateful Kaia, I won't tell you."

Kaia still had a frivolous smile: "I'm not following you, I'm just protecting the safety of Mondstadt."

Then he looked at Cole beside Amber: "This little guy might bring something unusual to this badminton festival."

Lin Yuan frowned slightly. He was not dissatisfied with Kaia's words, but as soon as Kaia finished speaking, he felt an evil gaze staring at him.

He looked in the direction of his gaze and saw a guy with blue hair and a mask in the crowd waving at him.

[Doctor]! How could he appear here! Lin Yuan was slightly surprised, but there was no change on the surface.

However, tomorrow is the day of negotiation, and it is not surprising that [Doctor] appears in Mondstadt in advance. After all, on the surface, everyone has not torn their faces, and he can completely regard himself as an official diplomat of the Winter Country.

As for whether [Doctor] will cause sabotage... If it is a small move, the Knights should be there, and if it is a big move, only the singing will come out.

Just like at this moment, Kaiya obviously noticed the existence of [Doctor], or in other words, he came here to follow [Doctor].

Kaiya said before that Cole would bring something unusual to the badminton festival, and it was obvious that he was referring to [Doctor].

But only Lin Yuan understood his implication at the scene

The attention of others was attracted by the performance on the stage.

The magic props were already prepared on the stage: a wooden magic box.

The so-called big change of life is to randomly invite a live guest to enter the magic box, use magic to make the person disappear first, and then change the person back.

Lin Yuan also knew the tricks behind this kind of magic, which was nothing more than a hidden layer in the box, or similar means, so it did not arouse his interest for the time being.

However, he would not be so EQ that he would expose the inside story of the performance in public. After all, magic is not magic. Everyone knows that it is done through some tricks. The main thing is to have fun.

The host on the stage first briefly introduced the content of the magic to the audience, and then said: "So! Who will be so lucky to be the first-hand experiencer of this magic?"

Under the host's words, everyone's breathing became tight, and they all wanted to be the lucky one.

"So..." The spotlight of the circus swung with the host's fingers: "It's you! The kid with green hair!"

The spotlight hit Cole with a snap.

"Ah! Me, me, me!" Cole didn't expect that he would be chosen, and he was so panicked that he couldn't say a word.

"Great! Cole, you are so lucky!" Amber jumped up happily: "Okay, don't hesitate, go up quickly, this is a rare opportunity!"

Cole finally took a breath and was ready to refuse sternly, but Amber had already pushed her onto the stage.

Looking at the dense crowd below, Cole felt a panic that was out of her control.

Before she could react, she was pushed into the magic box by Amber.

With a snap, the magic box closed the door like a dark cage, trapping Cole inside.

In an instant, the dark and narrow environment was like a nightmare, biting Cole madly. Her painful memories, unbearable past, those memories of being injected with drugs, being punched and kicked, and tortured by illness flooded her like a tide.

She curled up involuntarily, and then tried to break free. She knocked on the wooden board frantically: "Let me out! Let me out..."

But unfortunately, she had been moved to the bottom of the stage at this time. The noisy environment prevented the staff carrying the box from hearing the movement inside.

Then the staff locked the box in the magic box and carried it to the side of the stage.

At the end of the magic show, all the audience will see a living person coming out of this box...

However, no one noticed that a burst of black and purple smoke suddenly filled the box that held Kelai, eroding Kelai's few sanities bit by bit until she was completely drowned by the painful and desperate past.

Then with a snap, a dagger fell from the top of the box. Kelai fumbled with both hands to hold the dagger, as if holding the last hope...

Just after Kelai entered the magic box, [Doctor], with a cruel smile on his face, slowly squeezed through the crowd and walked between Lin Yuan and Kaia.

"The famous second seat of the Fatui, the Doctor, is actually interested in the circus?" Kaia narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked with a hint of questioning in his tone.

The Doctor stood between the two, looking at the performance on the stage leisurely, with a wicked smile on his lips:

"Of course, ordinary magic is very boring, so in order to make the circus performance at the end of the Mond Badminton Festival worthy of its name, I personally prepared a magic for you. I hope you will not be disappointed."

Lin Yuan pondered the words of the riddler, the Doctor, but Kaia's face changed directly because he heard the words "personally" said by the Doctor.

What does this mean? It means that the Doctor has caused damage somewhere, and he has not found anything so far!

He didn't even know what the Doctor's purpose and means were. If anything happened to the badminton festival, then...

Kaeya said coldly: "Doctor! What did you do? Do you want Mondstadt and Winter Solstice to go to war?"

The Doctor shook his head gently: "Kaeya, the cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius? You are too impatient, far inferior to Mr. Lin Yuan, the honorary knight."

"Look at him, he remained calm when the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain collapsed in front of him. Only such a person is qualified to be my opponent."

Faced with the Doctor's praise and trampling, Lin Yuan did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation: "Doctor, do you dare?"

"Hmm?" Hearing Lin Yuan's brainless words, the Doctor was stunned: "What do you mean I dare?"

"Do you dare to cause large-scale casualties in Mondstadt?"

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Kaeya, Ying, and Paimon's faces changed, but they did not interrupt

, now is the time for Lin Yuan and [Doctor] to confront each other, they will not make things worse at will.

[Doctor]'s face changed for a while, as if he wanted to say he dared, but he really didn't dare. Feeling that his momentum was instantly weakened, he smiled coldly: "What if you dare? What if you don't dare?"

Lin Yuan looked at him: "You don't dare to cause large-scale casualties in Mond, am I right?"

Then, without waiting for [Doctor] to speak, he said again: "Of course, this is not because you are kind, but because you can't beat the wind god Barbatos, am I right?"

[Doctor] took a deep breath: "The power of the gods is naturally beyond our reach."

Lin Yuan nodded: "So the magic you prepared by yourself is on the stage, right."

[Doctor]'s face did not change, but he did not speak, just snorted coldly.

Lin Yuan stared at the [Doctor]'s pupils: "Then it's on Cole, let me imagine... um... what could it be?"

"Will it be to induce her inner demons to relapse and lose control of her mind, completely destroying the finale of this badminton festival?"

"Or let her die in the small magic box, bringing unnecessary infamy to the badminton festival?"


Lin Yuan stared at the [Doctor]'s pupils and said one by one.

He was guessing, he was betting, the [Doctor] had to make a move, so he had to quickly infer where the [Doctor] made a move and what he did specifically.

Based on the evidence he had just obtained during the conversation, Lin Yuan was likely to be sure that the doctor made a move at the magic show on the stage, and it was likely on Cole.

First, Cole was not from Mond, and even if the [Doctor] killed her, it would not seriously damage the relationship between the two countries, and it could also disgust Mond.

Second, even if Cole was not killed, but only induced to go crazy, it could also disrupt the normal progress of the Mond Badminton Festival.

Third, criminals often like to return to the crime scene after committing a crime to admire their "masterpieces". As an abnormal person, [Doctor] must have such a habit.

"Humph! Too much talk," Hearing Lin Yuan's analysis, [Doctor] snorted coldly: "Anyway, the good show is about to begin, you won't be disappointed."

Lin Yuan has roughly understood that [Doctor]'s trick is on Cole, but he is not clear about the specific operation method and purpose. After all, he is not a god who can read minds.

The most reliable way at present is to let Kaia lead the Knights of Favonius to stop the magic show on the stage, but...

Just then, Lin Yuan's fingers were suddenly entangled by a wisp of green breeze. He twisted his fingers lightly and stroked the breeze.

Then he turned his head and smiled softly, "Okay, I hope your magic will not disappoint us."

"As you wish!" [Doctor] snorted coldly.

Kaiya wanted to say something else, but seeing Lin Yuan's calmness, he took a deep breath and calmed down.

In short, it's right to listen to the Honor Knight.

Ying was protected in Lin Yuan's arms, feeling his strong aura and confidence, and no longer worried at all, watching the magic show on the stage attentively.

Paimon was more concerned and had long been attracted by the performance on the stage. In her opinion, Lin Yuan would support her if the sky fell, so she didn't need to worry about anything.

As for Amber, after she pushed Cole into the magic box, the host kept her on the stage, saying that she needed her help in the final unveiling, so she never came down.

On the stage.

The host took out a bunch of long and sharp swords: "Ahem! Everyone, then next, I will insert these swords into the magic box, hoping not to accidentally hurt the children inside."

Seeing the host insert the long swords into the magic box 360 degrees without dead ends, the audience in the audience took a breath of cold air.

The host was very satisfied with the audience's reaction and nodded, saying, "Hahaha, the greatest magic is about to be unveiled. Has the kid in the magic box been pierced by the sword?"

Then, under the gaze of the audience, the host slowly opened the door of the magic box, and saw that there was nothing inside except the sharp sword blade.



"One more!"

Seeing this scene, the audience's originally hanging hearts were instantly put down. The ups and downs of emotions stimulated their dopamine crazily, and the audience was completely ignited by the magic show.

"Ah! I was scared to death. I thought Cole would be pierced by the sword," Paimon patted his chest with lingering fear.

Amber on the stage was also sweating, but when she saw that there was no Cole in the magic box, she also shouted excitedly like the audience.

The host opened his arms and waited until the audience gradually vented their excitement: "Then

So, where did the kid go?"

The audience, including Paimon and Amber, were also confused, and their emotions were aroused by the host.

If we only look at it from the perspective of magic performance, this performance is obviously very successful.

The host walked to Amber: "Then, let this girl reveal the final answer to us!"

Then the host gave Amber a key: "Can you find your friend?"

Amber nodded happily: "Just leave it to me! "

Then, under the host's slow guidance, Amber found a locked box at the edge of the stage.

Looking at the key in her hand, she found it just matched the key. Under the attention of everyone, Amber jumped towards the box, squatted down and inserted the key into the keyhole.

[Doctor] saw this scene and showed a cruel smile.

Kaiya and Ying were sweating.

Lin Yuan's fingers stroking Qingfeng also exerted a little force, staring at Amber on the stage in silence.


In the box, the horror of death completely submerged Cole like the sea water, and her mind flashed through the despair and pain she had experienced like a slide show Bitter past.

She clenched the sharp dagger and stared at the gap in front of her. As long as the bad guy outside opened the cage, she would not hesitate to stab the dagger in her hand into the man's heart.

Hot sweat dripped down from her cold forehead and dripped onto the wooden board. Cole's pupils shrank to the size of mung beans. The veins in her hands clenched the dagger.

As long as the cage was opened, she would not hesitate at all. The dagger in her hand would definitely stab into the bad guy's heart...


"La la la la la ~" Amber hummed a little song, twisted the key in her hand, and then suddenly opened the box: "Hey! You are here! I found you! "

However, something strange happened. From everyone's perspective, the girl in red just opened the box, and what she saw was not the grand finale of the magic, but a dagger stuck in her heart...

Everyone stood there in a daze, and the entire venue was silent.

Kaia's pupils shook violently, and he looked at the scene on the stage in disbelief...

The same was true for Ying and Paimon. They couldn't believe what was happening...

[Doctor] no longer concealed the smile on his lips, and smiled evilly:

"Look! Look! What an interesting scene! The scout knight of the Knights of Favonius who tried to save others was pierced through the heart by the person he wanted to save! Hahaha..."

Lin Yuan clenched his five fingers in an instant, and the breeze wrapped around his fingers was squeezed and banged...

On the stage.

Cole's pupils trembled violently, and she breathed heavily. She didn't dare to think about who was in front of her. Her mind was blank and she couldn't think about anything, but her hands holding the dagger began to tremble...

Amber was pushed and pushed by Cole's dagger. She looked at Cole, and her eyes were full of joy when she opened the box...

So, Amber was pierced through the heart by the dagger?

The great Lord Barbatos, the best bard in Mondstadt: Wendy, he took a pot of dandelion wine, and took advantage of the audience's stunned time to easily walk to Lin Yuan's side.

He patted Lin Yuan's shoulder and whispered in his ear: "Don't stand there stupidly, remember to applaud my magic."

"Cole? You look hot? "Amber stood up and rubbed her chest. She was a little hurt by Cole's spring dagger.

As she stood up, the spring dagger slammed and sprayed many dandelions, covering the two of them and flying on the stage.

The audience suddenly burst into applause like a tsunami: "Wonderful! So wonderful! Perfect coordination! Excellent acting!"

"Me! I..." Kelai looked at Amber who was unharmed at a loss. She didn't know what to say or what to do. She just felt very lucky.

It's like one day you did something wrong. When you were confused and at a loss, someone suddenly told you: Child, it's okay. It was just a dream.

When you wake up and find that the incident never happened, the relief, joy, and happiness that comes from the bottom of your heart will quickly fill every corner of your body.

That's how Kelai felt at this moment. She suddenly laughed, laughed recklessly, laughed without scruples, laughed and cried, she hugged Amber suddenly, cried heartbreakingly, cried hysterically...

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