The old man was very happy, but the old man was very sad.

As the saying goes, some people are happy while others are sad, and the smile will not disappear, but will only shift.

[Doctor]'s mouth corners could no longer be raised. He looked at the spring dagger that sprayed dandelions and stood there blankly.

"How could it be! How could it be! I put a real dagger!"

Kaia was relieved to see that Amber was fine. He couldn't imagine what he should do after Amber was pierced through the heart, and how he should face the people of the Knights. The best thing in life is nothing more than a false alarm.

Kaia gasped for breath. He felt his legs were a little weak, and the strength of his whole body seemed to be drained, and his muscles were sore and weak.

Ying and Paimon did the same, patting their chests and calming down.

Although Lin Yuan's expression was as calm as the moon in an ancient well from beginning to end, in fact, only he knew that his heart was really on a roller coaster.

Lin Yuan, who was relieved, punched the frivolous guy who leaned on his shoulder and exhaled alcohol: "You have done something practical."

"Hey!" Wendy poured the last drop of dandelion wine into her mouth, her cheeks flushed, and said: "After all, the Badminton Festival is a festival blessed by the God of Wind."

"If you want to thank, you should thank the guy Barbatos, the God of Wind. I have a suggestion for you: buy a few bottles of good wine and offer them to the statue of the God of Wind!"

Lin Yuan shook his head, speechless, this guy, can he be more serious!

Then Lin Yuan looked at [Doctor] and said with a smile: "Thanks to you for preparing such a wonderful magic show for us, otherwise tonight would be a bit boring."

Although the main credit tonight belongs to Wendy, he will probably pretend to be a drunk bard in front of [Doctor].

Then he can only do the face-saving work. Although there is a suspicion of pulling the tiger's skin and waving the flag, it is also his ability to pull the flag of the wind god.

Do you [Doctor] have the ability to pull the flag of the ice god? It's not that you are not allowed to pull it.

Hearing Lin Yuan's sarcastic words, the corners of [Doctor]'s mouth twitched uncontrollably: "Humph! You're welcome!"

Then he just walked away.

He never recognized that the drunk guy next to Lin Yuan was the wind god Barbatos from the beginning to the end. After all, [Madam] didn't describe Barbatos' current appearance to him.

Moreover, if the Wind God wants to disguise himself, it is impossible for others to see through his identity except for a very few people in this world.

"Thanks to you tonight," Kaeya expressed his gratitude to several people, especially Wendy, when he saw [Doctor] leave.

"I will continue to monitor that guy [Doctor]. See you later," Kaeya left here in a hurry.

"Wendy, you are drunk again!" Paimon put her hands on her waist. She didn't know that she had just experienced a thrilling game. She just thought it was the design of the magic show itself.

"How can we not drink at such an important celebration as the Badminton Festival?" Okay, three of you, you continue to play, I'm going to continue to look for wine.

Wendy shook the empty wine pot in her hand, burped with a full smell of wine, and walked towards the wine stall in the distance.

"This guy is really addicted to alcohol," Paimon shook his head, then turned to look at the stage: "It's worthy of being the finale of the badminton festival, it's really wonderful!"

"Don't tell me, when Cole stabbed the switchblade into Amber's chest at the beginning, I thought it was real, but I was scared."

Ying is smarter than Paimon, and naturally knows the thrilling twists and turns here, and slowly said: "Whether it is true or not, anyway, this is indeed the best ending."

Lin Yuan looked at Cole who was crying while holding Amber on the stage, smiling but not saying anything.

"Okay, Cole, why are you crying like this? You don't think that dagger is real! Haha!" Amber hugged Cole and patted her back gently to comfort her.

Cole cried for a long time, as if she was venting the grievances that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time. Until the end, she buried her head in Amber's chest and sobbed softly.

The performance on the stage was over, and Amber comforted Cole while taking her off the stage.

"I'm sorry, I can't play with you guys anymore. Cole isn't in good condition. I'll take her home to rest," Amber said to Lin Yuan, Ying and Paimong while holding Cole.

"Yes, Amber, you go," Ying nodded.

Lin Yuan and Paimong also nodded.

After Amber took Cole away, the three watched the circus's performances for a while, and then played games such as slingshots and balloon blowing. Finally, Meimei

After having a midnight snack, they went back to rest in the night.

After opening the door and entering the room, Ying and Paimon washed up and went back to the bedroom to rest. Especially Ying, who hadn't woken up in the morning, and after a day of tossing and turning, she couldn't stand it anymore.

Lin Yuan didn't turn on the light, poured himself a glass of wine, sat on the sofa shrouded in the night, thinking about what happened during the magic show before.

His judgment was correct. The plan of [Doctor] should be to use the closed space and other things to stimulate Cole and make her lose control of her emotions.

Then he left a dagger in the wooden box and let Cole pierce Amber's heart the moment Amber opened the wooden box.

In this way, the real murderer of the Black Fire case who was treated and sheltered by the Knights of Favonius finally killed the scout knight Amber who had been trying to redeem her.

[Doctor] completely chose himself out, and also led the Knights of Favonius to have malice towards Cole, and at the same time made the Knights of Favonius busy because of this matter, which was beneficial to his own negotiations tomorrow.

However, the Doctor had not expected that the sharp dagger would be replaced by a switchblade filled with dandelions by the Wind God.

After thinking clearly about the cause and effect, Lin Yuan drank the last sip of wine, and then went downstairs to add a meal for Wuyun and Jinyu.

As the saying goes, a horse cannot grow fat without night grass. If you want a horse to run, you have to feed it with grass.

After feeding the horse, the moon was already above the treetops, and you could still hear the laughter from the main street faintly, but Lin Yuan couldn't stand it anymore. He yawned and went back to his bedroom and fell asleep.


The next day.

"Get up! Get up! The sun is shining on your butt!"

Little Paimon, like an alarm clock, chirped and knocked on Lin Yuan's bedroom door.

Lin Yuan rubbed his sleepy eyes and glanced at the drawn curtains: "Paimon, you are talking nonsense, where is the sun?"

"Oh! Stupid! It's just a metaphor!" Paimon shook his head and pulled Lin Yuan up from the bed.

Then he flew back to the bedroom and pulled Ying up from the bed.

Fortunately, little Paimon slept soundly last night and didn't torment Ying, so she had a good sleep.

"Hurry up! Wash up quickly, and then finish negotiating with the bad guy [Doctor], so that we can go to the badminton festival," Paimon urged the two again.

Lin Yuan nodded. This was a serious matter and it really couldn't be delayed.

After washing up quickly and feeding Wuyun Jinyu, the three walked towards the Favonius Knights building.

Entering the building, Lin Yuan pushed open the door of the office of Captain Qin.

Walking in, there were only Qin and Lisa in the office.

"It's you! Come and sit down!" Qin saw the three people coming in and got up to pour three cups of coffee.

"Captain Qin, when will the negotiations start?" Lin Yuan took a sip of the coffee, which was mellow and fragrant.

Qin slapped her forehead when she heard this: "I forgot to tell you that [Doctor] unilaterally canceled the negotiations."

"Cancelled!?" Ying and Paimon were surprised.

Lisa smiled warmly and said: "Yes, maybe the little cuties stopped his conspiracy last night and made him feel ashamed."

Although Paimon didn't know what conspiracy he stopped last night, he smiled and nodded when he heard Lisa praising him:

"Hehe! Of course, my little genius knight is the most powerful! [Doctor] is definitely afraid of my reputation and dare not come!"

Paimon was not satisfied after he finished speaking, and he punched a set of military boxing in the air: "Hehe ha hehe!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone was amused by Paimon's silly look, and the whole office was full of laughter, and the air was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Oh! What are you laughing at?" Paimon scratched his head.

"Ahem!" Qin forced herself to stop laughing, as if she realized that her behavior was inappropriate:

"Anyway, [Doctor] submitted a letter to the Knights early this morning, meaning that he had something to do and had returned to Winter Solstice. The Black Fire case was just an accident and bygones were off."

Lin Yuan sneered twice: "He even forgave bygones..."

All diplomatic results were the result of countless secret bargaining between the two sides. [Doctor] lost the bargaining at Chengxi Winery from the beginning, and then the secret plan at Snow Mountain was exposed, and the few fire debt handlers and Cangjing Lady under his command were killed. Last night, he lost the plan that was so perfect.

After four waves in a row, he had lost all his cards, so naturally he had no confidence to negotiate.

As for the so-called something to do, it was just a lie made up to save face.

In the diplomacy between the two countries, whether or not they actually gained an advantage, the surface momentum must not be lost, just like [Doctor] said bygones at the end of the letter.

Those who don't know the truth may think that the Fatui showed mercy and spared the Knights of Favonius.


In fact, the Doctor almost lost all his pants, so he rolled out of Mondstadt in disgrace.

"Recent events are really thanks to the three little cuties!" Lisa's voice was numb:

"From the purification of the Temple of the Guardian of the West Wind at the beginning, to the later resolution of the dragon disaster, and now to the retreat of the Doctor," Lisa shook her head: "Oh, I really can't imagine how things would develop without the three little cuties."

"Yes, if there were no three of you, Mondstadt would definitely be in a situation of internal and external troubles now," Qin also sighed: "Internal troubles are dragon disasters, and external troubles are fools."

"In short, Mondstadt can be in the current situation, and the three of you can be said to have helped "I swear in the name of the acting leader of the Knights of Favonius that the merits of the three will be engraved on the eternal stone tablet by the sword, and enjoy the thousands of offerings together with Lord Barbatos, the God of Wind, and Senior Vanessa!" "Uh..." Lin Yuan didn't expect that Captain Qin actually had such an idea: "It doesn't have to be like this." "No! Lin Yuan, it must be like this! Mondstadt is the kingdom of wind, and the wind will smooth out everything in the world. Only by engraving the words on the stone can future generations remember this forever," Qin said very solemnly. "Only if future generations do not forget their roots, always remember the dedication and achievements of the previous life, and always reflect on themselves, will Mondstadt prosper forever!" "Engrave the words on the stone..." Lin Yuan murmured. Since Captain Qin insisted on doing so, he would naturally not refuse. But I didn't expect that at such a young age, I would have to enjoy the incense offerings of Mondstadt with that guy Barbatos. "By the way, have you three thought of the title of honorary knight?" Qin suddenly asked when mentioning this.

Paimon said excitedly: "Hehe! I have already thought of mine, I will call it Little Genius Knight!"

"What about you two?" Qin nodded and looked at Lin Yuan and Ying.

"As for me..." Lin Yuan pondered for a moment. He was most annoyed by naming. For example, the most uncomfortable time when playing games in his previous life was the moment when he just created an account.

Because no matter what name you enter, the screen will only show:

This nickname is already taken!

This nickname is already taken!

This nickname is already taken!


After thinking for a long time, Lin Yuan pondered: "I can come here, it should be the best arrangement of fate, so I will call myself Destiny."

In fact, he has other choices. For example, he has read a novel in which the protagonist gave himself a name as soon as he went up: Yuanshi Tianzun...

Qin nodded: "Destiny... is a good name."

"Then I'll call myself Zhonghai, which means: We will meet again in that sea of ​​flowers," Ying thought for a while and said firmly.

"Okay! The three knights' titles will be forever engraved on the stone tablet of Mondstadt, and the people of Mondstadt will always remember the three people's dedication and achievements."

Qin memorized the three names in her heart and nodded solemnly.

"Oh my! The three little cuties made me want to become a knight too. I'll be called the Rose Knight when the time comes," Lisa said with a smile.

"Lisa... Sister, you are not a member of the Knights!" Paimon asked in surprise.

"Of course I am, but I'm not a knight."

"By the way, little cutie, is your lottery system still there? Sister, I have finally saved some raw stones recently, and I want to try it," Lisa looked at Lin Yuan.

"Of course," Lin Yuan smiled slightly and called up the lottery panel.

"Little cutie, wait for me, I'm going to the library to get the raw stones," Lisa rubbed Lin Yuan's arm when she passed by him, and saw the other party's puzzled eyes, and threw a kiss.

Lin Yuan smiled and shook his head. This tofu was eaten, and he had no way to do anything.

After a while, Lisa came back with a bag of raw stones, a total of 3,200 raw stones.

Although it looks like a lot, it only takes 20 draws to add to the lottery system. If you are unlucky, you won't get any gold.

Lisa smacked her lips. These raw stones were what she had worked hard to save these days, but they could only be exchanged for 20 draws. This lottery system is too shady.

"I hope you get gold!" Lisa made a wish, and then clicked [Pray Ten Times].

But unfortunately, ten shooting stars streaked across the screen, with only purple light but no gold light.

Lisa's expression was slightly disappointed, but it was okay, she still had ten draws.

The first ten consecutive shots gave a [Tears of the Goddess], which was a pretty good prize.

After calming down, Lisa clicked [Pray Ten Times] again.

Staring at the screen nervously, this time Lisa was not disappointed, a golden light flashed in the upper left corner.

"Great! It's paid out!" Paimon clapped his hands in response.

"Let me see what skill it is," Lisa clicked on the screen, and then a purple lightning "hamster" appeared in the center of the screen.

Congratulations on getting the skill

Ability: [Secret Skill! Ten Thousand Thunder Prison].

[Furious Heart·Kennen: Secret Skill! Ten Thousand Thunder Prison (R Skill)] (Introduction: Consume 50 stamina, instantly release a magic storm around yourself, causing high range damage, and gain defense bonus until the end of the battle, defense can be stacked.)

(Entry-level: Damage range is 10 meters, causing 100 points of range damage, and gaining 100 points of defense bonus.)

(King level: Damage range is 1000 meters, causing 100,000 points of range damage, and gaining 10,000 points of defense bonus.)

"Congratulations! Lisa!" Qin saw the skill introduction and nodded: "It seems that our Knights will have another killer in the future."

Ying asked in confusion: "Who was the Knights' previous killer?"

Lin Yuan interrupted: "It should be Klee."

Qin nodded: "Lin Yuan, you guessed right. Although Klee is young, she is the ultimate killer of Mondstadt when it reaches the autumn of life and death."

"I didn't expect that little Klee, who is harmless, is so powerful," Paimon scratched his head, feeling that his role was still too small in comparison.

So he hummed and said: "It seems that I have to use [Feast] to swallow more enemies in the future, and strive to be as powerful as little Klee!"

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