Seems to understand something.

So Qingque found that the other party disappeared instantly, and the next second there was a funny voice behind her.

"Oops, look what I found, a cute little green finch with sixteen times the protein of the average bird."

Qing Que's body stiffened. He started to sweat.

He was shivering.

Is it too late to call the Yunqi Army? It seems that they will be killed randomly. After all, the Yunqi Army is a high-tech unit and must be carried out in groups. Heavy weapons can only be stronger by mobilizing Star Fighters.

It would be bad if they angered the opponent.

So she raised her hand at the speed of light

"I surrender! Please don't hurt me!"

"Pfft haha."

Seeing this scene, Esdeath couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I won’t scare you anymore. And you have been looking left and right, looking for escape routes and asking for help from the Cloud Cavalry Army. It is not as simple as surrendering on the surface. You can be vigilant."

"It seems that he said that an interesting companion will be coming soon, and it should be you."


Qingque raised a question, but she found that there was another young man walking out with Lisa and Rosalin. It must have been blocked by the clothes hanger before.

But after seeing his appearance, Qingque's eyes suddenly Staring.

I was greatly shocked.


Su Bai just smiled

"Let's go together. Why don't you go sit at home? Provided you have enough time."

So while following them, Qingque found that she had received an invitation in her mind, asking her to join a chat group or something. She suddenly realized that it was this.

She silently agreed.

【Ding, ordinary diviners from Taifu Division join the chat group. ]

Esdeath already knew this, but everyone else in the group was suddenly surprised.

Nezuko:"New member? And he's from the Starry Railway World?"

"Who could this be? Fu Xuan? Painting star? Green bird?"

Tsuchima Mi:"How could it be the first two? Do you think they are ordinary?"

One is the master of Taibusi.

The other is responsible for managing the [Dayan Qionguan Formation].

And Xiao Mi remembers that this painting star secretly used the Qingguan Formation for private work during the mission. A cunning old fritter.

Make money. Extra money, right?

Although they look quite young, they are actually quite old.

Nezuko:"Hmm, it's hard to say. They may also have the experience of starting from the bottom. If they are at that stage, it is not impossible.

Xi'er:"It turns out that I'm not the only one who has traveled to this world. Haha, I'm happy. But judging from the lives of the people of Xianzhou.""

Isn't it much older than her?

But regarding this topic, she agrees with Hui Xing's words.

As for Fu Xuan, it should be impossible at all.

Fu Xuan was born in [Yuque] Xianzhou, from a famous family, and his status is quite high. , and she worshiped the [Taibu] of Yuque Xianzhou Taibusi as her master and became his student.

Look at her life history.

Others will never get it in their lifetime.

It cannot be described as ordinary.

Taibusi is ordinary. Diviner:"...How do you know so clearly? I only found out about the great fortune teller later that she came from Yuque Immortal Boat and then became the fortune teller of Luofu."

"And Xier, you traveled here? Aren't you from the world of Honkai Impact III? What is the situation in my world now?"


"Strange, why don’t you know me? I’m not the one from Honkai Impact 3. Wait, have you never played Star Railroad?"

Taibu Si Ordinary Divination:"......"

Kiana:"You can tell, this is Qingque. Hehe, it's another cutie."

"But I am still the cutest."

Qingque was speechless.

Where did you come from?

Oh, it's Kiana, that's okay.

Tendo Kisara:"As expected, you still chose Taibo, but it's okay, you didn't go to Danding. Si, there are too many ghosts there, a nest of rats and snakes. If you look deeper, you will know something you shouldn't know."

That's hard to say.

Seeing this, Qingque had a headache. Why do you all know so much?

Am I the only one who hasn't played it?

What's wrong with the Alchemy Division?

An ordinary diviner from the Taibu Division:"And, you all are Travelers, so you are actually? Xi'er

:"Yes, just as you guessed, you can tell just by looking at the name of the group leader, Liyue Su Bai, right?" That is a name that serves as a distinction and facilitates identification among those who join the group. Because in fact, we are all Su Bai"

"Below, Beloberg Subai.

Riveria:"I am Dicuo Su Bai.""

Fubuki:"One Punch Man Su Bai.

Morgan:"Subai, the fairy in the Lost Belt, Nuo, now it's very straightforward.""

Qingque's little mouth opened slightly. Is there such a thing?

But why is the group leader a man?

And according to the people in the group, Lisa and Rosalin are not time travelers like them.

So in fact.

Was it Su Bai from Liyue who brought them here?

She was also surprised and happy.

Today, she encountered such a bizarre and bizarre thing.

It was incredible. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So looking at it this way, the story of the people of abundance fighting against the immortal boat came from the two of them.

Qingque:"Okay, I changed the name, I am Luofu Immortal Zhou Subai. I never imagined that I could meet other selves in parallel universes"

"Things in this world are truly wonderful."

Misaka Mikoto:"Why do you sound like a magician? Yes, you are an employee of the Taibo Division.

Scathach:"Speaking of Mikoto, how are you doing lately." Misaka Mikoto:"

It's okay. I used the props you gave me to get rid of the tree diagram designer. Anyway, this thing will be lost sooner or later, so there's no need to keep it.""

After all, I couldn't catch any clues about her.

It suddenly exploded.

At this time, another group member also made a sound.

Spider Zi:"Oh? Qingque, haven't you ever played Star Dome Railway? That's broken. It seems that you don't know your story at all."

Qingque was startled.

What, what happened?

Could it be that my fate is not good?

Or, something will happen.

The others were surprised at first, and then they all showed weird curves on their mouths, They all came to understand.

Mi Toma:"It seems that Genshin Impact doesn't know that you have at least played Honkai Impact III, so characters like you who like to fish usually use knives, such as Mingming All kinds of laziness, but stood up at the last critical moment."

Heroic sacrifice

"Of course, if you change now, it is possible not to fish."

However, looking at Qingque's silence, Xiaomi smiled.

Sure enough, you are still fishing.

But it's normal. Who doesn't like fishing? There are no people who really like to work overtime every day.

Xi'er:"Yes. , just like Padofelis, the ultimate fish monster, the person who is most afraid of death will die first in the end. Qingque, it seems that you have the same ending."


She panicked.

Hey! Don't scare me. I have never played this game and don't know the plot development, but I can't be so unlucky. What did

I do wrong? ?

No, it’s not!

But if you think about it carefully, a person like me is indeed very suitable for tragedy. He has always been lazy when he could, and did not take the initiative to take the work. In the end, he took the responsibility, and then fell into Fu Xuan’s arms, vomiting blood..

Holding her sleeve tightly, murmuring

"Sister Fu Xuan, I don’t want to die."

Then she closed her eyes and let go suddenly.


When she thought of this, she burst into tears! Wuwu!

It's impossible.

Will this be the end for her?

No, she still wants to live for a thousand years.!

So on the Xianzhou side, when I saw Qingque's body trembled suddenly, Esdeath almost laughed out loud.

You people are so scared.

Everyone is so bad.

Qingque:"Then, how should I avoid it? Is there any better way?"

Kiana:"Yes, keep fishing.""


Then the next moment, everyone in the group laughed. Looking at the laughter in the row, Qingque's face became darker and darker, and his body was trembling, as if he understood something.

These bad guys.

You've been doing this for a long time, but you're just teasing me, right?

In fact I was fine at all.

Why are you so shady? Die to me!!!

Did you know she was really frightened?

Riveria:"Oh, I can't help it. It's rare that someone doesn't know the plot. Why don't you give it a good shake? Sure enough, it's so fun."

Nezuko:"That's right."

Morgan :"It shouldn't have been said so early. It should have meant that Qingque would be targeted by the Lord of Destruction in the future and would be directly transferred to a subcontract, which can be described as extremely miserable."

Qingque:"Indifference.jpg, the boat of friendship can be overturned. Turn over.jpg"

The fist became hard.

I will not be fooled again. It is impossible for the Lord of Destruction to do anything. At present, Xianzhou has not fought a war with Destruction at all. It has only fought a huge battle with Fengshou people.

Xi'er:"Don't believe it. There will indeed be someone who is transferred by the Lord of Extermination, but that person is Tingyun."

What a miserable fox.

This also surprised Qingque.

Stop the cloud?

The famous chief of the Minghuo Chamber of Commerce?

The other party is very powerful.

As a person who is very successful in business, she can be said to have connected 16 worlds. Even the sea city has turned into a very grand galactic festival because of her.

There will be countless people from the sea of ​​stars coming.

After all, compared to other fairy boats, the Luofu Fairy Boat is more mainly positioned as a"fairy boat of commerce and trade", responsible for conducting business, replenishing supplies, transporting to other fairy boats, etc.

So judging from Tingyun's achievement and what she knew about it, there is no surprise.

Tingyun should be the next helmsman of Tianbo Division!.

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