Take over the position of that [King Kong]. certainly.

This Zingyun's character is a bit too good.

In the past, the helmsmen of the Tianbo Division had all retired from terrible battlefields. They were both courageous, decisive and warrior-like, and at the same time calm and sophisticated in business.

Martial arts merchants are all prepared!

Tingyun just missed this point, which is a bit troublesome.

There should be many people who will be unconvinced in the future and will only have to look at her achievements.

As a result, everyone is thinking that something will happen to Tingyun in the future?

Isn't it?

There are countless outstanding talents in Luofu Immortal Boat, and this Tingyun is one of them. If they are gone, it will be a big loss for Luofu Immortal Boat.

Kiana:"But speaking of Tingyun, why does Yukong's picture show Tingyun when he was a child?"

It is easy to make people think that Tingyun is Yukong's daughter.

But later Kiana discovered that this was not the case.

Yukong's daughter is the one named [Qingni]. After all, even this Qingni is not her biological daughter, but the daughter of a comrade. Yukong has never been married and is just single.

And at first glance, he was planning to grow old like this.

Tsuchima Mi:"How dare you assume Zingyun? Is there a possibility that it's not Zingyun? It's the lord of extinction, Huanhu." Fubuki

:"You can't stand it any longer, isn't it, lord of extinction?"

The so-called infiltration should be started from an early age?

You know how to pretend, I’ve finished it all for you.

Then the Lord of Extinction also did so much trade for Luofu, right? It's quite responsible.

What the light of Luofu trade.

Scathach:"But it's normal for immortal species to have such a lifespan. Tingyun is obviously younger, and Yukong is older, that's all."

Tendo Mu Geng:"Xiao Mi knows nonsense, so I He also said that in the later plot, he encountered a virtual pawn 867, who was Tingyun transformed by the Lord of Extinction."

After all, this is the basic ability of the Lord.

People even want to turn Jing Yuan into this thing.

Then Pioneer Star was surprised to find out why the virtual pawn didn't hit them, but she didn't think much about it and eliminated it. As a result, a broken fan fell from the opponent's body.

Xier:"I think each of you is more outrageous than the other. What kind of rumors and behavior, this plot is strangely familiar."

Does that Siduli from Uruk know that you are like this?

She just knows how to chop them all to death one by one.

Do you know that you need to shape and brew them first to make Tingyun's story more beautiful? A little, then the effect will be very good if you use the knife again?

This is the correct knife technique.

Now it is just a little, the effect is very poor. It is unnecessary.

But when everyone sees it now, it is quite sighing.

A certain Fu Xuan is not having a good time..

There was a closed-eyed general above, who kept telling her not to rush, to be patient, to wait, to wait.

Every time, she promised to recommend Fu Xuan, but how long did it take?

Anyway, she just kept putting it off.

Laughing to death.

Below is Qingque fishes every day, so Fu Xuan personally arranges things for her. After all, as you can see from Qingque's story, their Taifu Division has many levels and many departments.

So Qingque changed a lot of departments.

Just by the way The immediate boss has also changed a lot, until now, Fu Xuan is personally watching over him.

And Qingque is a fisherman who can easily become very sophisticated in order to catch fish. He has many connections, and now he is a female Su Bai, maybe he is an expert on the fairy boat.

He is more suitable for coordinating the overall situation and arranging manpower.

He beats other fish fishermen.

It is the most ruthless to catch his fellow fishermen.

From this point of view, Qingque is more managerial and calm than Fu Xuan Style.

Fu Xuan: ???

Several meanings.

After all, Fu Xuan always has a feeling of being too young and needs to be polished.

If Qing Que wants to, he can explode her gold coins.

Xi'er:"By the way, Qing Que, you go What is your destiny?


Seeing this expected result, Xi'er is not surprised.


It seems that she is still the hunter.

But that's right, since Qingque is still in Taibosi, she will focus more on strategy and research. Etc., it’s more comfortable to follow the intellectual path.

After all, Immortal Boat involves the guidance of Bodhisattva.

You will find that the ingredients of Immortal Boat are quite complex, including abundance, hunting, intelligence, um, plus the Mighty Mind Clan. Immortality.

It involves four kinds.

And hunting means coldness, determination, and revenge.

Of course.

For destiny walkers, you can understand this thing by yourself.

Just like the patrol, what about justice, fighting against injustice, and hoeing off violence? Helping the weak and so on.

Does Xi'er's past thieving behavior of robbing the rich and giving to the poor look familiar?

This can lead to some management positions.

I think even Jing Yuan dreamed of becoming a patrolman.

Or Xi'er occasionally deals with wanderers, catches thieves, and hunts alone to deal with monsters in the world. Anyway, destiny walkers are very flexible. If your hands are unfamiliar, just find two monsters to fight and get familiar with the feel.

The real restraint is big Of course, the specific destiny path taken depends on each person's personality.

After all, the game characters in the previous life cannot be used as a reference. The March Seventh is obviously a destiny path, and the plot also talks about the power of exploration to protect the cold.

Game characters But it's Cunhu, an ice shield.

And everyone also guessed that she might be related to the memory of destiny, so it shouldn't be Cunhu.

Walter even walked on the path of opening up and drank soup, but in the game he is a [Nothingness] In his destiny, he is the kind of person who is full of justice and adventure, and saves the world at every turn, as a member of the train crew. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You can't say that he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, When did you betray the pioneer train?

Qingque also sighed and got a lot of information.

There is also a Xier in her world? Beloberg? A somewhat unfamiliar name, it seems to be a frozen place that has long been forgotten. Come on, when I went over to read the information,

It seems that I have seen it once.

Moreover, doesn’t this Xier also use a sickle?

After arriving at Su Bai's house, Qingque looked at the spacious house in surprise.

There is a lot of space and furniture inside.

At first glance, the single floor alone is quite scary.

She was amazed by it

"Wow, you are so rich. Houses in this area are very expensive."

Qingque remembered that there was a poker friend in the Diheng Division who worked there for five hundred years just to get the qualification to buy a house in [Xianyuntian]. Anyway, she admired her on the surface. She sighed inwardly.


's not that.

It's too hard. , how many five hundred years are there in life?

Why not be content and happy, and fish when you need to fish, isn't it beautiful?

You can't learn.

Anyway, she won't do this, just be happy enough.

At this time, Lisa and Rosalin He also served tea and chatted with her with a friendly face, which made Qingque admire him. He looked like a good wife. This Liyue Su Bai has two good wives.

As for Esdeath, they should be partners..

But when she saw Esdeath put her arms around Su Bai, her eyes almost popped out.


Stop it, stop it, what are you doing?

Qingque was shocked.

But Esdeath was also at this time. Laughed

"It seems that Qingque, you are still very risk-averse and have not worked in the Alchemy Division. From this aspect, you are quite suitable for divination."


This really makes her a little confused.

Why are you both talking about Dandingsi?"

"Well, can I ask, what is the specific situation of Dandingsi?"

In the past, she wanted to go to the Alchemy Division, but after learning about it later, her interest was reduced a lot.

Qingque initially thought that the Alchemy Division should be the place where elixirs are refined.

Later she found out that it was In a department that mainly focuses on medicine and treatment, if something goes wrong and needs to be sent for treatment in time, you have to contact the personnel of Danding Division immediately.

Look, it’s very clear what their position is.

Last time she I just saw a star chasing after me, and everyone was thrown out, and I sent him to the Alchemy Department for emergency treatment.

So Qingque can only occasionally browse the book on the human body and medicine, or occasionally borrow a few books and read the classics. On the contrary, it was the alchemist named [Danshu] last time. He seemed to be very optimistic about her. He said in a gentle voice,"Do you want to come to the Alchemy Division?"

Qingque shook her head decisively.

Working overtime every day to treat patients?

Forget it.

She still felt that Taibu Si was pretty good, mainly because she was really talented in this area.

So the Alchemist’s persuasion was useless, so he sighed and gave up.

After all, it was just a casual comment.

But Qingque admired her very much. As a Tianqi person, Danshu cannot see. He is an example of [born blind] among the Xianzhou people. If it cannot be cured, external devices are useless.

Because others have already tried it.

If you want to live in this state all the time, I think Everyone knows how difficult it is to endure all kinds of inconveniences in life, bullying and contempt from others.

Only those who are lacking in heaven know the ups and downs.

And that Danshu’s best friend [Yu Fei], in San In the war ten years ago,...

So Qingque could only sigh.

This is equivalent to the ray of light in the darkness completely dissipating. With such a blow, it is normal even if the alchemy axis completely collapses.

In the end, that person is still strong.

It's not easy. before.

She also comforted Danshu, and after being silent for a long time, Danshu softly said thank you.

But Esdeath has a weird look on her face

"You Qingque, why do you make all kinds of friends?"

That Alchemy Master is not simple.

Qingque took a sip of tea and was shocked.

"A variety I have never seen before, what kind of tea is this?"

"As for friends, of course, the more friends you have, the more convenient your life will be. I have always followed this principle. Many friends lead to many paths, and those who are enlightened will get more help."

And she patted her chest proudly

"If you have anything, you can ask me first and I'll see if I have any friends in this field. Don't worry, I have friends in most industries. At this middle and lower level and at a more general level, even Master Fuxuan Not as well-connected as me"

"A local snake, right?"

"Phew, it’s a ground sparrow! Ugh, it doesn’t feel good either, it sounds awful."

She rolled her eyes at Esdeath's teasing, but

Esdeath and Su Bai both laughed.

You know how to make friends. You have a lot of fun on the Luofu Fairy Boat...

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