The old man was very angry, but the old man was very angry.

Just now I learned from Anna about the elders' reports to the Little Grass God in recent years.

The whole Xumi is living and working in peace and contentment, all the people are also very happy, and there are no dissatisfied incidents.

This is very abnormal in Tianyun's opinion!

If a whole country has no problems at all and everyone says that the world is peaceful, that would be the most terrifying.


It is true as Anna said!


The whole elder group has united and concealed something from the gods.

"I still have to go and see it myself and confirm it!"

Seeing is believing. After all, no matter how others say it, it is not as real as what you see with your own eyes.

After making up his mind, Tianyun used the body of the grass god Nashida to transform into dots of green light and disappeared from the spot.

(The background music of the song "Seabed~" sounded. It is recommended to turn on this song before continuing to watch.)

When Tianyun appeared again, he appeared in a mountain village far away from the main city of Xumi.

How the people live is not what we need to look at in the city, but in the countryside.

Only when the people in the countryside can live happily, it can be regarded as a real prosperous age.

As soon as Tianyun arrived at the farmland, he found a little boy of seven or eight years old not far away, holding a hoe and sweating in the fields.

Sweat penetrated his clothes, and his clothes were tattered.

Seeing this scene, Tianyun couldn't help frowning. Before he left, he had actually made some policy preparations for Xumi.

, such as compulsory education.

According to the plan he left behind, a child of this age.

You should be studying in the academy now, how could you end up working in the fields.

Tianyun walked forward, but the boy, who was seven or eight years old, knelt down after seeing Tianyun.

He looked terrified and shouted

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

I will definitely finish the farm work today. Please give me more time and more food.

My father is dying!"

The boy's reaction made Tianyun frown even deeper!

Tianyun didn't expect that the boy would be so terrified.

What on earth could make a boy who was only seven or eight years old become like this?

"Get up and talk!

What do you mean by what you said just now?

Were you forced to work?"

Tianyun walked forward and slowly helped the boy up.

Tianyun looked at the boy in front of him who was covered in injuries, and it was really hard to imagine what he had experienced.

"No, no, no, I volunteer!"

The boy waved his hands in fear, but Tianyun frowned even more deeply. He could see the fear on the boy's face!

"Why are you working here?

At your age, shouldn't you go to the academy to study?

I remember there is a law in Xumi Law that all people will receive compulsory education!"


Maybe you are wrong, sir?

I am not a human..."

"What do you mean..."

"You mean the landlords. I am not a human...

The landlord said,

We are cattle and horses...

But my father said,

We are not even as good as cattle and horses...

At least...

The landlord will not let the cattle and horses starve to death..."

When the boy said this, his eyes were very dim, as if he had lost the light of hope.

Tianyun looked at the boy's loss of hope, as if it was natural, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Who told you this?"

"Hasn't it always been like this?"

Tianyun looked at the innocent eyes of the seven or eight-year-old boy...

Tianyun knew that the boy was not lying, but it was precisely because of this that he was even more shocked!

"Then what did you mean by what you said just now?

Isn't this land yours?"

"We don't have land, these lands belong to the landlords.

But my father said that our family had land at the beginning.

But because we couldn't pay back the landlord's loan, all the land was mortgaged to the landlord.

But even so, we still couldn't pay it back, so we signed a contract to sell ourselves with the landlord.

This sir.

I am not a human...

Only those landlords are human!

We can only be considered slaves."

Hearing this, Tianyun looked at the seven or eight-year-old boy in front of him and fell into a long silence...

After a long time, Tianyun slowly spoke

"Can you take me to your house to have a look?"


My work is not finished yet...

If the landlord knew

I will definitely be beaten!"

"It's okay!

I'm here!"

After hesitating for a while, the young man finally decided to take Tianyun home.

It's not because the young man trusts the stranger in front of him.

It's because the man in front of him looks more noble than the landlord.

The clothes of the stranger in front of him look much more gorgeous and precious than those of the landlord.

Tianyun followed the young man and slowly walked towards the direction of the young man's home. Tianyun's brows never relaxed along the way.

Tianyun knew the situation and it would definitely not be as the elders said.

Everything is stable and prosperous, but I didn't expect it to have come to this point.

Not long after, the young man took Tianyun back home.

The house made of a few wooden boards, covered with some grass, is very shabby.

There are even some places where light leaks, which will definitely be on rainy days. It will definitely leak.

Such a place is the home of the young man in front of him!

After the young man walked in, he immediately went to get a bucket of water and came to the bed.

On the bed was a middle-aged man who was barely breathing.

The man's face was pale, and there were many wounds all over his body. There were even obvious bloodstains on his legs, which were simply bandaged with rough cloth.

The young man took the water and slowly came to the middle-aged man and brought the water to the man's mouth.

After drinking the water, the man seemed to be more energetic.

When Tianyun saw this, he slowly walked to the sick middle-aged man and burst into green light.

The injuries on the middle-aged man were healing at a rapid speed.

After seeing this scene, the young man next to him couldn't help but widen his eyes and exclaimed


Are you the priest? "

In the boy's cognition, the only people who can master this kind of magic are priests and the owners of the Eye of God.

But the stranger in front of him didn't have the Eye of God, so he could only be a priest!

After healing the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man took the little boy and slowly knelt in front of Tianyun, his voice trembling and choking

"Thank you!

Thank you for saving my life, Lord Priest!"

"Get up first, thank you later, I have a few questions for you."

"Sir, if you ask, I will tell you everything I know."

"Can you tell me about the whole process of your land being annexed by the landlord, and all the details afterwards?"



But this will take a long time, so I'll start from the beginning. "

The middle-aged man told Tianyun about his experiences over the years...

Tianyun frowned after listening.

Land annexation!

Human trafficking!

Child abuse!

Rape of women!


Any of these crimes can be sentenced to death.

"Why don't you report them?"


Someone once reported it, and that person's family died.

And the person who was reported was fine!"

"Then why don't you resist?"

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