The middle-aged man seemed a little excited after hearing Tianyun's question.


"What can we do to resist? Behind those people are gods.

With gods protecting them, who dares to resist?

What's more, the reason why we are alive now is because the gods have increased our harvest, so we can barely survive.

My grandfather said that in their grandfather's time, many people would starve to death every year!

And it was because the gods returned to Xumi that everything got better.

Xumi gradually No one will starve to death anymore, and now no one will starve to death anymore.

Because of Lord Grass God, we can live, how can we resist Lord Grass God. "

Tianyun frowned more after hearing the words of the middle-aged man, and then the voice of the Little Grass God came.


How could this happen!

Shouldn't everyone in Xumi live happily and happily?

Every time the Flower God's birthday comes, you can see smiles on people's faces. "

Tianyun knew that this was the Little Grass God, and he didn't interrupt the middle-aged man in front of him when he asked.

"Yes! We are indeed living happily.

Because of Lord Grass God, we are no longer starving to death and we are very happy to be able to live forever.

During the birthday of the Flower God, everyone can have extra food.

It was also on that day that everyone was able to eat their fill, and of course everyone was very happy."

After listening to the words of the middle-aged man, the little Grass God Nashida was stunned, with tears flashing in her eyes.

"Yes... I'm sorry!

I didn't know that it was like this, but I really felt everyone's happy intentions every time.


I didn't know it was like this."

"No! Lord, I want to thank you, because you cured my illness."

After the middle-aged man thanked him repeatedly, Tianyun left here.

Tianyun went to several other villages and towns and investigated carefully again.

And all the results were similar to what the middle-aged man said.

The so-called prosperity is that those landlords who are called people have more coolies and engage in land annexation.

Landlords have more and more land, and for them, people's lives are getting better and better.

But for those at the bottom, who are not called human beings by them.

This is a dark age, and they cannot resist because they are all God's people.

Rebellion means opposing God, not only will they die, but they will also be spurned by others!

Tianyun did not stop until the night.

Tianyun sat on a stone at the edge of the village and looked up at the stars in the sky.

The sky of Xumi was completely covered by dark clouds, and even the moonlight could not be seen.

"It's so dark..."

When night fell, Tianyun completely handed over the control of his body to little Nashida.

After the grass god regained control of his body, two lines of tears flowed from his eyes, and he kept murmuring

"I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault. Everyone below is hiding it from you."



"It's okay. Everything will be fine!

Believe me!

I am your wisdom!"

"Well! I believe in my wisdom!

Everything will be fine."

After Tianyun comforted the grass god Nashida, he began to think

The current situation in Xumi is very bad. It can even be said that if it were not for the existence of gods, it would have fallen into civil strife long ago.

Now all the oppressed can continue to endure, and it is precisely because of the existence of gods and the gifts of gods that they are all alive.

Just because they can live, they can be very happy, even if they are hungry and cold.

What a irony!

In the next few days, Tianyun gradually rose from the lowest level of people to the investigation of landlords.

Then, during the investigation of those officials and administrative staff, we found a darker and more unacceptable truth.

The entire Xumi is rotten to the core, and all power in the country is firmly controlled by the elders.

No wonder the middle-aged man said that it would be useless even if he reported it.

It only costs money to be reported, and those who insist on being honest and incorruptible are marginalized.

Some were even killed directly on false charges, and some

He was put in jail.

When Tianyun was just born, the only place he had been to was that small mountain village.

At that time, Tianyun did not seriously observe the situation of the entire village.

All of Tianyun's attention was attracted by the Eye of God and the girl.

At that time, he did not observe the officials and the current situation of Xumi.

The policies that Tianyun left behind for the benefit of the country and the people became tools for those politicians.

And the obligations that needed to be fulfilled became the whip in the hands of the landlords, whipping those who were already suffering.

When Tianyun returned to the palace of the grass god again, he fell into silence.

Even the little grass god Nashida has not smiled on her face these days.

The current situation of Xumi gave Tianyun a headache, and he could not think of a good solution.

The corruption of the entire country cannot be changed by one person if it is to be governed.

Even if all these people are killed, who can guarantee that the new person will not be like this now?

At this time, Tianyun suddenly heard footsteps from a far distance.

Under Tianyun's spiritual perception, it was two people wearing priest uniforms, walking and talking towards the palace of the Grass God.

"You said, if the elders do that, will the Grass God find out?"

"Don't worry! The Grass God, who has lost his wisdom, is just a tool for the elders. What's there to be afraid of?"

"Shh~ Keep your voice down. You are talking so loudly here. Aren't you afraid that the Grass God will hear you?"

"It's okay. That brainless fool won't care even if he hears it.

What's more, the plan has reached the last step. Even if it is discovered, it can't be stopped."

When they were about to enter the Grass God's palace, the two stopped talking.

The respectful look on his face returned, and he slowly pushed the door open.

What they saw was the expressionless Grass God, who was looking at the two people in front of him with a cold face.

"What's the matter?"

The two could clearly feel that the Grass God seemed to be a little different from before.

Although they had heard that the Grass God often disappeared in the morning and no one knew where he went, no one cared.

No one would care about what kind of storm the Grass God who had lost his wisdom would stir up.

Although they felt the pressure of being a god, the two of them still trembled and told the purpose of their visit.

"The Elders asked us to invite you to attend the meeting every day."

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