Chapter 64: Set the sea on fire in front of Liuying, society will die! Death to the big society!

“I’m afraid I have to reject your offer. Who knows if your little toy is of any use?”

“By the way, I’m not planning on finding another one of your mute friends, but I’m glad to hear that he’s still in Pinoconi.”

At this time, Sand Jin already felt like he was sure of victory.

As the saying goes, you will miss the mark if you talk too much. The more information you know, the more you can sometimes get.

The key point in this conversation is that the other mute Friend.

If the robin is used as a benchmark, then the other mute friend is……

【Funina: Why do I suddenly seem to understand something?】

【Nasida: I really feel a sense of enlightenment】

【Charlotte: So the other mute friend is!!】

【Ying: That’s it? ? Who?】

【Paimon: It’s all written clearly, don’t you know?】

【Star: Great, great!! Looking at you like this, she is really fine!!】

【March 7: Although it seems that Hanabi has been having fun, there seems to be no mistakes in the information she revealed to Sand Gold.】

【Heita: It doesn’t mean that there have been no mistakes. The key lies in how to understand them. Another mute friend is obviously talking about Liu Ying】

【Kurota: Hanabi said that she is still in Pinoconi, which is different from the fact that the robin is dead.】

【Black Tower: Then there is only one truth, Liuying is still alive】


【Xing: I know it, I know it!! Liuying is definitely still alive!!】

【March 7: Indeed, one of the two mute friends Hanabi mentioned is dead, but the other one who is the target is obviously still fine.】

【Xing: So I feel like my previous guess should have worked!! The one in Sam is Liu Ying, right? He looks so handsome in a mecha!!】

【Liuying: Oops!!!】

【Star: I will! Set the sea on fire!!】

【Star: Just leave! No one will get hurt!】

【Xing: Tell others when you get out! It’s Star Hunter Sam who ends you!!】

【Liu Ying: Stop talking, stop talking!!】

【Xing: Seeing the overwhelming response, I’m sure it’s true.】

【Silver Wolf: Hey! It’s really…hard to describe in words】

【Funina: Now I’m starting to wonder, what exactly does gold placer want to do?】

【Ji Zi: I’m afraid it’s most appropriate to ask him himself.】

【Sand Gold: Hahaha! What to do? This is indeed a very interesting question】

【Doctor Truth: Hasn’t his plan been stated from the beginning?】

【Doctor Truth: He said he would win back his freedom and power and create the greatest death for Pinocchio】

【Doctor of Truth: He never said that the death that was best for him was not him.】

【Sand Gold:Professor! Do you just expect me to die?】

【Doctor Truth: I’m just following the plan. Besides, don’t you already know now that there is no real death in Pinoconi?】

【Doctor Truth: Next, as you said, you should look for ways to approach death.】

【Sand Gold: So this needs a little help, doesn’t it? I cannot achieve death myself, but to make this death grand, there must be a good show.】

【Hanabi: Woohoo! Thank you for giving me the button that can blow up Pinoconi! How distrustful of others!】

【Xing: Is this thing… a little too dangerous?】

【March 7: Blast Pinoconi into the sky… It’s really something a fool can do. 】

After confirming the news, Sand Gold is also preparing to start a grand show

“I’ll do the rest myself”

“I’ll prepare a great show for the downfall of the family”

“At the climax, the walls will crumble, people will wake up, and those who cannot speak will speak again.”

Sha Jin’s words obviously mean something.

To wake people up from their dreams is obviously to destroy this beautiful dream.

And those who can’t speak will also speak again. This sentence obviously means to know the update. Bird and Firefly.

Sand Gold is going to do something very big.

He will bring the family to an end in this story.

“When that time comes, please press the button and set off a big firework to cheer me up.”

“See you later, Fool.”

Sha Jin said with a smile and left directly.

Hanabi looked at Sha Jin leaving and started laughing too.

“Hahaha! At this point, I still have the desire to talk nonsense. However, it’s a done deal.”


“Please be careful, don’t let me down.”

Hanabi has begun to look forward to it.

And the picture also began to undergo new changes at this time.

Along with the back of sand gold, the picture suddenly became closer and closer.

Finally, from the little light, I saw a A decadent boy. He has blond hair and a bloody mark on his neck.

He is wearing a piece of gray cloth, and there are open wounds all over his body.

Also placer gold

“Back, number 35. Like your amulet?”

The voice of a middle-aged greasy man came

“Can product codes also be used as amulets?”

Sha Jin said indifferently, and his words were full of sarcasm.

That is to say, after Sha Jin opened his mouth, the man seemed to have his tail stepped on.

“Shut up”

“I did not allow you to speak, Hyena of Zygonia!”

Being called that, although Sha Jin was angry, there was nothing he could do.

Because he had no strength to resist.

At this time, the middle-aged greasy man seemed to be sighing.

“Alas, those people in black suits didn’t say much, so I don’t know what methods you used to save your life in that massacre.”

“But I thought you were lucky and bought you”

“From now on, you and your luck are my assets, do you understand?”

The greasy middle-aged man said ruthlessly.

In his eyes, human life is not precious.

What is precious are commodities and interests.

When people are not regarded as human beings, but as commodities, then everything has changed.

“The first command given to you is simple”

“In addition to you, I also bought 34 other slaves to play a game with them”

“Come out alive in two days to prove that you are truly capable.”

The middle-aged greasy man said.

He has given an ultimatum.

Obviously, including the 35 people in the placer company, only one person can survive.

【Funina: What…what exactly are you going to do? Want to kill everyone else?】

【Nacida: Is there such a sinful slave trade in that world?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It’s over, it’s over, I really didn’t expect that placer gold would survive in such a situation.】

【Hutao: Too bloody】

【March 7: Hey! It seems that placer gold is also a miserable person.】

【Xing: It seems… from the beginning to now, Shajie has not done anything to harm us.】

【Himeko: His goal is very clear, which is to regain Pinoconi for the company】

【Star: Hey! But his past was really miserable.】

【Sand Gold: Hahaha! how? Friend, do you want to have mercy on me? If that’s the case, I wish you could give me a lot of things】

【Doctor Truth: Is it the star core in her body?】

【Sand Gold:Professor! This is vulgar. If you can get the trust and help of Star Dome Train, that is a very good thing, isn’t it?】

【Hanabi:Hehehe! Little Peacock, I am very much looking forward to what kind of trouble you will make.】

【Black Swan: Returning from hardship and embarrassment will inevitably bring something different to the world】

【Huang Quan: May he wake up in the world. 】

The middle-aged greasy man said casually.

Upon hearing this, Sand Jin’s first reaction was also very obvious.

“You are crazy.”

When he was a child, he made a bet with the Kartika people.

In the desert, who would die first, him or the bird, was different then.

Now that he has grown up and matured, he naturally feels that this kind of thing is too crazy.

“Hahaha, just checking the goods.”

The middle-aged greasy man said casually.

He seemed to exist just to have fun.

But hearing the smiling voice, Sha Jin became more and more indifferent.

“Aren’t you afraid that the money will be wasted?”

“I have a lot of money, little golden retriever”

“The pan-galactic slave market is in no shortage of self-righteous brats like you.”

The greasy middle-aged man didn’t take this seriously.

From his perspective, commodities are just commodities, tools are just tools, and they have nothing to do with people.

“But you have a good skin, so many customers put their wealth on you, a skinny kid.”

“Go ahead and don’t let your master down.”

The greasy middle-aged man said indifferently.

What he wants to make is more.

As long as he can win, he can obviously make more.

“How much did you spend?”

Sha Jin asked curiously.

“Huh, what?”

The greasy middle-aged man who was asked the question was suddenly stunned for a moment.

“My price, how much did you pay for me?”

Sha Jin continued to ask

“Hey, want to know this? Can. 60 red copper coins, no more, no less.”

The greasy middle-aged man answered, feeling that the placer gold in front of him was a bit interesting.

After hearing this answer, the placer gold also made his own choice.

“I want to bet with you”

“Half of sixty, thirty dollars……”

“As long as I can come back alive, you have to give it to me. Do you dare to bet?”

Sha Jin didn’t realize his situation, but now he still wants to take a gamble.

After all, opportunities are earned.

If he doesn’t take the initiative to take the gamble, then he really has no chance to gamble.

Zhong The greasy young man laughed directly after hearing these words


“Want to bet with me? Okay, you have the guts!”

“But sorry, it’s impossible”

“slave! Don’t forget your identity, you are not qualified to serve at the table.”

The greasy middle-aged man said disdainfully.

“You are just a bargaining chip, your life is thrown away by others”

“Either help the master come back with more chips, or never come back again.”

His words ruthlessly illustrate this fact.

“【all! Or nothing! 】Don’t embarrass me, lucky man.”

The greasy middle-aged man made this declaration directly.

And placer gold is bound to fail here.

He has no chance to serve, and that’s how it is so far.

【Funina: This is a sinful slave owner who does not regard human life as human life】

【Navilette: Anyone who oppresses others will be judged! Trample under the feet of the oppressor, lose your head for the oppressor!】

【Nacida: I want to beat that slave owner right now】

【Kamisato Ayaka: The sand gold must have survived later, right?】

【Yae Shenzi: Heh heh heh! It’s not even difficult to guess that the company saved him later, so he tried his best】

【Keqing: Maybe he has found a suitable partner】

【Sand Gold: Hahaha! I like this statement】

【Gold Dust: If someone can give me a chance, wouldn’t it be fun?

Gold Dust is ready to start his performance.

He must prepare for this grand show.

On the other side, the Starry Sky Train Group is still following Gallagher to find the truth about Firefly.

Compared with the Fool and Gold Dust, their progress is much slower.

They followed Gallagher to the bar and drank here.

Then, they got Gallagher’s information.

“Then let’s talk about the case, and of course we’ll also include the story of Mikhail.”

“Let’s talk about the conclusion first. According to the clues the family has, this Liuying is indeed not a local, nor is he an invited guest.”

“In other words, he is a genuine stowaway.”

Gallagher confessed directly.

“I was also deceived by this girl. She was really too old.”

“However, it is not that rare to sneak into the Gala Star, and it is not difficult to check.”

“After the incident, the hounds immediately took action and started tracking from both the dream and reality.”

“But there was only one bad news, and it was also the most troublesome news.”

“This little girl disappeared from the world, leaving no trace in her dream, and her body was nowhere to be found in reality, as if she had never been to Pinoconi.”

Gallagher told him the most troublesome news.

From this information, he didn’t know what to do at all.

The train crew didn’t know how to explain this situation for a while.

“I just said it bluntly. This girl’s situation, let alone you, this is the first time for the hound family to see her.”

“There are also accidental deaths in dreams, so what? This kind of extremely unlikely event will affect only a very small number of people.”

“If you really want to delve deeper into this case, you must first understand the real difficulties of the family. Gallagher gave a clue.

And the family’s difficulties finally found a new breakthrough point from Mikhail. There was a message left in the music box.

【See all the impossible things in the dream, find the inheritance of Pinoconi’s father [the watchmaker], and then find out why life is sleeping. 】

Gallagher also directly stated that the watchmaker and the family manager were completely unconfrontable.

“The family has regarded the watchmaker as an enemy a long time ago, but the hounds have been unable to catch him because the latter only lives in the business myth he created.”

Gallagher confessed the matter directly.

“So I would like to ask you further questions”

“Have you ever thought about why the family allows the clockmaker to send such a joke-like message to the outside world, and allows you to come upon invitation and make this place a mess!”

Regarding this point, Ji Zi gave an answer keenly.

“Do you want to take this opportunity to expose the [Watchmaker]?”

“Now you can understand why the Oak family authorized Anonymous Guest to assist in the investigation, but concealed everything from you, right?”

The real answer has emerged, and Gallagher said without hesitation.

“Because the clockmaker is not a legend in the land of dreams at all, but the most ulterior stain in the history of the Pinoconi family separation. He is the initiator of all the changes in the dream!”

“Mikhail, the traitor of the family, is the famous watchmaker!”

Gallagher directly dropped this bombshell news

【Funina: Mikhail is the clockmaker? It seems understandable. So, what is the relationship between that Misha and him?】

【Nasida: Could he be a descendant of Mikhail? Or is he himself Mikhail? word】

【March 7: Speaking of which, no one else seems to be able to see Misha. His existence is indeed a bit strange.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: What other family history did they mention before? What is that?】

【Ying: Could it be that there was a problem when the family was separated? Often these things are accompanied by rivers of blood】

【March 7: Uh…how do you feel, you seem to have said everything I wanted to say?】

【Black Tower: The family regards the clockmaker as a stain on the family. Obviously, what happened in the first place is right.】

【Screwgum: So are you starting to take sides now? I’m afraid more information is needed to support what kind of secret is hidden behind this. 】

Ps: It’s open, I wish all the pioneers three mockingbirds. Three chips are enough! Win them all!!

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