Chapter 65 Thirteen-year-old Gallagher! Everyone on Sunday is a mole! What gin plot?

【March 7: How do you take sides at this time? You can’t stand in line at all, right? Still not sure which aspect is the problem?】

【Xing: And it seems that the family is just using us】

【Himeko: Let’s go back to the original judgment. Once we find that there is a problem with one of the parties, we will withdraw immediately. Now we still need more information.】

【Xing: And now it seems that the family has to deal with Mikhail and the company at the same time. Are they busy enough?】

【Hanabi: Maybe I can help! Blow up the entire Pinoconi to the sky! By then, there won’t be any need to fight about family matters, right? Hee hee hee!】

【Star: Stop! Please stop for a moment! Calm down and restrain yourself first. 】

After revealing the identity of the clockmaker, Gallagher brought the train crew to Crocker Film and Television Park.

This is Pinoconi’s most popular film and television entertainment center.

The story of the clockmaker is what Gallagher is here to tell.

Pinoconi was once the company’s prison star. Prisoners were escorted here to help Liu Guang Yi Ting salvage the memory substances leaked from the large hole.

Prisons have been exposed to high concentrations of amnesia for a long time, resulting in a special phenomenon.

The dreams of countless individuals overlap and overlap, and people begin to meet in dreams and live a life that seems like reality.

And everything has a price, and sweet dreams are no exception.

Dreams cannot eliminate people’s suffering in reality.

Led by a prisoner, Border Prison smashed the company’s shackles and began the fight for freedom.

And the person who led the resistance was Hanunu, the Hanu brothers in the current Pinocchio animation.

The big brother of the dream town, the founder of peace, and the eternal partner of the weak.

Gallagher recounts this past

“History has always been written by the winner, but leaving aside the artistic processing part,”Clock Boy” is an animation created based on the history of Pinocchio. This is an indisputable fact.”

【March 7: Look at it this way…that animated story is really a documentary!】

【Xing: Suddenly I felt so handsome when I transformed into Brother Hanu!!】

【Funina: So the clock boy that Xing saw in his dream before is also real?】

【Xing: This… seems hard to explain at first】

【Himeko: Since they all exist based on prototypes, then Misha and the clock boy are obviously very special existences.】

【Xing: I mean, I must be the protagonist, and I meet the clockmaker right from the beginning! Also gained the magical ability to do clockwork.】

【March 7: So…it seems to be correct. 】

After talking about the relationship between animation and Pinoconi, Gallagher also confessed the current situation.

“These characters not only live in the dream town, but also in the distant past”

“Once you understand this, you will understand why we are here.”

They went directly to Crocker Film and Television Park.

And here, they met many people from the hound family.

“I just received the blockade order, which was said to be issued by the person on Sunday. Do you know what to do that day?”

Gallagher also expressed some helplessness about this.

Obviously, Gallagher did not know anything about what he was going to do on Sunday.

【March 7: It’s Sunday again, why is there a lockdown here? Still not letting people in?】

【Xing: I always feel like Sunday knows something and is going to make a big splash】

【Heita: Do you still remember the placer gold just now? What did he just say? Give Pinoconi a grand show】

【Black Tower: From the looks of it, does this Kroc Film and Television Park be the best place?】

【Sand Gold: Indeed, there are always many secrets hidden in the dreamlike scenery.】

【Placer Gold: It’s a good place for performances. I believe the audience will like it.】

【Star: Now I’m starting to get curious about Gallagher. Why does he tell us so many secrets within the family?】

【March 7: What do you mean? Is Gallagher one of the moles?】

【Funina: This one… is very spiritual……】

【Ying: I feel like if this continues, everyone in the family will be a traitor.……】

【star:……What gin plot?】

【March 7: Gin? Who is that?】

【Star: In an anime story, everyone in his organization except him is a mole.……】

【Hanabi:Hahaha! That would be really interesting! It’s really exciting! So what exactly happens next?】

【Sha Jin: Everyone is a mole, and what everyone wants to do is not simple】

【Sand Gold: I am now very sure that the head of the Oak family, Mr. Sunday! He must have his own plan, he seems to have included me in it】

【Sand Gold: I got my gift money back, which is unusual in itself】

【Xing: Maybe he just really doesn’t want to give anything?】

【Aventurine: It’s okay if you don’t want to pay, but if the gift money contains broken aventurine, he will make a very stupid decision.】

【Sha Jin: Do you think a person with his methods would condone this possibility and deliberately ignore it while sleeping?】

【March 7: So, Sunday was really intentional!! etc!! Are you really going to break the aventurine?】

【Sand Gold: Don’t worry, don’t worry, it’s still early to go to Pinoconi. I believe you have your own troubles to deal with, right?】

【March 7: Uh…this Master Taibu just kidnapped people. It seems that our work was in vain again.】

【Xing: Everything is in Kama’s calculation!!】

【Liuying:? ? mom?】

【Fu Xuan: Your help will be remembered by Xianzhou! But now, let me handle it】

【March 7: From the looks of it, Xianzhou is not in general chaos.���

【Xing: I always feel that Gallagher talks too much to us, and he really has a problem】

【Heita: I understand what you mean. If we were really from the family, we would not tell you these inside information.】

【Black Tower: But the most curious thing is that the Kroc Film and Television Park was blocked on Sunday.】

【Black Tower: Now that so many people are gathering at Croaker Film and Television Park, it is not difficult to doubt that there will be a good show here. ]

Gallagher also took the train crew and chose a place where they could see the statue of Clock Boy.

“Just here, the view is good, you can just see him……【Clock Boy]”

At this time, Jizi also gave her own opinion

“If these animated characters have traces in reality, then the counterpart of Clock Boy is undoubtedly the Clockmaker.”

“He is a companion of Brother Hanu and one of the original members of Dream Town.”

“Can this be understood to mean that the historical watchmaker also personally participated in that war and sided with Asderna?”

When mentioning this, Gallagher seemed a little sentimental.

“It was a massive war of independence, a masked fool, a nameless guest, a fictional historian, a mourner, and a herald of doom.……”

“Hanunu assessed the war with the help of his friends and visitors from outside.”

“Naturally, there will also be future watchmakers among them. Gallagher did not deny

“After all this calculation, didn’t the watchmaker live for hundreds of years?”

March 7 is very curious at this time.

“I don’t know. When I met Mikhail, he was already a watchmaker, or he might have inherited the title.”

Gallagher said this.

But March 7th asked a very important question at this time.

“Mr. Sheriff, how old are you?”

Faced with such a question, Gallagher turned around and answered seriously.


【Funina: Huh? ? Gallagher, was this a serious joke?】

【Nacida: Is he 13 years old? Are you a little anxious about growing up?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Well… I do feel very anxious… It doesn’t look like I’m 13 years old.】

【Keqing: No matter who you replace, you can’t possibly think that he will be 13 years old, right?】

【Esta: What a cold joke……】

【March 7: This feeling is challenging my cognition, how is it possible?】

【Star: Yeah! He doesn’t look like he is 13 years old, and…it seems that many people don’t recognize the name Gallagher.】

【Hanabi:Hehehe! Can’t people really do this at the age of thirteen?】

【Black Swan: Yeah! There is some meaning, even some unspeakable meaning in it】

【Heita: I don’t think Gallagher would make such a joke, so if this sentence is true, then I have to consider his true identity.】

【Xing: Are you back to the suspicion I had about him just now? 】

Facing the thirteen-year-old Gallagher, March 7th could not hold back in an instant.

“Thirteen? It’s impossible no matter how you look at it, right? However

, Gallagher did not explain this

“Hanunu���Released from the border prison, but left before seeing peace”

“With meager resources, a covetous outside world, and cynical prison districts, Asdena’s future is still in jeopardy.

Gallagher continued to talk about the dangerous situation.

“Until the watchmaker in history extended an olive branch to the family and tried to turn this prison into a grand event star.”

“Pinoconi finally got its current name and stepped onto the stage to face the stars.”

However, this answer is obviously somewhat inconsistent with his reply.

“However, you clearly said that the clockmaker was a traitor to the family, and you also said that you were his companion, so you also……”

On March 7, doubts and speculations remained at this time.

Xiao Sanyue is very smart sometimes.

However, faced with this problem, Gallagher directly chose to deny it.

“I am not his companion, but one of his many children”

“But I am indeed a traitor, not betraying the family, but betraying… Mikhail. Gallagher admits he made mistakes

“oh? what have you done?”

“I didn’t do anything…this is the biggest betrayal”

“Just like you, I had close friends, we worked hard for Pinocchio, but the Oak family set us up for injustice.”

Gallagher’s words were aimed directly at the oak family.

“Mikhail is old and can no longer protect his children”

“When we leave the family and seek our own way out, we become traitors to Tonghe, even though the real traitor is someone else.

Gallagher was extremely angry.

“They still praised the watchmaker’s reputation externally, but secretly they quietly nailed him to the pillar of shame.”

“Even so, we still hope to clear his name”

“As long as the real traitor, the mastermind behind all this, can be found out, Pinoconi’s harmony can get back on track.”

“But we lost. A long time passed, and the impact on the dream land was too deep. Under the endless pursuit, I gave up, like a lost dog.”

Gallagher tells his story as he does now

“My family re-accepted me and gave me a job as a peace officer. On the surface, it was forgiveness, but in reality, it was punishment.”

“At this point, my partner and I were completely disconnected from my past, and Mikhail……”

“I heard that he died in a corner where no one cared, a place where no one could find him. I understood that from this moment on, the Pinoconi he once was would never come back. Gallagher said helplessly.

【Funina: So the truth is really revealed. It was the Oak family that betrayed Tongxi.……】

【Nacida: The Oak family…isn’t that Sunday?】

【Heita: Yeah! That guy is the head of the Oak family, but judging from the surveillance situation, he shouldn’t be the mastermind behind the scenes.】

【Screwgum: Behind this beautiful dream, there is a real mastermind behind the scenes. Obviously, he is the source of the evil.】

【March 7th: Sunday… If you put it like this, everything will be explained. Why did Sunday let Sha Jin take away his gift money?】

【Star: He also needs placer gold to break the situation, and he also exerts the power of harmony】

【Xing: Now the Kroc Film and Television Park has been blocked. Is it because something big is going to happen here and he doesn’t want others to affect it?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: With your statement… it feels like Sunday is also a good person? Isn’t this too strange?】

【Funina: From their own standpoint, there shouldn’t be any bad guys. Just different positions】

【Placer Gold: Good, good, good! So this guy really just wants me to die?】

【Star: Why do you feel so much like the rebellious Lelouch?】

【March 7: Uh…what is that?】

【Star: A story about a dragon slayer who volunteered to become a dragon and then was killed by a new hero.】

【March 7:……】

Listening to Gallagher’s story, Ji Zi also expressed regret

“We’re deeply sorry for this story, but it’s not that simple, right? Gallagher snorted slightly.

“Apparently, someone inherited the name of the clockmaker and secretly continued to rebel against the family until now.”

“There should be only one person who has inherited the title of watchmaker.”

“It’s a pity that after all these years, I still don’t know who that person is, or even whether it is a person… or Mikhail’s ghost wandering in my dreams.”

Gallagher knew nothing about the forces behind it.

“So got it? Why can I tell you so much?”

“Because the girl’s death must be related to the clockmaker’s legacy, and at the end of the fog, you and I can get the answers we want.”

At this moment, Gallagher’s interests were aligned with those of the train crew.

“If that’s really Mikhail’s ghost, I’d quite like to meet him.”

“Those who look down on me can walk around the hotel three times, but those who are willing to look me in the eyes will lose one if they die. Gallagher sighed, his words full of sadness.

He seemed to still miss his companions

“I have told you everything I know, and this is just a thank you gift for your willingness to take a look at this old dog like me.”

Gallagher considers himself a dog, and from the point of view of the hound family, they are indeed similar.

“How ironic, what is the difference between these stowaways who are now rejected by Pinoconi and the Dream Chasers who were regarded as pioneers a few Amber Wares ago?”

Gallagher asked. He had already left after receiving the message.

【March 7: He really has a story】

【Star: He describes himself as an old dog… Is this a description, or is he serious?】

【March 7: Huh? Why is your focus so strange?】

【Xing: Isn’t there a saying? You never know whether the person you are chatting with is a human being or a dog who can type on the keyboard.】

【March 7: Uh……】

【Heita: Very keen intuition! At 13 years old, he talks about how old he is and how he is from a bloodhound family.】

【Screwgum: And in dreams, the appearance of a person may be changed.】

【March 7: So, is it really possible that he is an old dog?】

【Hanabi: Then if you call him, will he respond to you? Ha ha ha ha!】

【Star: So could he be the real murderer? I think he is reluctant to leave the clockmaker. Is he the murderer mentioned on Sunday? ]

Ps: It’s open. Good news, I drew a robin, one that is physical, one that accelerates the finishing move, one that can help teammates… and you can also shout, help me…

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