「"Are you a native of this island?"Zhen asked Ye Mo」

「"No, what about you?"」

「"We had just arrived here when we were knocked unconscious by an unknown force. Then for some reason we woke up in a thatched house and saw you when we came out."」

In fact, if Lei Dianzhen and Lei Xianjie hadn't checked their bodies when they woke up and found nothing unusual, they wouldn't have been so calm and would have taken action against Ye Mo directly.

In fact, there is another reason. If a person is ugly and fierce, people will most likely regard him as a bad person. Don't say judging people by their appearance. This is just a stereotype of people. If he looks good, he has a gentle temperament. Jade is elegant and easy-going, and people are likely to think that he is a good person. This is why there are some hypocrites and villains who do not expose themselves. People never thought of him before.

「"When I found you two, you two were lying on the beach, and then I set up a tent and carried it in for you two in case it rained on the beach."」

「Lei Dianzhen nodded slightly, and then looked at Lei's movie, but all he saw was that she was still staring at Ye Mo with vigilant eyes.」

「You also saw this scene, and smiled at the truth who turned around, and both thought that Lei's movie was indeed very cute.」

「You gave them the place to grill fish, and after they took the first bite, they couldn't stop, so that 80% of the fish you grilled ended up in the Thunder Sisters' bellies.」

「At this point, you are walking together on Narukami Island and have become traveling partners.」

「You didn't expose your own strength, so the innocent-looking Raiden Movie has always been protecting you and Raiden Shin. Because with the support of martial arts masters, your cooking skills are getting better and better. After all, your control of knife skills, The dosage of seasonings remains the same. It can be said that the two girls are very dependent on you. To be more precise, they are your delicious food.」

「The three of you have been together for half a month. Raiden is responsible for protecting you. Raiden is really the peak of the team's IQ. You are responsible for taking care of the lives of the two of you. Now the three of you are basically inseparable, working hard to find the human beings that humans may have. settlement」

「That is, half a month later, you found the first human settlement. They have been troubled by the intrusion of monsters.」

「After you appeared, Lei Movie easily eliminated the monsters that intruded on them and revealed his identity as a demon. You pretended to be a little surprised, which made the Thunder sisters feel a little apologetic.」

「They started from this human settlement, listed it as their own territory, and began to develop from there.」

「After the declaration of the arrival of the two gods into the world, they came to you again and told you their true identity, that is, the Demon God of Thunder and Lightning, and how they came here.」

「Before they found this place, they first met the unreliable Barbatos in Mondstadt. Barbatos showed them the way to Liyue, the country of the Rock Demon God Morax. Morax then told On the other side of their sea, there should be territory that was not occupied by demons, so they crossed the ocean and came to Narukami Island.」

「In the following decades, you developed the country even stronger and named it Inazuma, gradually developing it into a very large country.」

「You have become the God of Thunder and Lightning, helping the Thunder and Lightning Sisters to plan the city layout, formulate calendars, promulgate laws, and handle government affairs. You can be said to be the first person among the two and above ten thousand people. You can even be said to be on an equal footing with the Thunder and Lightning Sisters. In daily life, we are not kings and ministers, but friends」

「In the past few years, they have found that you have not changed at all, and they are absolutely sure that you are also an immortal and can always be with them. In their eyes, you may just be an extremely interesting person at first, but as time goes by, , you seem to be an indispensable part of their lives」

「In the past few decades, you have successively obtained some useful and useless things, among which there are only five that are really useful: Golden Experience Requiem, Beliance Sword, Unparalleled Sword Box, Colorless Realm Divine Power, and the Immortal Killing Sword."

See With this posture, Ye Mo had to say that he was inseparable from the sword in this life. Three of the five useful rewards were related to the sword. The system clearly wanted him to become a sword immortal!

But I have to say that this system has finally worked for a while, and the things coming from the other world are really fragrant, so just be free from desires. Anyway, this is just a life simulation, is there any big deal?

「Your relationship with Raiden Zhen and Raiden Movie has basically reached a critical point, but you always think that you are both friends. Leiden Movie is unable to describe and express this feeling because of his natural naivety, while Raiden Shin Sister, that’s why I haven’t revealed my true feelings. The three of you have maintained an extremely perfect balance.」

「Because of this relationship, you didn’t have too many scruples. You told them your true strength, and because you accidentally knocked them unconscious at that time, they burst into laughter.」

「You shared the divine power of the Colorless Realm with them, which helped them greatly enhance their strength. However, other abilities are too special, so there is no way to share them with them.」

「Under the will of heaven, all the demon gods started a war to select the seven who could survive and become the seven rulers of the world.」

「So the demon gods started a war, fighting each other, and conquering each other."

Ye Mo could understand, after all, even as powerful as demon gods, they are still creatures with feelings, and of course they don't want to be eliminated, because elimination means death.

Narukami Island, where Inazuma is located, has a demon god in addition to Raiden Shin and Raiden Movie, not to mention that there are Kannazuka, Yaojima Island, Kiyose Island and Kaiji Island around. Each of these islands has at least There is a demon god. It can be said that they have many enemies and are extremely difficult to deal with.

However, with their strength, Ye Mo can defeat two or three demons without too much effort. The fighting power of Leiden Movie can be said to be very powerful among demons. Although Leidenzhen is weak, it is only in the concept of demons. The combat power is weak, no matter how weak it is, it cannot be killed easily.

「The three of you, Raiden Makoto, are responsible for managing Inazuma. Raikage and Ye Mo alternate with each other. One is conquering foreign countries and the other is protecting the country. Therefore, Narukami Island, Kannazuka and Kiyose Island were soon taken over as Inazuma's territory.」

「At the same time, you have recovered many powerful combat forces, such as the Baichen clan, the Tengu clan and the ghost clan.」

「You and the Raiden sisters made good friends with the clan leader Bai Chen, the mother-in-law Kozaigiya, the Tengu clan leader Yuri Sasa, and the Akagui clan leader Gogo Chiyo, and became close friends. We drank and watched the flowers together under the cherry blossom trees.」

「One day, you were wandering around Inazuma City and came to the Wilderness of the White Fox. When you first came to Nowhere and wandered around, you heard the cries of some foxes.」

「When you go up to check, you will find some foxes talking loudly, gathered together, and I don’t know what they are doing."

(Please data! Please flowers! Please vote for evaluation! To write a novel, I spent a long time looking up information, it’s so difficult!!!)

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