「You stepped forward to check. When the foxes heard the footsteps and looked back, they saw you. They suddenly stood up in shock. They came to you, stood in a row, and all lay down.」

「"See, see, see, see, ink, ink, ink, sir."The leading white fox said nervously」

「"Oh, are you the foxes under the Fox Palace?"」

「"Yes, it is"」

「"Get up, don't be so nervous, it seems like I'm bullying the fox under her and don't give her face."」

「"yes."The leading fox nodded and agreed, then got up with several foxes.」

「When you saw them getting up, you ignored them and looked behind them at the place where they had just surrounded you. You saw a little pink fox that was a little thin and covered in bruises.」

「"What's happening here?"You asked」

「"This is an alien species. Both our white foxes and their red foxes accept this guy. Today he stole our tribute and was caught and beaten by us."The leading white fox said again, his tone was weaker and he looked very scared, but still a little aggrieved.」

「You didn't pay attention to them, you just went straight to the little pink fox and picked it up slowly」

「The moment the little fox was picked up by you, it bit down on your arm. You didn't resist or fight back, just let it bite the arm and let it suck your blood."

That little fox did this, maybe Because he was afraid of self-defense, or maybe he was too hungry, Ye Mo saw that this little guy was pitiful. With his strength, let alone being bitten by the little fox on his arm, it would have been impossible to prevent all the teeth in his mouth from breaking. 1 in 1 chance

「You hug the little fox and tuck it into your collar to keep it warm.」

「You didn’t stay in the White Fox Wilderness any longer and headed straight back to Inazuma Castle.」

「Because Inazuma is Narukami's territory, thunderstorms are somewhat frequent. On the way back, it started to rain lightly to prevent various forces from harming the little one in your arms. The raindrops hit your body, making your hair as white as snow. It has been wet, and a lot of rain slowly slid down your knife-like face, condensed into small water droplets on your chin, and dripped on the little guy's little head. You touched its small head and used Start covering it from the rain」

「About half an hour later, you returned to Inazuma City. With your strength, you didn’t have to worry about catching a cold. At most, you just needed to take a shower and change some clothes.」

「Because of the protection of the god's power, it won't rain heavily like outside. The moment you step back into Rice Wife, the rain will stop completely."

In fact, in his previous life, Ye Mo was very cute and cute, and the furry things were very cute. Although his xp is the royal sister and the queen, he also likes cute or furry things, so he takes such meticulous care of this little fox, because it is a little too Asasi Got it

「Many people of Daozhu were very surprised when they saw you. They never expected that Lord Ye Mo, who works side by side with the gods, would be soaked by the heavy rain and return to Daozhu City looking a little embarrassed.」

「But in Ziming's eyes, even if you get wet in the rain, you still feel like a hibiscus emerging from the water, like a fairy falling into the water. There is a feeling of beauty, and it is incomparably beautiful.」

「Some people offered you some cold-repelling medicinal soup and warm food. You did not accept it and chose to decline. You told them in an elegant and easy-going tone that you hoped to give these things to those in need. The admiration and approval of a large number of people」

「After a while, you returned to the castle tower. The Okukis guarding the castle tower greeted you respectfully one by one. You responded to them easily, and then walked towards the castle tower.」

「You didn't go to see the Thunder and Lightning sisters. You returned to your yard first.」

「After returning to your yard, your subordinate Hatamoto said hello to you and then continued to guard the yard." (Hatatamoto is a samurai guard under the ancient Japanese general. Here, it is set as the direct corps of the protagonist. With the protagonist's status It's basically reasonable, I can't help it if I have to dig into it)

「You returned to your living room. Since you were living in Inazuma, the house was naturally a Japanese-style room. You placed the little fox on a tatami, then went out to prepare for a bath and change clothes. You ordered the two kowaku at the door to prepare some food. , and take care of the little fox, you can rest assured." (In ancient Japan, the information about women's names is not easy to come by. Dear bosses, please give me the information!)

「Your waist yuan serves you to bathe and change clothes, but you don't feel much because you are pure and have no interest in these worldly desires."

Seeing this, Ye Mo suddenly thought of one of Bone King's skills,"Forcing is not necessary."Fang", simply amazing

「After some tidying up, you returned to your living room, hugged the little fox that had been taken care of, rubbed its little head, and saw its eyes begin to open slowly.」

「It had just woken up, staring at you quietly with its big, round and lovely eyes. It seemed to be fascinated by you. After a short while, it was interrupted by a knock on the door.」

「One waist brought some food and put it on the table, and you asked her to leave.」

「You put the little fox down, picked up a bowl of fried tofu, and put it in front of it. You couldn't help but smile when you saw that it was eating with gusto. However, only half a minute passed, and you saw a slice of fried tofu served on top of the rice. Ripples」

「You leaned your upper body forward, wanting to check the situation, but you saw the little fox's eyes filled with tears.」

「You seem to understand something, as if people are like this, divided into three, six or nine levels by the world. People at the top enjoy abundant material and spiritual life, while people at the bottom can only meet the food and clothing supply here. And the spiritual needs seem to have disappeared」

「When people obtain higher-level resources, they will naturally cry with joy, but then they gradually become calmer and slowly want to pursue a higher-level life. Some people may truly succeed in counterattacking, and some may remain pawns throughout their lives. , unable to escape from the hands of the chess player. Some people may become worse than the abyss just by walking.」

「In your previous life, your parents in your previous life may have been capitalists who stank of copper and ate steamed buns with the blood of ordinary people, but they may also be just chess pieces in this world, and everything is in the hands of the chess player.」

「You gradually realize, you seem to understand what kind of society you want to create, you seem to understand what this world should be like」

「In your opinion, your way is one step closer to perfection, and your sword intention seems to make up for the missing corner.」

「You have an epiphany."

In Ye Mo's opinion, this is extremely rare. After all, the epiphany in life is never easy or simple. Together they are carrying out a life simulation that is like reality. He also feels such a wonderful feeling. It feels like I have not become stronger at all, but I feel that I have truly become stronger.

Why does epiphany occur? It's still the same sentence. He can never deviate from his sect. He has mastered the martial arts and has extremely high understanding. The martial artist's state of mind is either as calm as water or as chaotic as a mess. Enlightenment is like leveling a bowl of water. It may seem like a simple thing, as long as you control your limbs. However, if your heart is numb and cloudy, how can it calm the external world?

「After you have escaped from the state of enlightenment and digested everything you felt, you see the little fox who has finished eating the fried tofu, staring at you with his cute big eyes.」

「You wipe away the remaining tears from the corners of its eyes and rub its little head. It cooperates with you as if it enjoys it.」

「"Thank you."You said, slowly taking your hand away from its little head.」

「Maybe it's because it's not yet smart. It tilts its head with a questioning look on its face, making it look very cute and cute.」

「You smiled again, picked it up, and prepared to take it to meet Raiden Jin and Raiden Movie.」

「Based on your memory from your previous life, you think this little fox is very likely to be the Son of the Eightfold God. After all, you don’t know much about Bai Chen’s bloodline and can’t tell, so you can only go to Raiden. Please help me.」

「In fact, you could have gone to Hozai Palace originally, but the main reason is that you don’t really want to go to Hozai Palace. After all, this rice wife and chariot king has been coveting your beauty for a long time, which affects your Qingxiu. Compared with the lovely sister Chiyo, and The elegant brother Yuri Sasa is drinking and admiring flowers together. You really don’t want to come into contact with this big Yae Kamiko.」

「After a while, you and the little fox finished eating the remaining food, then left the yard and walked towards the depths of the castle tower, where Raiden Shin and Raiden Shine lived.」

「But on the road, you unexpectedly saw a beautiful woman with short white hair and a pair of upward-turned fox ears.」

「The moment you saw her, you turned around and left without saying a word. But before you even arrived, she noticed you instantly, came to your side, and said hello to you.」

「"Long time no see~Brother Xiaomo~"」

「"Uh, ah, this... we just saw it yesterday, right?"You said. After all, her words affected your Taoist heart and made your elegant and easy-going aura a little unstable.」

「"Oh~ Really? But for me, it’s like the poem you wrote, what’s it called? Let me think about it... Yes!"One day without seeing you is like three months." Sister, I love you deeply! How could you do this, let down my good intentions?"」

(Please give me flowers! Please give me monthly votes! Please give me evaluation votes! If you can comment, please comment and criticize this author so that he can write something you like to read more. Okay. It’s another day of searching for literature, I’m sleepy)

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