「"Mr. Saimiya, I want to see Zhen and Kage. We might as well sit down and talk some other time."you say」

「At this time, the little fox looked at this scene and was stunned. Although her spiritual intelligence was not yet developed, the information in the blood of the fox clan made her never think about the legendary grandmother Bai Chen, the great idol of her clan, the fox. The strongest man of the clan, Master Hu Zhai Palace, actually looks like this」

「At this time, Huzhai Palace also saw the little fox in your arms, and then he looked at it carefully, and then said:"This is the real reason you are looking for. You don't need to look for it. I'm sure that these hundred He is definitely a descendant of my Baichen clan, but the bloodline is too thin. If cultivated carefully, he will be pretty good."」

「You nodded and understood, then looked at the little fox in your arms with a look of relief, completely confirming his identity, the controller of Meishin Taisha Shrine, the editor-in-chief of Yaedo Hall, the descendant of Inazuma Raijin, the legendary The crumb fox - Yae Shenzi」

「At this time, the little fox was still confused and didn't understand at all. But looking at Ye Mo's expression, he felt that something good had happened, so he screamed happily and danced.」

「"Okay, okay, let's go! Little brother Mo"」

「"Ah, where to go?"」

「"Of course I’m going to meet Zhen and Ah Ying~! Otherwise, why do you think I came to the castle tower?"」

「You didn’t continue talking, but just followed the Foxsai Palace and walked towards the depths of the castle tower. After just a short while, you reached the」

「Entering the living room of Raiden Zhen and Raiden Movie, you and Kozaigong enter and see the Raiden sisters gathered around eating sweets.」

「"You are here."Thunderbolt really said」

「"Clam? Wait for us?"You ask」

「"of course! When I first met you, you actually asked me to go out to look for you. I didn't expect that I would meet you right after I went out~ I and Xiao Mo are really destined~" Huzhai Palace said」

「"Well, in this case, what can I do? By the way, why did you ask me to come?"You said, spreading your hands, showing a helpless and questioning expression.」

「"Now Inazuma is about to unify all the surrounding islands, leaving only Yao Island and Haiqi Island. There are two demons on Yao Island and one demon on Haiqi Island. We only need to defeat these three demons. , you can complete the demon war here and become the winner."Leidenzhen said to you, explaining the current situation to you.」

「"You understand, what Raiden really means, and he looked at Raiden next to him."

Ye Mo understood that it was the last minute, and of course he had to be steady, and Raiden had just completely conquered Kannazuka some time ago, and now it was time to replace him.

In fact, Lei Dianzhen also had another intention, which was to bring Ying and Ye Mo together, because she knew that if Ye Mo was going to go on an expedition tomorrow, even though Ying was said to be very naive, his unintentional behavior would make Zhen early It was concluded that Ying liked Ye Mo, but the shadow warrior who usually only knew how to practice martial arts was unaware of his feelings.

Therefore, Ying will definitely go to Ye Mo tonight.

Even though Lei Dian really knew, her feelings for Ye Mo definitely didn't belong in Lei's movie, or even worse. She was just willing to let go for the sake of her sister. As a sister, that's all. Because she didn't know that if she didn't keep suppressing her feelings, or continued to delay them, she might not be able to bear it.

If my sister gets happiness, she will probably bless them, and by then she will completely get rid of that thought, right?

「At this time, Lei Shijie had just finished eating a bunch of three-color dumplings. She felt eyes staring at her and raised her head.」

「Those eyes like purple gems, and one gold and one red just stared at each other for a moment, and they saw Lei Mo quickly lowered her head.

In a place where they couldn't see, Lei Mo's long purple hair covered her face, and her little head hid. In the dark room with her hair, she continued to pick up a bunch of three-color dumplings. Even before she knew it, the temperature on her face was almost twice as high as her body temperature.

「You accepted the mission and were about to leave when Zhen suddenly stopped you again」

「"That pink hand-warming fox fur of yours is of Bai Chen bloodline. You hunted down the juniors of Zhai Palace, but she didn’t care about you?"True to say」

「As soon as Zhen finished speaking, she saw what she called the pink hand-warming fox fur suddenly jumped up and rushed towards her, baring his teeth and claws, and pointed at Zhen with what he thought was a fierce expression and movement.」

「But in your eyes, she is too cute」

「Lei Dengzhen picked up the angry little fox and asked you,"What's the name of this cute little guy?" She said while playing with the little fox with her hands, which made the little fox angry. I couldn't leave the clutches of Thunder and Lightning, and I was very frustrated. I was crying and fussing, wow, wow, wow, how pitiful."

Seeing the system playing tricks, Ye Mo couldn't stand it anymore, and had to say, great! The voice of a scornful fox will ultimately harm others and yourself.

「"Her name is...Ye"」

「Lei Deng gave you a really blank look, because she heard your tone and tone, it was clearly the name you had just given, it was too perfunctory.」

「You left Xiao Yae here and returned to your yard. After all, it was getting late and you had to go on an expedition tomorrow. Of course you had to have a good rest.」

「In the middle of the night, you took out the Guili Sword and the Wushuang Sword Box from the opened space. Because the Zhuxian Sword is too high-level, it is really difficult to operate, and it is easy to be killed by backlash. Now you can basically only use them to practice your skills.」

「You waved your hand, and the Wushuang Sword Box was unfolded. You pinched a sword formula in your hand, pointed your finger flat, and curled it upwards, and all thirteen swords flew out.」

「"Cloud shuttle, green frost, phoenix flute, red leaves, butterfly, absolute shadow, breaking the tribulation, killing, jade wishful, winding fingers soft, blue, boundless, Ming Suzaku!"」

「Thirteen swords surround your house. You control them and wield swords in the house. This kind of skill is already childish in your opinion. Your realm of swordsmanship has long been no longer limited to this. To you, it is just a flower. Wood, grass, stone, drops of water, air, time and space, all can be your sword."

It's like looking at mountains as mountains and water as water. Ordinary people can only understand the surface of all things and cannot analyze their inner meanings and understand them. The so-called deep meaning is not over-understanding, over-understanding is counterproductive, just like Bole looking at horses. It is impossible to judge whether a horse is good or bad based on its appearance. It may be thin and weak, but it can travel thousands of miles in a day, and Bole knows how to judge a horse. Look past the outside and look inside. As the saying goes, flowers are not flowers, mist is not mist, mountains are not mountains, and water is not water.

「You like famous swords. The thirteen swords in this sword box can be said to be one of your most precious collections. Your realm is no longer limited to swords, but you have been looking for swords all your life, but you still like swords.」

「After a while, you put the thirteen pieces into the Unparalleled Sword Box and put them into the storage space. Then you started to pick up the Guili sword."Guili is not so much a sword as it is a spear from the European Middle Ages, and it has no point." The head is like a big stick, although it is very strong.

Because of his powerful destructive power, the sword that is said to be able to"cut the world apart" is, after all, his own country, and it is difficult to use this ability. If he were to use the [Heaven and Earth's Deviation and Opening Star], what would happen to this thing? The destructive power is much more terrifying than that in Fate, not to mention using the Deviation Sword to open the King's Treasure. With three or four shots, the effect of the emperor hitting Guyun Pavilion with Guanhong with all his strength should be almost the same.

「You might check the Guili Sword, play with it and then put it back.」

「At this moment, you heard footsteps outside the door. In just a second or two, your door was opened by a beautiful purple figure. It was none other than Lei Movie.」

「Because you are going on an expedition tomorrow, she comes to see you. She is afraid that you will be nervous and scared, and wants to accompany you to relieve your stress. Maybe she is deceiving herself. After all, she does not believe that you will be scared, but she still wants to see you. Seeing you, saying that should just be out of some tsundere on her part.」

「You got up and chatted quietly with her, and then walked out while chatting, wanting to see the moon tonight."

The sky was quiet and the moonlight was beautiful.

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