Thousands of miles in the ocean.

The Southern Cross is constantly sailing.

Ying sat on the wooden box loaded with goods, swaying her legs leisurely, enjoying the sea breeze with a comfortable face.

It's been some time since Liyue departed, and the fleet is getting closer and closer to Inazuma.

Across the sea, Ying could even faintly see the island wrapped in thunder and lightning.

Ying's heart was both excited and expectant.

In that unknown land, what kind of experience will you have, and what kind of people and things will you encounter...

Girls can't help but imagine.

"Ah~, it's so boring~"

"How long will it take..."

Paimon lies on the wooden crate, looking loveless.

Ying smiled lightly and said:

"Paimon, this is the third time you've asked that today..."

"Be patient, I should be able to get to Inazuma in a few days. "

Paimon still looked listless when he heard this.

"But, it's really boring..."

"You can't do anything on the ship, except to eat, just sleep..."

"There is nothing around but sea water, or sea water..."

Paimon rolls on the box with a pained expression.

This directly made Ying happy.

"Eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, isn't that your favorite life?"

Yingxiao groaned.

"That's different..."

"Ah~~, it's boring, it's boring, it's boring~~"

Paimon was like a violet, rolling around the box, moaning in his mouth.

Since the initial freshness, the current sailing time is undoubtedly an ordeal for Paimon.

"Sailing, Gollum~, that's it, how much fun do you think it can be?!"

Beidou shouted drunkenly as he poured wine into his mouth.

"If you don't have a little patience for a long trip, you can't do it~"

Kazuha, who was sitting on the side of the ship, also laughed softly.

"Ah~~, boring, boring, boring~~"

Paimon didn't listen to a word, and still performed "Viomela rolling".

The surrounding crew members were all smiling, and they were all amused.

Kazuha slowly withdrew his gaze and looked at the island in the distance.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and his eyes became deeper.

"At the current rate, it should be there in another ten days..."

Kazuha looked at him and read softly, as if he was talking to others, and as if he was talking to himself.

"Is there still ten days left..."

Ying's expression darkened slightly.

This time was a little longer than she expected.

"Kazuha, did you count the time you spent through the thunderstorm?"

Beidou shouted drunkenly.

"Hah, I almost forgot... Then add two more days. "

Kazuha chuckled.

"Ah?!It will take twelve days?!woo~, who will save me, I really can't stay~~"

Paimon only felt the pain to the extreme.

She's really bored to death.

Ying also sighed lightly.

But as Beidou said, sailing is not a very interesting thing, and most of the sailing time is basically boring and boring.

After the hustle and bustle, the crowd gradually returned to silence and boredom.

That's when it happened.

A glimmer of light lit up in front of the glow.

"Huh?!What is this?!"

The soft glow instantly catches Paimon's attention.

The crowd also looked at this side.

As the light group continued to change, everyone's faces became more and more amazed.

"It's... Mr. Bai ?!!"

Ying's eyes widened, and her face was full of incredulity.

"It's... He...... How..."

Paimon was already a little stunned and incoherent.

"Bai An?!How could he..."

"What the hell is this bright piece of light?!"

Looking at the picture on the light curtain, Beidou's wine instantly woke up more than half.

"This is the genius storyteller who was rumored to be in Liyue before?"

Kazuha was also surprised, staring at the light curtain and constantly looking.

The surrounding crew members also surrounded each other, and their faces were surprised to each other.

Obviously, most of them recognize the teenager in this picture.

Looking at the vivid image in front of him, Paimon suddenly stretched out a finger and poked it at the light.

"Wait a minute, Paimon!"

Before Ying could stop it, Paimon's fingers went straight through the light curtain.


Paimon's face was dumbfounded.

Everyone was also stunned.

"So wicked?!"

Beidou raised his eyebrows, and then stood up.

Immediately, everyone made a fuss at the light curtain.

The result shocked everyone and silenced them.

This curtain of light is like a real light, formless and incorporeal.

"Is this also made by Mr. Bai...?"

"It's amazing..."

Ying's face was complicated. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With such a magical light curtain, the person in the picture is Bai An.

Naturally, it can only be Bai An's handiwork.

"That guy actually has such an amazing ability..."

Paimon's eyes widened, still looking incredulous.

Everyone was also stunned, looking at the light curtain path in a daze.

"Mr. Bai, this is... Ready to tell a story?!"

Looking at the picture on the screen, Ying blinked in surprise.

Hearing this, the surrounding crew members suddenly became agitated.

They were all crew members from Liyue, and they were no strangers to this famous young storyteller.

Hearing that they could actually pass through this magical light curtain and listen to the teenager's storytelling, the crew members became excited one by one.

"Oh~~!I know!"

"He must have been worried that we were too bored on the boat, so he used this method to let us watch him tell the story!"

"I have to say, this guy is actually very good!!"

Paimon hugged his little hand and looked proud, thinking he had seen through the truth.

And her emotions also soared suddenly, and her inner perception of the teenager suddenly rose several steps.

"Is that so..."

"In that case, Mr. Bai is really good to us. "

A smile welled up on Ying's face.

"Hehe, when I was most bored, this guy showed up..."

"I decided that I would never speak ill of him again, hehe~"

Paimon rubbed his hands together and looked at the screen with his eyes shining, his face full of anticipation and excitement.

Everyone also sat around, looking at the screen with shining eyes.

In the midst of this boring voyage, it is undoubtedly a very pleasant thing to listen to a wonderful storytelling.

The sea breeze blows.

The boat is quiet and quiet.

Only the voice of the teenager, gently fluttering.

"So, surnamed Bai An, is a storyteller. "


"Bai An?"

Yae Miko's eyes changed.

Then a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Is this the boy who haunted the general's dreams during this time..."

"I see, it's really interesting..."

Looking at the young man in the picture, Yae Miko's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Tianling pursues the matter of looking for young people everywhere, and she, the master of the palace, naturally knows about it.

It's just that the matter has nothing to do with her, and she naturally doesn't bother to ask.

It's just that at this moment, the young man who appeared with the strange light curtain finally aroused her interest and curiosity.

"Let me see what kind of magic this teenager has..."

"I can fascinate her~"

Yae Miko smiled charmingly, and then turned her attention to the picture.


"Bai An?!"

"Isn't this the Liyue man you've been looking for?!"

Yoimiya's originally dull expression turned into surprise.

Immediately, she pulled a chair from the side and sat down, looking intently at the light curtain.

She wanted to see why this Liyue boy was wanted by the Heavenly Leader.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

This young man will be wanted by the Heavenly (Wangde) Lord, and in a sense, he can be regarded as his friend.

If the situation allows, you may be able to help the other person.

Yoimiya looked at the screen intently, and her face became serious.


The same thing happened in Kamisato Yashiki.

Kamisato Ayaka quietly looked at the young man in the picture, with a bit of determination in her eyes.

Her thoughts are almost exactly the same as Yoimiya's.

The Heavenly Leader's search for the boy is even greater than the eye hunting order.

Although I don't know why this young man named Bai An was wanted by the Heavenly Leader.

But judging by Raiden Shogun's attitude towards arresting this person...

The existence of this young man is very likely to pose a great threat to Raiden Shogun and the "eternal" policy he is pursuing.

Otherwise, the intensity of its search and arrest will not be more exaggerated than the eye hunting order.

And this is an opportunity not to be missed for those who resist the Eye Hunting Order!

"Bai An..."

Kamisato Ayaka firmly remembered the other party's name and appearance.

If you have the opportunity, you can invite each other to conspire with each other...

In the picture, the young man's voice sounded slowly:

"Today, we're going to talk about a..."

"Ordinary and great stories. "。

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