The drizzle rained non-stop.

In front of the teahouse, the fog was thick.

It's quite poetic.

In the hazy mist, tens of thousands of listeners were quiet and eagerly awaiting.

Everyone is waiting for the story of the teenager.

Looking at the crowd of people in the audience, Bai An's eyes were three points of emotion, three points of embarrassment, and four points of gentleness.

These people are all their own fans.

Although it is not in the calculation of the system, there is no doubt that they are all living fans.

Ten thousand people braved the rain.

When it comes to storytelling, there is no one before or after...

In the drizzle, the young man's voice sounded slowly:

"Do you remember the last time we told you?"

Listening to the young man's inquiry, everyone in the audience scrambled to answer:

"Remember, remember!It's the story of Kazuha!!"

"Step on the red leaves in the deep mountains, and hear the deer in your ears!!"

"The story of the brave Inazuma people who rebelled against the tyrant!!"

The guests in the audience rushed to shout one by one, and the crowd was excited.

The originally quiet sea of people, once it boiled, it was earth-shattering and buzzing.

Even the rain curtain in the sky was shaken for a while.

Thousands of miles away, aboard the Southern Cross.

Kazuha was dumbfounded.


The teenager told the story, why did he still talk about himself?

Ying, Paimon and the others were also stunned.

"Did Mr. Bai tell the story of Kazuha after we left?"

Ying said an uncertain 830.

"My story? What is my story?"

"And how did he know my story?"

Kazuha only felt confused.

"Hmph, you guy, you look like a person with a story~"

Paimon clasped his hands together and quipped with a teasing expression.

"Mr. Bai is very powerful, he knows everything. "

Ying answered Kazuha's question.


Kazuha's eyes flickered.

Immediately, everyone said no more and turned their attention back to the light curtain.

In the picture, the young man slowly suppressed the hustle and bustle of the guests, and spoke again:

"This time, we're going to tell the story and make the last story relevant. "

When the guests heard this, their faces were immediately excited.

"The story of the last time, is there a follow-up?

"Do you mean Kazuha, or a traveler, or Kazuha's friend?"

"I guess it's Raiden Shogun... I don't want to hear that guy's story..."

"Me too, hate that guy..."

The guests whispered.

"This time the story is not a follow-up, just an episode in the previous story. "

"But I feel like it's great enough that it shouldn't just be an interlude. "

So today, I'm going to share this story with you. "

Bai An said with a shallow smile.

"Okay, okay, let's hear it!!" (ccad)

The guests' eyes were shining, and they all looked excited.

"Unlike the shining protagonists in previous stories..."

"This time, the protagonist of the story..."

"It's an ordinary ordinary person. "

Bai An said softly, his tone softer than ever.

The guests were so quiet that even the sound of breathing became faint.

"As always, this story has its own wordcard. "

The boy's voice was gentle.

Tens of thousands of people are looking forward to it.


"He who is not watched by the gods. "

The young man's voice fluttered through the audience.

Everyone's faces turned pale.

"Under the oppression of the hunting order, thousands of rebels rose up, and in the thunderous land of Inazuma, a fire that faced the might of heaven was ignited. "

Because of the foreshadowing of the previous story, the teenager no longer made any superfluous remarks and started talking directly.

"In that long and mighty uprising, countless strong men shed blood and sacrificed for it. "

"When a father dies, the son will take over the blade from his father. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If the father and son die, the women and children in the family will carry their burdens and go to the battlefield to fight with their brothers on behalf of their husbands. "

"War is never just a short record in history. "

"It is the sad song of countless families and countless people. "

The boy's voice is no longer gentle, replaced by tragic.

As if there was a tacit understanding, an extremely tragic piano sound, accompanied by the voice of the young man, sounded faintly.

Wendy is a very mature bard who knows exactly what kind of music is needed, when, and when.

He didn't need Bai An's prompt at all, so he played naturally.

With this tragic sound of the piano...

In the last second, the expressions were still full of excitement and anticipation of thousands of guests, and at this moment, the mood suddenly fell to the valley.

This has just begun, and the atmosphere has become extremely heavy.

Ningguang, Keqing and the others all looked solemn.

They are in high positions of authority, so they can naturally understand the truth in the words of teenagers.

War has never been as simple as two armies facing each other.

It was the shattering of the fate of countless individuals and the withering of countless lives.

War has always been cruel.

Even though it was a righteous uprising, it still could not hide its tragic truth.

"And our hero this time..."

"It's called Teppei. "

The boy's voice softened slightly.

The sound of the piano also becomes softer.

At that time, he was just one of thousands of rebels. "

"An ordinary and ordinary young man. "

"He doesn't have a vision, and his martial arts are average, and among the thousands of rebels, Tetsuhei is inconspicuous. "

But he, like everyone else, had the same sincere and fiery desire. "

"That wish is to overturn the Eye Hunting Order. "

As the boy spoke, the faces of the guests all became dark.

Gusts of autumn rain, coupled with the faint sound of the piano, add to this heavy atmosphere.

People's breathing unconsciously becomes heavy.

"It's funny to say..."

The boy suddenly smiled lightly.

Everyone was slightly stunned.

The boy's smile flickered.

The eyes are also deeper than before.

"A man without a vision, the most ardent desire..."

"It's actually the overturning of the eye hunting order. "

This sentence instantly hit the hearts of countless people.

Countless guests had a sour nose and suddenly red eyes.

In the midst of the uprising in full swing, Zheping followed thousands of comrades-in-arms, kept fighting hard and fighting bravely. "

He didn't know what the final outcome of the war would be. "

But he knew that what he wanted to do most was to overturn the Eye Hunting Order. "

This lofty ideal is worthy of all his efforts and worthy of his dedication. "

He hoped and firmly believed that the Eye Hunting Order would be overturned, and that Inazuma would finally usher in the dawn of freedom. "

With that belief, Tetsuhei fought desperately day after day. "

Accompanied by the young man's words, everyone only felt a Lingyun ambition swaying in their chests.

Men should be self-reliant.

Even if it's ordinary, even if it's ordinary, even if it's not as good as those radiant elemental powers...

But as long as you have ambition in your chest, you are also a well-known man.

It deserves people's admiration.

"War was brutal, and many people lost their lives in that war. "

"But Teppei was lucky, and he was lucky to survive countless tragic battles. "

Seeing the number of comrades-in-arms around him decrease one by one, Zheping was sad and sad. "

"He's getting harder. "

He felt that if he could become a little more powerful and stronger, he might be able to protect his comrades, and maybe he would be able to make this war end faster. "

"This ordinary young man, for the sake of his inner desire, struggles and works hard day after day. "

And this great battle between the rebel army and the shogunate army also became more and more tragic as time went by. "

"It's hard to say for a while. "

"The only thing the two sides can do is to exchange their lives and blood for that slightest chance of victory. "

"Finally, one day..."

"The dawn of victory quietly appeared in the sky above the rebel army. "

"Kazuha and the Traveler stepped into the camp of the rebels. "。

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