Zhuzi's expression changed visibly with the naked eye.

The body couldn't stop trembling.

"First... Sir, you mean..."

The girl's voice trembled violently.

Looking at the change in Zhuzi's expression, Bai ~ An couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head.

"Let's just say, is there a possibility..."

"The Bai An you are talking about, and the Bai An in front of you..."

"It's the same person?"

Listening to the young man's words, Zhuzi's eyes finally shone with wisdom.

Liyue's most famous storyteller is Bai An.

And his own owner is also called Bai An.

The two are of similar age, and their looks are also outstanding.

And in the days when the boy was telling stories, his owner never appeared in the store.

And every time after the storytelling, his owner will appear in front of him with a new batch of goods.

Zhuzi finally understood.

one's own owner, why should it be one's own owner.

He can also be a storyteller.

Zhuzi finally came to her senses.

She's numb.

Then, she fainted.


Zhuzi rolled her eyes, then straightened back and fainted.


Bai An hurriedly supported the other party, crying and laughing in his heart.

This news, for a small employee, is too shocking after all.

This suddenly stunned people.

Bai An smiled bitterly.

After a long while, Zhu Zi woke up quietly.

Looking at the kind-faced young man in front of her, she seemed to have turned into a piece of wood, unable to speak or move.

Another good moment passed.

Zhu Zi finally regained some senses, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Sir, can't you just do some foreshadowing first..."

"I gave you a hint... My name is Bai An~"

"That's... That gentleman didn't say anything, you're a storyteller..."

"You didn't ask~"


There was a long silence.

Zhu Zi's heart finally gradually digested this shocking news.

Looking at the young man's gaze, he gradually changed.

The young man in front of him and the rumored image of the genius storyteller finally gradually merged.

"Sir, you... You really are... That Bai An...? "

"What's this inside, both of them are me, I'm me, fireworks of different colors."

"Oh... Goose, hehehe..."

"Zhuzi, I found that you are quite wise when you laugh, or I will call you smart in the future..."

"Okay, hehehe..."

"Zhuzi, do you have any good elementary school classmates? Why don't I invite you over and let you form a Wolong and Phoenix Chick together? "

"Zhuzi didn't go to school, hehehe..."

Looking at Zhu Zi, who looked wise and smirked, Bai An could only sigh silently.

He didn't want to pretend to be forced.

But the atmosphere has come to this point, and he can only pretend.

Invisible pretending is the most deadly.

An innocent and innocent girl, completely under that dazzling aura.

Feeling Zhuzi's adoring and blazing gaze, Bai An knew that this place could not stay any longer.

If you stay any longer, it should be a workplace office...

"Zhuzi, do you really want to listen to books?"

"I want to..."

"Then the next time I talk about the book, I will give you a holiday, and you can just go directly."

"Well... Goose, hehe..."

"Okay, that's it, I'll withdraw first."

"Huh?! Sir, are you leaving so soon? Won't you stay a little longer?? "

"Don't wait, there's something to do, let's talk next time, 886~"

"Sir! I haven't taken anything yet!! "

"I'll give you those food~, Mimi~, let's go~"


In the girl's call, Bai An hugged the cat cub and ran away as soon as he slipped away.


Soft afternoon sun.

Lazy and cozy.

Bai An hugged the cat cub and took a leisurely walk.

Due to his previous experience, this time he chose not to take the avenue, but chose a path by the sea.

Quiet path, off the beaten track.

To the left is a sparkling blue ocean.

On the right is a row of red and yellow shadows.

The gentle autumn sun spills through the gaps between the leaves and sways in the wind.

The picture is very beautiful for a while.

Bai An only felt extremely comfortable.

Even the kitten in his arms stretched his waist lazily, and his nose let out a comfortable moan of "purring".

"Mimi, what should I call you in the future..."

"Forget it, let's call it Mimi, it's still the most classic name..."

Looking at the cat in his arms, Bai An's eyes were doting.

He's not a cat slave. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

But he doesn't mind being an honorable shovel officer.

Moreover, the kitten is indeed very good-looking, snow-white, without any variegation.

And the best thing is that it has a pair of different pupils, blue on one side and green on the other, as clear and crystal clear as a gem.

Such a good-looking kitten, even if it is taken out and sold, it can be exchanged for a lot of money.

The villager gave such a good-looking kitten to himself, obviously full of love for himself.

It is estimated that he gave the best-looking one in the nest to himself.

Bai An felt heartwarmed.

"Mimi~, Mimi~"

The smile on Bai An's face has never fallen, and he has never heard the action of petting the cat in his hand.


Mimi seems to be extremely well-behaved and not as naughty and active as other Mimi.

"You're pretty good at enjoying it~"

A figure stood in front of the road.

Bai An slowly stopped.

"Here we go."

Bai An didn't raise his head, and said lightly, without a trace of panic and dismayness on his face.

"You know I'm coming?"

The cloak was lifted to reveal a handsome foreign face.


"If you give you a chance, if you don't come, then you don't need to be an executive again."

Bai An finally raised his head slowly and looked at the other party.

Looking at the young man's face full of calm and calm, Childe's eyes couldn't help but be a little trance.

The young man in front of him, why is he so fearless?

He followed the boy all the way.

He was sure that the boy was not following anyone.

So why is he so calm?

And why... Recognize yourself at a glance?

In Childe's heart, there are really too many questions.

"Now that you know who I am, you should know why I'm looking for you."

Childe's eyes narrowed slightly, the light in his eyes flickered, and his hand slowly touched the blade at his waist.

"Of course."

Bai An gently stroked Mimi, with no nervousness on his face.


"How much else do you know?"

Childe stared into the boy's eyes, trying to see even a hint of panic.

Unfortunately, the facts disappointed him.

Bai An was always calm and calm, and his expression did not change at all.

"You don't have permission to know."

Childe's eyes flashed.

Because he noticed that the teenager said "authority", not "qualification".

Both have the same context, but very different meanings.

"What do you mean?"


One question and one answer, and the mentality of the two is completely different.

Childe's nerves tensed, and his hand was already firmly gripping the hilt of the sword.

A tense atmosphere slowly rose from him.

Bai An, on the other hand, has a calm face and always caress the cat leisurely.

The two were only a few steps apart, but it was as if they were in two worlds.


"Who the hell is it?"

Childe finally asked the most crucial question.

Who the hell is the boy?

How did he know the whole plan of the Fatui?

And why are you able to mingle with Liyue's higher-ups?

And why...

Say you don't have the "permission" to know?

Bai An suddenly raised his feet slowly and walked towards Childe.

Childe immediately became nervous.

With a "poof", the sharp blade on his waist was instantly unsheathed.

Bai An turned a blind eye, his expression was light, and he slowly walked towards the childe.

Childe stared at the young man deadly, his eyes constantly changing violently.

The young man's calmness made him completely confused, and he didn't know how to move at all.

It's weird.

Everything is too weird.

In the rapidly changing gaze of Childe, Bai An finally walked to the tip of the sword.

The next second.

The words that came out of the young man's mouth made Childe stay in place for an instant, and his brain became blank.

I saw Bai An lightly open his lips and teeth, and said softly:


"Burning the Old World Nine."

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