Let's burn the old world.

This is not the bloody words of some second-year teenager.

This is the ambition of the Empress of Solstice.

Teyvat's coldest country, the supreme Empress of Ice, its most sincere wishes...

It's to ignite the world.

Listening to the young man's words, Childe's heart couldn't help but tremble, and he only felt that the blood all over his body became hot and boiling.

Not everyone knows this sentence.

Only the Empress's most faithful servants were heard.

"You... You..."

Childe's eyes were dull to the extreme, and his brain was completely blank.

Bai An slowly raised his hand, opened the tip of the sword, and spoke softly again:

"All for Her Majesty."

Childe's pupils shrank suddenly, and he only felt goosebumps all over his body.

A pair of eyes were wide open, and my heart was even more shocked and shocked to the extreme.

If the previous sentence is still a little vague, the meaning is still a little vague..."Ninety-seven-three"

Then this sentence has undoubtedly made the words clear.

It couldn't be clearer.

The boy in front of you...

It's your own people.

The ultimate shock, stunned, bewildered...

Dashed Childe's brain into chaos.

"What the hell are you..."


Seems to be the same issue.

But at this time, the son is different from just now.

The tension is gone, replaced by astonishment and confusion.

"You don't understand, which word did I say?"

Bai An frowned slightly.

"No, I mean, you're..."

Childe suddenly became incoherent, scratching his ears and cheeks, and he didn't know what to say at all.

What happened all of a sudden shocked him was so horrified that his brain was a complete mess.

"I've never seen you at the court meeting..."

"Who the hell are you...?"

Childe finally managed to organize the language.

"Of course you haven't seen me."

"We will never appear above the Imperial Court."

Bai An said lightly.


"What do you mean?!"

When Childe heard this, his eyes were stunned.

"We are His Majesty's eyes, His Majesty's whip, and her most faithful servants."

Bai An suddenly smiled slightly, and his eyes became extremely respectful.

"Eyes... Whip..."

"What the hell does this mean?"

Childe was full of puzzlement, and his eyes were extremely puzzled.

"No wonder you can only get to the bottom of the executive seat..."

"This IQ is really worrying."

Bai An's expression returned to indifference again.


Childe scratched his head in embarrassment.

The other party's powerful aura made him feel that he was being lectured by the leader.

"We are wise men."

Bai An said lightly.

"Wise man?"

Childe was stunned again.

"Why do the Fatui exist?"

Bai An asked indifferently.

"Naturally, it is to fulfill His Majesty's grand wish!"

Childe's face instantly became extremely respectful, and he performed a solstice ceremony marked by a mark.

"Well, that's good."

"The Fatui are Your Majesty's most important force and the most elite troops."

"But what if this unit goes in the wrong direction or makes a mistake?"

Bai An was like questioning his subordinates, his eyes were arrogant and serious.

"We can't go wrong!"

"Every plan we implement is the most careful thinking and the most rigorous judgment!"

Childe shouted unconvinced.

"I mean, if."

Bai An said lightly.

"No ifs!"

Childe looks extremely stubborn.

"Maybe you didn't get what I meant."

"I mean, wrong thinking."

Bai An raised his hand lightly and tapped the position of his temple.

"Hah! It's even more unlikely! "

"We are all His Majesty's most loyal servants!!"

Childe's face was full of pride and pride.


"But as far as I know... The doctor seems to have a different idea about this. "

Bai An squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Childe quietly.


Thinking of the mysterious and scheming colleague, Childe's eyes suddenly became a little dazed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The Doctor's ideas are often a little different from those of the others.

Even if he is also an executive, Childe doesn't know what that guy is thinking about.

He doesn't seem to be too interested in His Majesty's grand causes.

On the contrary, it is the exploration of the human body that makes him even more obsessed.

Bai An didn't give Childe much time to think.

He continued:

"A person with an active mind can easily think too much."

"At the same time, it's easy to make mistakes in thinking."

"In order to ensure unity of thought and belief, we were born in response to the call."

Listening to Bai An's words, Childe's expression was stunned, and he said, "The wise man... What the hell..."

"The wise man is the ghost that lurks in the night, the most loyal servant by His Majesty's side, and the one that His Majesty rests behind the fool..."

"A pair of eyes....."

Bai An's voice suddenly became serious and solemn.

"When fools are wrong in their thoughts and actions, we appear."

"And the eyes will also be transformed into whips."

"The fool who has made a mistake will be judged and judged by us."

"In a word, it is the duty of the wise to monitor and manage the fool."

Listening to Bai An's words, Childe's heart stirred up huge waves.

Behind the Fatui, there is such a mysterious and huge organization, and as the executive officer of the Fatui, he actually has no idea about it?!

Childe was shocked to the extreme.

"Of course, we don't spy on everyone."

"The scope of our responsibilities is limited to the executive officer."

"So, we don't have too many of them."

"As Your Majesty said, the fool is always in the majority, but the wise are always in the minority."

Bai An turned to the north, his face respectful, and performed a solstice salute in a standard manner.

In the area of learning and selling, he is still very talented.

"It's... It's really..."

Childe's eyes were glazed, and the shock in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

"So, what questions do you have?"

Bai An asked arrogantly.

"I... It's really hard for me to believe that all of this you are saying..."

Childe's emotions are extremely complicated.

Bai An raised his left hand slightly.

An ancient blade immediately appeared in 1.3 his hand.

"This is the saber that His Majesty has given us, all wise men, one for each man."

Childe's expression perked up, and then he took the blade from the young man's hand and drew the knife out of its sheath.

Looking at the blade in his hand, which was exceptionally simple and nothing special, Childe couldn't help but look confused.

"It doesn't seem like anything special..."

"Grab the hilt."

Bai An's voice sounded faintly.

Childe grabbed the handle of the knife suspiciously.

"Boom !!"

The moment Childe grabbed the hilt of the sword, a surging flame erupted from the blade.

Childe's heart instantly contracted.


The boy's voice sounded slowly again.

This sentence has been said once before.

But at this moment, the meaning of the same sentence in Childe's ears is completely different from before.

Bai An's voice was serious and solemn:

"Let's burn the old world.".

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