Gold Dust Smiling

"Now, someone has provided us with a perfect idea."

"If we follow this line of thought, then the family will have no ability to resist."

"Three cornerstones, three chips"

"If a death is offered, everything will be over."As he said this, the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

Obviously, the plan of Shajin has already taken shape in some form.


The cross-world chat group was still discussing the legendary death.


The video was still playing on the screen.

Liuying continued to speak directly to Xing.

"At the moment when it was about to commit the crime, I saw the reflection of"another dream" from its terrifying pupils"

"According to the hints in the"script", I have some guesses about the meme."

Liu Ying obviously has her own ideas and plans.

So her actions are also

"So I asked Silver Wolf to send out invitations and lead everyone to the hotel of their dreams.……"

"I originally planned to summon"death" in front of you, reveal the mystery in a more direct way, and invite you to join the game."

"But things didn't go as planned. I couldn't go against the"script" and I didn't even have time to explain to you."

【Funina: What does this script refer to?】

【Narcida: Is this all a show?】

【Charlotte: There seem to be more things I can’t understand.】

【Botio: The script is something that the Star Core Hunters have always followed.】

【Bottiou: You can think of it as a leader who tells them what to do.】

【Then Villette: If that's the case, wouldn't there be a lot of variables?】

【Zhongli: Or does this leader have an ability similar to predicting the future?】

【Portio: My dear, aren't you a little too smart?】

【Portio: Yes, they are said to be able to predict the future, so they are taking action.】

【Xing: I don’t know why, but this time I’m targeting Pinocchio】

【March 7: Yes, isn't this too strange? Aren't they only interested in star cores?】

【Gold Sand: So according to this line of reasoning, Pinocchio must have a star core, right?】

【Mockingbird: Pinocchio has……】

【Gold Dust: Oh! What a pity! Our Miss Star knows nothing!】

【Ying: Uh... I'm beginning to doubt whether she is a member of the family?】

【Robin: I've been away from home for many years, so there are many things I don't know.】

【Sunday: The existence of a star core in Pinocchio is not true, it is probably just a rumor.】

【Hanabi: Hey! Nothing has happened yet, why are you rushing out to refute the rumors?】

【Charlotte: It feels very problematic. Maybe there is something wrong.】

【Funina: But to be honest, no one will believe anything you say at this time, right?】

【Black Swan: I think our focus should be on real death in dreams】


On the screen,

Firefly is still talking.

"As you can see, I was pierced by the wing blade of"Death""

"The weight of thick memory……"

"They explode in my mind, like reality"

"But after the momentary paralysis disappeared……"

"I found that my body was intact."

When Liuying said this, her voice was full of surprise.

"I am still alive"

"Just as I thought, I arrived at a place completely different from my"dream""

"Beneath Pinocchio's dream lies another more primitive and chaotic memory."

"Its name is..."The Exiled Lands"』"

【Furninna: This... I suddenly don't understand.】

【Nashida: Death is alive and has reached different places…】

【Furninna: This means that after being killed by that thing called death, you won’t die, but will be teleported to another place, right?】

【Nashida: This... seems to be the meaning, yes】

【Kamisato Ayaka: After all, there is no death in dreams, right?】

【March 7: I finally feel relieved. So, in the dream, only after death can we reach the real Pinocchio?】

【Xing: It feels a bit like a dream within a dream, it feels very strange!】

【Portio: Hehehe! This is so funny! I love seeing this kind of scene!】

【Gold Sand: Yeah! But it's really surprising that the family didn't know about this.】

【Doctor Truth: Maybe it is because death does not exist in dreams that they do not know】

【Doctor Truth: People who die in dreams will be forced to wake up, and this obviously requires special means to accomplish】

【Fu Xuan: So, what is it that the family is trying so hard to cover up?】

【Jizi: This is indeed a good question. I think everyone is looking forward to it. 】

On the screen,

Liuying continued to speak

"So I returned to the hotel in my dream and wanted to tell you about its existence"

"But I cannot reveal my identity yet, I can only try to divert the attention of the people traveling with you and take you away from the battlefield."

"After that, all my attempts ended in failure."

When Liuying said this, she felt a little depressed.

"Until recently……"

"A blood-red knife light smashed the high wall in the dream, causing you to fall into this deep dream."

"I was able to wake you and your companions up one by one……"

"This is what happened before."

Liu Ying finally finished telling the story.

After hearing what happened, the people in the chat group seemed to understand something.

【Funina: Isn’t this what Huangquan slashed?】

【That Villette: It's Huang Quan for sure! I didn't expect her to make such a big fuss.】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! This is more interesting! Huang Quan takes action personally】

【Gold Sand: So the dreamer expelled him from the dream not just for safety.】

【Hanabi: There is a hidden truth.】

【Bottiou: His dear! I understand everything now! Each of them has special skills!】

【Jizi: If that's the case, we are getting closer to the truth.】



Chaolu Mansion.

At this time, Sunday obviously did not understand the situation in front of him.

"The real Pinocchio?"

He looked at the dreamer, as if he wanted to ask this question, to get to the bottom of it.

Because in the memory of Sunday, there seemed to be no such memory at all.

Not to mention.

It seems that if you want to go to the real Pinocchio, you must achieve real death in the dream.

If you just die, being awakened by the family outside will not be able to wake up.

"It's the first time I heard of it."

"Don't be surprised, everything here is full of mystery"

"There are many secrets from the past to the present."

The dreamer defended himself, trying to explain that he was not clear about the situation.

Of course, maybe this didn't need to be explained at all.

"Instead of worrying about this, it is better to think about what will happen in the future."

The dreamer said, and began to touch on Sunday's real thoughts.

"The paradise you expect, the paradise in your dreams"

"This eternal paradise, we will succeed by extraordinary means


After listening to what Liuying said, Xing understood belatedly.

"I think I understand."

Liuying also immediately comforted

"I know it's hard to accept this unconditionally."

"I just want to say that you are very close to the final answer"

"Just do one thing and I can prove it to you……"

"Next, let's get out of here.……"

"Please close your eyes"

"Then take a deep breath and outline the dream in your mind."

"Remember... never open your eyes"




"Don't be afraid, the people who greet us…"

""It's coming."

At this moment, a sharp voice sounded.

【Portio: Is this absolutely safe? Honey, why do I feel it's dangerous?】

【Gold Dust: It is not easy to have a real death in a dream.】

【Shajin: So it is normal to have such a reaction now.】

【Mockingbird: I just still haven’t figured it out. What is it?】

【Hanabi: I believe everyone wants to know, and I feel that family members would want to know even more, what exactly is it?】

【Black Swan: After all, many people in the family don’t know, so it must be hidden from them.】

【Ji Zi: So the ability to walk in dreams, could it be related to Liuguang Yiting?】

【Black Swan: No, I am sure that this is not our method】

【Botio: Hehe! It doesn't matter if it's Liuguang Yiting, that would make things even more interesting.】

【Fu Xuan: Things are becoming more and more curious】

【Jizi: I think the secret of Pinocchio will be revealed soon. 】

After the sharp whistle.

A thick and fierce will rushed into the chest, surging and overflowing.

Xing's consciousness was like a spinning piece of cotton paper, breaking, dissolving, and slowly dispersing in the rolling muddy current.

Countless voices symphonized through the memory like thunder, and one of them was particularly clear.

It came from the girl next to him.

The two people's hearts moved in unison, quiet and quiet... until in the silent darkness, memories rippled a little...

In the blink of an eye, it seemed that something was pried open.

Immediately afterwards, a picture lit up.

In this picture, two people were sitting in a sports car.

And the owners of this sports car are Ren and Liuying.

"I never knew you would do such a thing."

At this moment, Blade remained silent.

Liuying seemed a little worried.

"Do you have a driver's license?"

She was extremely worried.


Blade responded dully.

【Xing: What is it this time? Could it be the memories of Firefly?】

【March 7: Do you know how you guessed so quickly?】

【Funina: Driver’s license…Doesn’t this man have a driver’s license?】

【Nashida: He looks fierce.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: I feel like he's not easy to mess with at first glance, and Liuying is next to him…】

【Xing: So who is this Blade?】

【Gold Dust: A Star Core Hunter. The reward is quite high. It is said that it once came from the Immortal Boat.】

【Jizi: Xianzhou? Is that the one who followed the hunting patrol?】

【March 7: If it's about this kind of thing, can we ask Dan Heng? Doesn't Dan Heng have a think tank?】

【Dan Heng:……】

【Xing: This... looks like Danheng is not very happy.】

【Danheng: I don’t want to answer this question.】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! It looks like there was a grudge in the past.】

【Huahuo: Since it’s about Xianzhou, I should be able to find some people in the chat group and ask them about it!】

【Bottiou: My dear, it's really interesting.】

【Xing: Am I the only one who feels this is dangerous?】

【Firefly: Actually... it's okay…】

【Qingque: Are you from Xianzhou? It seems a little confusing.】

【Fu Xuan: Some things are not suitable to be told to outsiders】

【Shajin: That’s right, after all, it’s a family scandal.】

【Esta: The focus seems to be on the driver's license, right? Don't you think this is strange?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Indeed... not having a driver's license seems to be a very dangerous thing】

【Charlotte: It's not seeming, it's definitely.】

On the screen,

Liuying was stunned for a moment after confirming that Ren had a driver's license.

"This is really... unexpected."

Liuying didn't know what to say.


"Because this is the sin city of Yepera?"

Ren didn't quite understand what Liuying meant, and couldn't help asking.


Liuying didn't know how to explain it.

Then, both of them fell into silence.

Finally, Liuying couldn't help herself.

"I just think……"

"You haven't slept for twenty hours.……"

"Is it okay?

She was really curious.

【Portio: Twenty systems of sleep? Darling! He doesn't look like an omnic!】

【Funina: Will I really die if I don’t sleep for such a long time?】

【Gold Dust: Hmm! He doesn’t look like an ordinary person either! Very interesting!】

【Hanabi: Hehehehe! Maybe in a little while, some unimaginable accidents will happen.】

【Sambo: If there is a problem after not sleeping for such a long time, it must be a car accident, right?】

【Ester: I feel like if it really happened, there might be some amnesia involved.】

【Xing: Can’t you hope for something good?】

"No problem, I won't die, I'm the same as you."

Blade gave this explanation.

Hearing this, Liuying was speechless.

"I may not, so I'd better drive slowly."

She said so.

Ps: Please give me some fresh flowers for recommendation. I wish all pioneers a guaranteed success and good luck every time. The update time after the first day is tentatively scheduled for 8 pm. See you there. There will be no new chapters after 10 pm.

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