"The infiltration is over, you can start Sam at any time』"

Blade thought of a way for Liuying.

Liuying could definitely do this.

"There is still some time before the next scene of the script. Let me stay a little longer, using this body."

Liu Ying was not very willing to summon the mecha.

After that, there was a long silence.

The two of them no longer mentioned any topic, as if they were used to this silence.

Until a long time later, a sigh was heard again in the car.

"What a long tunnel!"

"When I set out, I didn't think it was this long."

Liu Ying sighed.

"Half a system hour later, it will lead us to Kafka"

"Then came the destruction of the Yepera Brotherhood."

Ren announced ruthlessly.

Only they themselves knew the cruelty in these words.

【Bottiou: Yepera Brotherhood? My dear! That's amazing! I never expected that!】

【Kamisato Ayaka: That's amazing! What did you expect? Is this organization famous?】

【Botio: I can’t say it’s famous, but I’m a little familiar with it.】

【Xing: Why do I feel like you know everything? Are you really just a sea patrol ranger?】

【Portio: Isn't it normal to know a little bit about everything?】

【Black Swan: If I remember correctly, after the Yepera Brotherhood, the Everfire Residence rose to prominence】

【ScrewGum: Many people think that it was the Underworld Lord who replaced them.】

【Lord Hellfire: Hehehe! The flames will burn everything, bringing a magnificent sacrifice to everything!】

【Xing: My brain is a bit overwhelmed, they all come one by one.】

【March 7: Things seem to be getting a little difficult】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! Interesting, so the fall of the Yepera Brotherhood is also related to them, right?】

【Black Tower: Star Core Hunter! They are really everywhere!】

【Fu Xuan: I didn’t expect this to be one of their scripts.】

【Duke of Hellfire: Humph! There is no script! The flames of destruction have been bestowed upon them, now is the time for the Eternal Fire Mansion.】

【Hanabi: Hehehe! You can yell a lot! But that's it.】

【Bottiou: I didn’t expect that. It also has something to do with the script.】


Interstellar Peace Corporation

"I didn't expect that the destruction of the Yepera Brotherhood was actually related to the Star Core Hunter."

Shajin smiled.

He thought this matter was very interesting.

"No one can stop what these people want to do."

"You don't even know if you will become a part of their script inadvertently."

Emerald smiled more obviously.

"It is said that they can see the future. Sometimes I am also curious about where my future lies."

Shajin also showed his interest.

"Perhaps you can also join the Star Core Hunters.

Jade looked at the gold dust, as if there was something meaningful.



Chaolu Mansion.

Dream Master and Sunday, they have seen some news from this screen more than once.

Those news are a bit too heavy for them.

"The fall of the Yepera Brotherhood was related to them"

"So why did they come to Pinoconi?"

The dream master was completely confused.

Although there were many forces coming

, they could control some of them, but not others.

For example, they were not afraid of the people in the company.

But those who were beyond their calculations, such as the Fool, the Void Commander, and even the Star Core Hunter, were the most difficult to deal with. No one knew when they would cause a big trouble.

More importantly, no one knew what they were going to do.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with the plan, everything will be fine."

In the end, only this answer was given.


On screen

"These are also the scripts』?"

Listening to Ren's words, Liuying couldn't help but ask curiously

"It's also in your 'script'."

Blade reminded her

"Sorry, I didn't notice."

Liu Ying responded

"Even if you choose to ignore it, their fate will not change."

Ren said.

He was like a ruthless announcement.

Then, Liuying sighed.

From her tone, it seemed that she was regretting the demise of this organization.

"I told you, this is a bad habit."

Ren reminded him.

He seemed not to want to hear people have such emotions.

"how about you?"

"This time, can you get the"death" you want?"

Liu Ying suddenly asked this question.

"as always"

""It's a blank."

Blade responded calmly.

Then, as if he had thought of something, he spoke again.

"It's not on this planet."

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Liuying's question was a little strange, and Ren didn't know why she asked this.

"Because I'm in a car with a fatigue driver…"

"I hope it can arrive safely."

Liu Ying said so.

Her explanation... to be honest, it makes people feel helpless.

"This car has automatic driving. I just put my hands on the steering wheel, okay?"

Blade responded.

It seemed that there was no solution to this problem.

""Heh... I was just kidding."

Liuying smiled.

But soon, she asked again.

"Elio always said that there is only one destiny and no one can avoid it."

"He can see the future, and we……"

"Also knowing their own"predetermined ending』"

Liuying talked about this matter.


What she talked about this time was really heavy.

【Furninna: Can this Elio really predict the future?】

【Nashida: Is this true? If so, it's incredible!】

【Then Villette: People who can predict the future should not exist, right?】

【Zhongli: In our world, such people should not exist】

【Zhongli: But in their world, this kind of person seems to really exist】

【Keqing: In other words, there are people who can really predict the future】

【March 7: I’m actually quite curious, can he really predict the future?】

【Xing: It feels... like it's real……】

【Bottiou: He's so precious! That's really interesting! I want to see what my future will be like.】

【Liuying: I can’t answer this question.】

【Gold Sand: Hmm! It seems I'm not the only one who wants to find Elio.】

【Robin: Actually, I want to know too.……】

【Qingque: Why does it suddenly feel like this place has turned into a wishing convention?】

【March 7: Oh! I can only say that being able to see the future is too tempting. 】

Liu Ying talked about fate

"But when that moment comes, people can still choose what to do for themselves…"

"We all have this right, right?"

It was obvious that

Liuying didn't want to succumb to fate.

And for this matter, Ren had a different answer.

"After today, Yepera's name will disappear from galactic history."

"The Yonghuo Mansion will take its place. In the near future, I will receive an invitation letter.……"

"That's your next stop."

Blade's voice was so clear.

The words he said also felt a little scary.

"The land of dreams, Pinocchio."

Firefly responded

【Gold Sand: Okay, okay! Now we can be sure that the Eternal Fire Mansion's annihilation of the Yepera Brotherhood is also part of the Star Core Hunter's script.】

【Star: He said that he would receive an invitation letter in the future. What is it?】

【Jizi: The invitation letter from Pinocchio, the invitation letter from the Harmony Festival, many forces have received this】

【Duke of Hellfire: Hehehe! I will let them know that they have invited us, and we will go there with the most dazzling flames.】

【Xing:...So the person who invited this group of people is sick?】

【March 7: Please ask them to come over. Are you sure they don’t want to demolish the house?】

【Black Swan: It seems that someone else sent the invitation letter】

【Gold Dust: At least, the dreamer does not welcome the arrival of these people.】

【Gold Sand: But all these people have invitations.】

【Portio: Oh my goodness! Are they sure it's different people? This is outrageous!】

【Xing: So, the person who sent the invitation letter is not on good terms with the dreamer?】

【Gold Dust: It can only be the watchmaker! Hidden in this invitation is the watchmaker's information.】

【Star: The watchmaker and the family don't get along? The relationship between the two is not good?】

【Jizi: This is big news. After all, for a long time, watchmakers have been the spokespersons for Pinocchio.】

【Walter: Obviously this happened because of something that happened to me.���Unknown accident】

【Black Swan: Under the surface of the beautiful dream, there is actually an undercurrent】

【Xing: Danger seems to be coming! This is too……】

And just after Liuying finished speaking, Ren gave his blessing

"Hope you find the answers you want there."


After saying this, the picture turned dark.

Obviously, this scene has ended.

To be precise, the memory of the firefly that can be seen has ended.

When Xing opened her eyes again, everything around her had changed.

Liumeng Reef!

She came here.

And the person who appeared in front of her was Walter.

"Star, glad to see you are safe and sound.

Walter greeted

"Mr. Walter, you are here too?"

Xing found Uncle Yang right in front of him, and he was still a little shocked.

"『Close your eyes'... That's the answer."

Liuying smiled and answered the puzzle.

"It's incredible, isn't it? The monster we have always regarded as"death" is actually the guardian of the exiled land."

"It follows a certain pattern, kidnapping people in dreams and bringing them here."

Ps: Please give me some fresh flowers for recommendation. I wish all pioneers a guaranteed bottom line and good luck every time. The update time after the first day is tentatively scheduled for 8 pm. See you there. There will be no new chapters after 10 pm.

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