Sanyueqi looked around but didn't see Sunday.

This made her even more confused.

At this time, Sunday also spoke up.

"【I'm waiting for you behind the curtain.】"

"【Before the ceremony begins】"

"【Following the ancient tradition of Asdena, I would like to invite you to watch three preludes together.】"

Sunday said this.

He wanted to invite everyone to watch it together.

Sunday seemed to have enough confidence in this.

"【History is a mirror that reflects the truest face of the universe】"

"【We can also take this opportunity to learn more about the history of Pinocchio and Xingshen.】"

Sunday's words seemed to be full of confidence at this moment.

He seemed to feel that this could change something.

"【And the outline of the future - nature is revealed in it】"


As he was speaking, the scene had already changed.

This scene was really unexpected.

A traveler who stopped by seemed to be telling something at this moment.

���Saying this

"【Hello, travelers】"

"【I am another traveler who arrived here before you.】"

"【Not long ago, this place was a cramped prison.】"

"【But now, I and the prisoners here want to turn it into a paradise on earth.】"

"【Please keep moving forward, traveler.】"

"【At the end of the journey, I have something I would like to ask for your help.】"

"【I hope you enjoy this dreamland on the scorched earth...】"

Mentioning this already makes people know what this is talking about.

【March 7: What does it mean? A land of dreams... a prison? And an earthly paradise?】

【Jizi: That's probably the history, right? Pinocchio was originally just a frontier prison, and later on, it became the star of the festival.】

【Xing: No matter what, it feels very strange.】

【Firefly: Sunday seems to have no intention of giving up on peaceful resolution】

【Funina: How about looking at the history of the past and then finding the answers to the future from it?】

【Nashida: This is indeed a good idea, but can we really find the answer?】

【Gold Dust: The lesson people learn from history is that people never learn from history】

【Portio: My dear! This is really giving me a headache! What are they planning to do?】

【Walter: Negotiate? Or delay?】

【Xing: But this is his home ground now, there seems to be nothing I can do, I can only do what he says】


The three people in front of him followed Sunday's instructions and walked behind the scenes.

The huge red curtain opened at this moment.

Then they saw the huge Pinocchio Theater.

At this moment,

Sunday's voice also came.

However, on the screen of the exposed person

, there was a completely different scene at this moment.

That was the name that originally belonged to Sunday, which directly became a question mark at this time.

???:"【Let’s start from the beginning of the world.——】"

???:"【Since the Twilight War, the sky is empty and the earth is in chaos.】"

???:"【To teach the universe to be knowable, the Taiyi of order was born.】"

???:"【This is the first day】"

???:"【He made a plectrum out of nebulae and built a harp with black and white keys.】"

???:"【Hit the white keys, the sun rises, hit the black keys, the moon rises】"

???:"【This continues for thirty-one days, after three rotations, the player rests and then strikes four equal steps again.】"

???:"【So day and night were created. This was the second day】"

Seeing this strange scene, it inevitably aroused more people's curiosity.

【March 7: What is this? Why does it feel so strange?】

【Star: Why are all the names of Sundays turned into question marks?】

【Funina: Is it because of what is being said now on Sunday?】

【Nashida: It seems to be about order. Order was born, and then it seemed to create day and night.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Is that really the case? Did the existence of the God of Order create day and night?】

【Black Tower: It is recorded that the order is the ancient newborn】

【Black Tower: As to whether this world was created by order, this is unknown.】

【Black Tower: After all, we know very little about Star God.】

【Screwgoom: That's true! However, this creation of day and night is very similar to some of the sayings in folk beliefs.】

【Xing: I feel like things are getting more and more weird. I’m a little panicked now. What should I do?】


On the screen, listening to the words of this unknown existence.

Sanyue Qixing and Jizi have all seen the puppets in front of them.

All of these puppets are prostrating on the ground, kneeling towards a picture album.

In the picture album, a huge crack can be seen in the middle.

Sanyue Qi looked at this scene and couldn't help asking

"The puppets are gathered around the frame. Do they want us to go in?

Then the three of them entered.

A dazzling light flashed.

Then they saw the huge golden words.

The first act of the prelude"Ode to the Prisoner" was obviously one of the three preludes they were going to see before Sunday.

March 7 looked around. At this time, she was confused.

"Where are we now?"

Ji Zi also started to speak at this time.

"The atmosphere of this place is very similar to Sunday's inner world."

"Perhaps this so-called [Pre-screening] is also a similar ability."

In a short moment,

Jizi had a clear judgment of the current situation.

Then, Jizi began to think more.

"The play is called"Ode to the Prisoner", and it combines the surrounding atmosphere……"

"I'm afraid that what's going to happen next is Pinocchio's past."

Pinocchio's past is the Border Prison.

Since this past is going to happen, it is definitely unavoidable.

Hearing this,

March 7 was a little helpless.

"I thought my luck had turned after not going to jail on my recent pioneering trips!"

"The result is still unavoidable……"

【Ningguang: Are we going to put on a show here?】

【Fatui: It's a good art form, using puppets to show the past, just like an opera.】

【Ichito Aratake: Hehehe! I don't know what Pinocchio's past was like. I'm starting to look forward to it.】

【Xing: I feel quite stressed.】

【March 7: Sunday won’t trap us here, will it?】

【Jizi: I don’t think so. He seems to want to tell me something.】


At this moment, they are also moving forward in the first scene.

On that screen, some hints of the previous events have begun to appear.

The sad prisoner:"They said that if we abandon them and choose another master, they will make us drink boiling water and eat thorns!"

The fearful prisoner:"They said that if we love freedom more than the cage, we will not be able to get off the bed and will surely die!"

The stopped traveler:"I have cleared the obstacles for you, so that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do.】"

Cowardly prisoners:"But because of their tyranny, we don't want to do what they don't want us to do.】"

The traveler who stopped by said:"You have paid your dues, now you should earn money for yourself.】"

Prisoner of Fear:"But I shall not own anything unless they command me to.】"


The few explanations have already been shown at this moment. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

From here, we can see that the prisoners have no intention of resisting at all.

They dare not resist, dare not fight for their own interests.

Even if some obstacles have been removed, the result will still not change.

【Furninna: Is this a synopsis? It feels like these prisoners have been completely controlled.】[]

【Nashida: Even if the obstacles are cleared, I dare not live for myself】

【Kamisato Ayaka: So it seems like what kind of life they were living before?】

【Xing: Do they really have any freedom...?】

【March 7: Could this be the old Pinocchio? No, it's the Border Prison】

【Liuying: They don’t dare to live for themselves or fight for themselves. Because in the past, doing so would mean punishment.】

【Jizi: In other words, what this scene wants to express is that although it is liberated, are there any changes in the inner concept?】


On that screen, at this moment, Sunday's voice also began to introduce in detail

"【You are guests who have come from afar. I don't want to see you in battle.】"

"【So before it was too late, I arranged three shows.】

"【Where should the story begin? Let's start from when Pinocchio was still a frontier prison.

Sunday said so.

But as he kept getting closer, the puppets kept making the same sounds as before.

【Voices from the past】:"【This place used to be a cramped prison. But we want to turn it into a paradise of freedom.】"

This is proof that the people who lived here wanted to resist.

They did not want a cage, but a beautiful paradise.

Soon after, Sunday began to formally explain what happened.

"【In the 2147th year of the Amber calendar, the prisoner Hanunu started a massive war and won.】"

"【The company called it the Frontier War, while the Asdena called it the War of Independence】"

Hearing this, I can't help but feel a little emotional.

【Gallagher: Haha! Yes, after the prison was overthrown, a brief peace ensued.】

【Xing: This peace really means peace.��?】

【March 7: And the names are completely different, the War of Independence and the Frontier War】

【Funina: This is only natural, after all, this place was once under the jurisdiction of the company.】

【Nashida: So they are unwilling to admit that Pinocchio has become independent. 】


, they saw more puppets.

The voices of these puppets also changed as the story progressed.

Then, there were some differences.

【Voices from the past】:"【The cage was smashed! The jailer was expelled! But where should we go? 】"

Obviously, after just achieving victory, the prisoners didn't know what to do.

Sunday also continued

"【Mr. Hanunu is a great man.】"

"【But we should not deny that he can bring freedom to prisoners, but he does not know how to give them true freedom.】"

That's the difficulty in rebuilding after that battle.

【Voices from the past】:"【Dear travelers, thank you for staying.】"

【Voices from the past】:"`~【But you can't expel the jailers, even if they are no longer in Asdena.】"


【March 7: This respectable traveler must be the nameless guest, right?】

【Xing: It seems that they are indeed the Wumingke seniors!】

【Gallagher: Yes! They are】

【Gallagher: To some extent, they are right. Although we are here, we are still a long way from true peace.】

【Gallagher: And this situation continues to this day.】

【Liuying: It sounds like a very difficult war.】


Now that we know what happened in the past,

Sundays continue to tell the story.

"【Three unknown guests stayed here, trying to pass on the lessons of pioneering to the border prison.】"

"【But unfortunately, it doesn't help】"

He said this.

The puppet that had already been seen was still shouting at this time.

【Voices from the past】:"【We should create another cage, not in this world, but in people's hearts】"

【Voices from the past】:"【As long as we don't set them free, we will never be displaced】"

Hearing this voice,

I can already feel the heaviness in it.

Someone has a new idea.

This idea will affect and change everything.

【Xing: Did they fight later because of differences in ideas?】

【March 7: Building another cage in your heart? What does this mean?】

【Nashida: I don’t know. It just feels a little weird.】

【Gallagher: It was internal chaos. After the War of Independence, everyone had different ideas. It naturally led to the current situation.】


As if in response,

Sunday immediately started talking about that period of history.

"【Asdena is once again engulfed in war, and this time the enemy comes from within】"

"【A prisoner remains a prisoner until his death; he only knows how to fight for freedom, not how to live for freedom.】

【Voices from the past】:"【I hope you like this scorched earth - the land of freedom】"

Sunday has his own opinion on what happened.

"【See, their sentences have long been served, and the company's jailers have been expelled】"

"【But these prisoners are still slaves, because they are imprisoned not by external things but by their inner hearts (Nuo Qian Zhao)】"

"【Freedom exists everywhere except in weak souls】"

"【It can't help anyone but those who believe in its existence.】"

This is Sunday's attitude.

He thought so.

He felt sad for these prisoners. He was helpless because they did not understand their own freedom.

Listening to Sunday's voice.

Xing, Sanyueqi and Jizi had already seen the puppet named"Voice of the Past".

At this moment, he shouted passionately

"【Prisoners! I order you to learn freedom and teach your brothers to fight for life! 】"

As he said, the battle has already begun.

March 7 couldn't help but complain.

"Why do you have to fight to watch a play?"

Sunday also responded immediately

"【Because I don't just want you to enjoy this show, I want you to... help me finish it.】"

After winning

【Voices from the past】:"【No one can block your path anymore, you are free】"

The way forward has been opened.

Then I heard the voice of Sunday.

"【This is the first scene】"

"【In the raging flames of war, the border prison gradually became a place of exile】"

After hearing this, Jizi also roughly summarized

"This is probably the history of the construction of Pinocchio"

"With the help of outsiders, the prisoners finally gained freedom and established the"Land of Exile" in the universe.】"

"But compared to the cage of the flesh, Sunday seems to focus more on expressing people's spiritual dilemma."

Ji Zi said so.

After so many events, the cause and effect.

In the end, what the picture wanted to express was just this.

When March 7 heard these words, he felt helpless.

"This drama is a bit too literary for me. The easiest part to understand is the fighting part.…"

"But we have finally reached the exit, let's go!"

Looking at the broken mirror in front of us.

The first scene of this foreplay has come to an end.

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