The first act of the play has ended.

And after it ended, lines of words flowed out on the screen.

I want to be with the abandoned people.

Walking barefoot on the path paved with broken glass.

I want to be with the hated people.

Walking naked through the canyon inlaid with blades.

I want to be with the blasphemers.

Walking on the bodies of gods with blood.

I want to roar for all the rebels.

I want to be martyred for all the heretics.

As long as the noble saints are still burning,

I will not extinguish my despicable fire.


These lines of words can already make people feel extremely firm and pious.

Just after they came out, they have seen the lines of puppets guiding them.

March 7 looked at the puppets and was immediately curious.

"These puppets……"

"Where do you want us to go?

She didn't quite understand.

At this moment, the voice of Qi also sounded.

"【He made the tip of his pen from the stream of stars and created symbols for pronunciation and counting.】"

"【He made the stardust flow into rivers, pointing out the good and righteous in the upper reaches and the evil and unrighteous in the lower reaches.】"

"【All things have been marked with their own signs, and people have been able to know good and evil, benefits and harms.】"

"【This is the third and fourth day】"

Sunday is still talking

【Walnut: The first day is birth, the second day is day and night, the third and fourth days are good and evil and benefits and harms.】

【Ningguang: Is this Genesis?】

【Kamisato Ayaka: It feels really amazing, it's definitely not an ordinary situation】

【March 7: Hey! Is this just bragging about their god? In any case, that star god has been swallowed up.】

【Xing: Yes, because I found that there are others who are more tolerant of Him.】

【March 7: When will this kind of eulogy end?】


On the screen in front of them, the three of them were already moving.

Following the instructions of the puppets, they soon saw another broken picture frame.

San Yue Qi immediately shouted when he saw the picture frame.

"Look, another picture frame.……"

Immediately afterwards, they entered.

New words immediately appeared on the screen.

【Prelude, Act II: Ode to the Foolish Servant》】

"《Ode to the Foolish Servant》……This must be the second play."

Ji Zi watched all this and said.

San Yueqi couldn't help but sigh.

"The environment is different now."

"The furnishings around... seem to have become neater?"

Then, they moved on to the second act and completed the performance together.

Butler:"【Welcome to this great mansion, foreign guests.】"

843 Steward:"But unfortunately, our master is not here at the moment. We are the only servants who can entertain you three.】"

Accountant:"Who should be in charge of this mansion after the master has been gone for a long time?"

Staff:"Of course, it should be the most loyal, humble, but most noble servant.】"

Merchant:"Accountant! You and I are both loyal servants of our master. We should be loyal to each other! Why did you do this to me?"

Accountant:"Because my master created you from clay and me from fire. I am nobler than you!"

Accountant:"You have never served your old master, so you don't know his power.】"

Accountant:"[He can take our freedom away, so he can also give us freedom! How dare you fight me?]"

Artist:"[Because the master created you with fire and created me with light, I am nobler than you!]"

Guard:"[Because the master created you with fire and created me with blood, I am nobler than you!]"

Advisor:"[The master will return! His most loyal, humble, but most honorable servant is the one who never fights and has devout faith.]】"

The puppets in front of me were performing one play after another.

And in this play, obviously, because the old owner was gone, this place was now in a mess.

【March 7: This... my head is about to explode! What are you arguing about?】

【Walnut: It feels like they have already started a fight】

【Qingque: That’s true. The fight was quite intense.】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Ah, this... I feel like it's hard to put into words】

【Furninna: The former owner is not here. Is this hinting at something?】

【Gold Dust: Haha! It must be the prisoner in Pinocchio! They need a new leader.】

【Liuying: So, the new owner behind is like this.】

【Xing: Corresponding to history, it is the arrival of the Tongxie family?】

【March 7: This is really... it sounds right】


In the picture in front of me, there is still a voice coming from inside.


"【The following story revolves around the power struggle】"

"【The seven major families of trees, grass, flowers, birds, beasts, fruits and insects were established one by one in Pinocchio】"

"【Peace never really came to the Exiled Lands】"

"【This history is so complicated that I will present it to you in the form of a parable.】"

He said so.

Then, he began to explain that chaotic history with puppets and fables.

Xing and his group moved forward.

Then they met the servant who was the butler.


"【Welcome to this house, foreign guest】"

"【Its founder has been driven out by his servants, and seven servants think they can replace the old master.】"

Obviously, these seven servants correspond to the seven major families.

"【The order in the exile area is very chaotic, and there are internal and external troubles.】"

"【The seven clans are united on the surface, but in reality they are independent and constantly at odds with each other.】"

As if to prove���

One of the seven puppets has already fallen. Merchant

:"Accountant! You and I are the pillars of the mansion. We once swore to unite and never betray each other - why do you want to kill me?"

Sunday:"The first to withdraw from the civil war was the Black Blin family. In the White Desert Incident planned by the Clover family, they became history forever.】"

Accountant:"My child, you have never served the old master, so you don't know his power. He can take our freedom, and he can also give us freedom.】"

Sunday:"[The head of Clover tried to join the company and exchange his freedom for survival, but his eldest son killed him for the sake of justice, and the latter took over the position of head of the family.】"

Beekeeper:"[Those who dance with bees will be poisoned by their venom. I already know my fate. This day will come sooner or later.]】"

Sunday:"The Milky Way is cruel and ruthless. The Lightmoth family tried to reclaim the silver tracks left by the train, but encountered the remnants of the swarm and was tragically destroyed.】"

As he said this, the second puppet fell down.

After that, only five puppets were left, representing the five major families, and a new master.

The new master said:"And I will become your new family and free you from the phantom of death.】"

Sunday:"It was not until Gopher led his family to the Land of Exile and the five major families converted one after another that Pinocchio was able to embrace its new name - the Land of Dreams.】"

The new owner said:"[Outside guest, I ask you to help this house get rid of the hidden instigator's poison.】"

March 7 looked at the new master】"

This puppet's request made San Yueqi not know what to do for a moment.

"Uh... help you?"

"What do we need to do?"

March Seven didn't quite understand.

The new owner:"[I hope they can all regain their rationality and calmness and no longer be manipulated by hypocrisy.】"

Hearing this, Ji Zi also sighed.

"It seems that this second act is about Pinocchio's journey to the"Dreamland", and the arrival of the family plays an indispensable role in it."

"But this [new owner】……"

"Why does it feel like it's not a good thing?"

March 7 has this feeling

【Xing: He is indeed not a good person. He is a man of order!】

【Furninna: Oh! What a messy farce!】

【Walnut: But I didn’t see any unknown guests like Mikhail inside. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Kamisato Ayaka: That’s true, these people really haven’t seen it.】

【Gold Dust: Maybe, from Sunday’s perspective, these three are insignificant?】

【Gallagher: Humph! When they expelled us, they regarded us as a thorn in their side!】

【Xing: Calm down, calm down! Calm down! Calm down!】


On the screen.

Jizi also directly said the underlying meaning of Sunday

"This may be the content hidden in the context of Sunday"

"【Tongxie] changed Pinocchio, but his methods were no different from those of the jailers in the past."

March Seven heard this and looked at the kneeling puppets.

"It sounds like they have to calm down all these guys who are kneeling, right?"

Now, all they have to do is to help the puppets complete the performance.

During the performance, the butler's voice was also speaking.

Butler:"Forty-nine days after leaving the mansion, the master died in an unprovoked disaster.】"

Steward:"For the next three hundred years, the loyal servants continued to fight and struggle, until they finally saw the false phantom of their long-gone master.】"

Butler:"I beg you, foreign guests... to exchange their calmness for their rationality and bring this mansion back to life.】"

Xing wanted to try to leave the show.

However, he was stopped.

The new host said,"Where are you going, foreign guest?"】"

"It seems that it will not let us leave until this play is finished."

Ji Zi has now recognized the current situation.

Helplessly, the three of them can only start looking for puppets and then start a conversation.

Butler:"【I am either my own master, or I go to welcome back the old master. There is absolutely no reason to obey the new master!】"

"【I hope they can regain their composure and stop being manipulated by hypocrisy.】"

The new master said so.

Then, they helped the housekeeper calm down.

The housekeeper:"If there is no master, who can give me freedom?"

Then, he talked to the staff officer.

The staff officer:"The master is gone, I should be free, but without the master's order, I can only ask the blind man for help.】"

"【Only those who remain calm can avoid the harm of hidden instigators】"The new master said so.

After calming down, the staff officer said:"The master is gone, so I no longer have my own master. I should find a new master and serve him.】"

Talk to the guard's puppet.

Guard:"【I was the most loyal guard among all the servants! After my master was expelled, I took over the authority of all peoples on his behalf!】"

"【Without tranquility, there is no liberation from the phantom of death】"

The new master said so.

Soon, his mood was also adjusted to calm.

Guard:"【The previous master is no longer here, why am I still afraid of the afterimage created by everyone?】"

Then, he found the accountant again.

Accountant:"【Master! You will return eventually! And I will always watch until you reward me for my loyalty!】"

"【Only reason can save them from the poison of the past】"

The new owner said so.

After some treatment, his mood became calm.

Accountant:"Master, you are gone, I will no longer wait for your reward... Everything that belongs to me, I will take it myself.】"

Finally, they came to the artist puppet.

Artist:"If the master never comes back, I am free. But without the master's guidance, who should I sing for?】"

"【The only way for a corrupted human heart to be reborn is through the quiet melody���"

The new master said so.

After saying so, the artist's mood was also adjusted to calm.

Artist:"I should sing for my new master, just as His noble voice once resounded for the Milky Way.】"

In the cross-world chat group.

At this moment, facing this situation, it is a different scene.

【Arata Ichito: Why do these puppets seem like lunatics? Have they got new owners?】

【Walnut: It looks like this!】

【Bluebird: So what Sunday wants to express is that after Pinocchio changed his owner, is he still the same?】

【Xing: Judging from the reactions of these puppets, they seem to be exactly the same.】

【March 7: Wait! According to what Sunday said, isn’t this new owner the Gopher Wood Dream Master?】

【March 7: Gallagher said that someone brought Tongxie here while Mikhail was out. Could this be Gopher?】

【Xing: But from what Sunday said, what Gopher Wood did is not good enough.】

【March 7: No! I'm starting to have a headache! Is there a disagreement between Sunday and Gopherwood?】

【Jizi: That should be the case. Perhaps the dream master and Gophermu are two people.】

【Bottiou: My dear! If I keep guessing, my head will explode.】


The current situation.

After all the puppet servants calmed down, the new master spoke again.

"【Thank you, foreign guests! Now the servants have regained their senses.】"

"【Everyone! Your old master will never come back. Only those who help each other in the right way and encourage each other with the truth can achieve perfection in each other!】"

"【Defeat the false illusion - embrace each other! 】"

As he said this, the new master seemed ready to attack.

Seeing this, Jizi immediately became alert.

"Get ready, the war is about to begin again……"

"Is this immersive drama…"

Xing couldn’t help but complain at this time.

They inevitably entered the battle.

After winning,

Sunday spoke again.

【Unfortunately, until the end, they were still a group of slaves who were given the right to freedom.】

【This is the second act】

【In the illusory harmony, the Land of Exile gradually moved towards the star of the grand event.

Obviously, Sunday did not agree with this.

At least, he did not agree with the family transformed by Gopher Wood.

Ji Zi also explained

"This is how Pinocchio gradually became a family property."

"After Tongxie arrived, the Exiled Lands underwent tremendous changes"

"These changes...are not all positive."

She thought so. She was also analyzing at this moment.

March 7's focus is all here.

"This person has so many scenes, and their whole family are all veteran actors."

March Seven was already tired of what was happening in front of him.

So far, the second act ended, and lines of subtitles appeared.

The whole of Asdena was down���

Buried the ancient green.

Buried the resounding sound of the long river.

Buried the scrolls in prison.

Buried the loud whispers of the dying gods.

Snow fell all over Asdena.

The sky was crumbling.

The earth was overwhelmed.

The silver end of the universe.

The morning sun sprouted new buds.

The new buds called for the arrival of a new era.

The wind monologued with its branches and leaves.

The master will not come again.

The master will not come again..

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