Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 30 Jingliu: If It Were Me, Fengdan Would Have Been Destroyed Long Ago

[Wendy: I ​​was deceived, but I still care about the world. There is no doubt that such a god is really respectable. 】

[Tvarin: ...I apologize to the water god of Fontaine. I thought she was just like Barbatos, idle all day long. Now it seems that Barbatos is the only god in Tevat continent. 】

[Wendy: Oops, there are so many people here, so don’t tear me down. 】

[Yora: The traveler deceived her like this, but she still doesn’t hold a grudge. What kind of character can resist such betrayal? 】

[Xiaogong: Oh, travelers are also thinking about the world. Then Villette is so fair and serious, doesn’t he also agree with this plan? 】

[Gan Yu: I understand the traveler's thoughts, but... this hurts Funina. 】

[Keqing: Lady Funina looks strong on the outside and doesn’t care about being deceived, but she must be very painful and sad inside. 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Brother, if there aren’t many things going on in the society recently, I want to go to Fontaine. Firstly, Fontaine and Inazuma are far away from each other and they should travel frequently, so it is best to form an alliance. Secondly, I want to accompany the traveler to see Lady Funina. 】

[Kamizato Ayato: Oh? That's great. As an older brother, I will definitely support it. But... your most real purpose should be to accompany the traveler to apologize, right? 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: (nods) Yes, brother, I'm afraid the traveler will be embarrassed to apologize alone. With me interceding, at least the atmosphere will not be too embarrassing. 】

[Yingmei (Master): Woo hoo hoo... Kamisato Ayaka, you are so kind. I already know that I was wrong. Now Paimon and I are facing the wall and thinking about it. Linny is squatting next door...]

[Linny:... (still thinking about it)]

In the picture, Funina had her arms folded in front of her body and was looking at the traveler.

"As for the traveler, your mission should be to keep talking to me after you find me, divert my attention, and prevent me from noticing your plan."

"Fight me as the accuser until the very end."

The traveler, who still didn't know what happened next, had particularly complicated eyes at this time.

"No, you guessed wrong."

Funina was confused: "Oh?"

Traveler: "My mission is the last "attempt". I hope to hear the hidden information from you before arriving at the Inquisition. "

Funina smiled slightly, but with a hint of bitterness: "Haha, really, it seems that I missed the last chance..."

[Yin Yuejun: It seems that the travelers are not willing to bring things to the table. 】

[Su Shang: It would be nice if I had a little more time. 】

[Kafka: Sometimes, everything that seems to be destiny is just a coincidence. 】

[Silver Wolf: (Has no intention of playing, just feels weak all over) It’s very painful to be involved in it for a little bit. It’s hard to imagine how lost Fu Nina felt at that time. 】

[Tingyun: The little girl's whole body ached when she saw Funina's situation. (My neck is itchy with the collar on)]

[Natasha: Miss Tingyun, your injury has not healed yet, please don’t move. If you have difficulty speaking, it's still the same. If you want to drink water, please move your left ear; if you want to be more convenient, please move your right ear. 】

[Rakshasa: In the face of betrayal, few people can be as calm and calm as her. Her character is admirable. 】

[Jingliu: You are right. If it were me, maybe the entire Fengdan Court would be destroyed earlier than predicted. 】

[Blade:...(gulped) If it were Kageryu, then the Fontaine people would not have been drowned by the flood, but would have been killed by the crazy Kageryu when everyone betrayed them. 】

In the picture, Fu Nina put away her depressed mood and raised her voice again:

"Eh... Okay, it doesn't matter. That's it. The "Irresistible Trial" has begun, so there's no reason to be silent and there's no reason not to go on to the end! "

In the courtroom, seeing Funina pretending to smile like this, the traveler felt uncomfortable.

(Yes, the only thing that can be done next is to judge the Water God.)

(However...sure enough, I still care a little. At that time before arriving at the Tribunal...what did Funina want to say to me?)

[Su Shang: I don’t know why, but the more I look at Funina’s smile, the more I want to cry. 】

[Silver Wolf: But it was only a second away. What a pity. 】

[March 7: Her wry smile is really heartbreaking. 】

[Himeko: From another perspective, maybe Funina withstood the last test. 】

[Conductor: Agreed. 】

[March 7: Huh? Test, what test? Why can't I understand what you are saying? Dan Heng, do you understand? 】

[Dan Heng: Just think that maybe it’s not a bad thing. 】

[March 7: You are so ruthless. Fu Nina was deceived into this, and she said it was a good thing. Hum, if I go to the Trail Blazers, he will definitely be on my side. 】

[Walter Young: The deeper meaning is that if Funina tells the travelers her secret, maybe there will be a different ending for Fontaine, for the prophecy, and for the entire Teyvat. 】

[March 7: Huh? Is the impact that scary? ! 】

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