Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 31 Thunder God Shocks: Using A Mortal Body To Do The Deeds Of Gods

Just as the traveler was thinking, the voices of the security guards in the court suddenly sounded.

"Ms. accuser, I have something here. A lady named Charlotte applied for it and was approved to hand it over to you in court. According to her, it can be beneficial to the advancement of the trial."

It turns out that Charlotte had already sorted out all the events that the travelers experienced after arriving in Fontaine. When presented in court, it serves as something like a clue book.

This includes the first time the travelers came to the opera house, the mysterious death of Linney’s magic assistant, the truth behind the serial disappearance of girls, and the conviction of the young master;

and the clues gained from subsequent meetings with the servants;

In Merlot Petersburg, you encounter the eruption of primitive seawater and the huge whale you dreamed of in your dream;

And Navia fell into the sea and was about to dissolve in the sea, but she was protected from dissolution by the dead members of the Rose of Thorns Society;

And finally, tips from Witch N.

Charlotte left out everything, compiled and recorded everything in detail for the sake of travelers, and presented them one by one in the picture.

[Keqing: I see. Among the crucial people mentioned in the previous question is Charlotte, the reporter of "Steam Bird". I didn't understand why before, but now that I think about it, her nomination It’s a must. 】

[Skir: Although there is no denying her role, it seems that she has not played a "vital" role. Wouldn't a pen record these things? 】

[Fa Lushan: Who is this junior? From which religious order? It was uncomfortable to speak from the start. 】

[Scholars of the Onus Sect: Mr. Ah Mao is a member of our Onon Sect. This person’s speech is indeed not very comfortable, but he knows Inazuma well, and his published papers have been recognized and loved by everyone. 】

[Fa Lushan: I don’t care what thesis is. If you continue to disagree with what you say, you will leave the Order Academy yourself. Presumably even if the sages from the Cause Theory School were here, they wouldn't say much. 】

Many other students from the Teaching Academy secretly rejoiced.

After all, this classmate Ah Mao parachuted into the Jiaoling Academy, and I didn't see him appear a few times, but once he appeared, he was extremely arrogant. Even the top geniuses in the Jiaoling Academy were not as arrogant and arrogant as him.

The most important thing is, why is he so "favored" by the Little Lucky Grass King that he can run to Jingshan Palace every two days?

Although the number of times he has gone there has been less recently, and there are even times when Mr. Little Grass God turns a blind eye to his existence, after all, what happened before is really too enviable!

Now that Ah Mao is deflated, everyone is not happy.

The skirmishers themselves were a little confused.

He was not afraid of anything in Xumitian. Even the Little Grass God didn't criticize him for a word before.

Now, in front of so many people, I was criticized by a "little girl with two ponytails".

He lost face and was a little stunned and even annoyed for a moment.

In the courtroom, Navilette looked at the people in the audience and declared:

"Both parties are in place, then the trial will begin."

Fonina: "There is no need to repeat those cumbersome opening remarks, Villette."

"Please hurry up to the reading of the charges. As the person being tried, I am the protagonist today. I still don't know what name you are going to try me for."

Funina put her hands on her hips without showing any timidity.

"Let me first say that it is normal for mortals to be unable to understand what gods do, and this does not constitute a reason to convict gods."

Yingmei: "That's right, but the reason for your trial is not what you did or didn't do as a god..."

"The reason for your trial is that you are not a god at all, Funina."

As soon as this statement came out, the entire audience was silent, followed by an uproar!

"Wait...what did you say? Lady Funina is not a god?"

"Hey...I thought I was just going to accuse the Water God of malfeasance, but the accusation just it serious?"

"Crazy, crazy!"

Not only the audience at the scene became restless, but even anyone watching this video couldn't believe it.

[Ye Lan: The traveler is accusing...this water god of being fake? ! 】

[Nilu: If Miss Funina is not a god, who is she? 】

[Arataki Ito: Wow! There is such a novel thing! Could it be said that the real Miss Funina is dead, or even killed by the lady in front of her? 】

[Goro: It is a possibility. 】

[Manye: (stupefied, extremely lonely) No wonder Miss "Funina" has not spoken outside the screen until now. Is she already dead? 】

[Xiang Ling: Ah, don’t scare me. Miss Funina in the picture doesn’t look malicious at all? Will she be the murderer? 】

[Fischer: (sniffing) Fortunately, I dropped the little pearl because of Miss Funina. So it turned out that everything was fake? snort! 】

[Kujo Sora: So initially when she faced the assassination of the servant and the duel challenge from Clolinde, she did not reveal the power of the water god. Everything seems to make sense. 】

[Qin: This news is really shocking! Why should she pretend to be a god? In other words, when did you start pretending? Did it start 500 years ago? 】

At this moment, when everyone saw this comment, they all took a breath.

[Mandrill: (eyes widened) If you started pretending to be a god with a mortal body 500 years ago, this would be impossible! 】

Lei Jingxing took a deep breath and stared at the light screen, her white and cold face full of shock.

[Using a mortal body to perform deeds of gods. 】

[No human being can achieve such a road full of thorns and hardships! 】

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