Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 39 Funina Is Crazy! Happy Star God Is Ecstatic!

[Nacida: Funina, she really put her hand in. 】

[Thunder Movie: How is she? Are there any dangers? 】

[Wendy: Yeah, it didn’t dissolve. Funina is indeed Fontaine’s god? 】

[Zhongli: Funina’s courage is very admirable. 】

[Miko Yae: She really did it~]

[Kamizato Ayaka: Phew—that’s great. Funina didn’t dissolve. She is really the Goddess of Water! 】

[Man'ye: It's too bold. Everything that happened just now happened too fast. Then, the people of Fontaine should recognize Funina, right? 】

[Xinhai: All lies are self-evident, Funina has proven herself. 】

[Lei Movie: There is no doubt that she is a real god at this moment. 】

This scene made everyone at Xingqiong Railway excited and numb just now.

[Jingliu:! (Under the blindfold, there are rapidly beating eyeballs)]

[Yinyuejun: Is she really the water god? No, if it were a human being, what he did just now was tantamount to gambling on his life! 】

[Jing Yuan: What a courageous little girl. 】

[Su Shang: She really stretched out her hand, really stretched out her hand, she proved her innocence! 】

[Gui Naifen: Woo hoo hoo, great, finally the injustice is redressed! 】

[Yinlang: However, being forced by so many people still cannot change her uncomfortable situation. 】

[Kafka: After watching it all the way, I like Fonina of Fontaine even more, regardless of whether she is the water goddess or not. 】

Even the Happy Star God Aha's blood boiled when he saw this. Countless masks were staring at the scene, and countless eyes were all staring at the picture.


When Funina's right hand was submerged by the original fetal seawater...

Nothing happened.

At this moment, the Happy Star God felt extremely lost, unprecedentedly lost, unprecedentedly lost!

Clown Mask: "What, it didn't dissolve... Funina is really the water goddess."

Yan Lu Mask: "It's so boring. It doesn't conform to the basic laws of happiness."

Mask of Mercy: "In other words, all the fear, uneasiness and embarrassment that Fu Nina had before were all just an act?"

Mask of Joy: "Subject Aha: It's so boring. I thought she was not the water goddess. She deceived everyone in the world for 500 years. It turns out that was not the case. She went into hiding."

With that said, the Masks are about to exit.

There is still fun, but not as much joy.

Besides, Aha was also deceived and was a little angry. Naturally, he didn’t want to see this scene again.

However, just when Aha wanted to close his eyes and relax, looking for new fun——

In the picture, Funina's nervous face was filled with disbelief.


Funina was breathing heavily, and her expression seemed to indicate that she was ready to accept death.

However, things were not as she imagined. She breathed in the cold air fearfully, forced a smile on her face, and faced everyone with a smile:

"I...I'm fine. Look, look, my hand is still there, it's not dissolved!"

"Now you believe it. I am really a god, not an ordinary human being who can dissolve. Really..."

The audience was also confused.

Just now, all the signs clearly showed that Fu Nina was the fake water god. She was nervous, and even now, she still has lingering fears.

But Funina did not dissolve!

All the viewers were confused, and even for a moment, they didn't know whether to be angry or celebrating, or in other words, they didn't know the truth of the matter.

Navilette: "Miss Higwen, please ask Miss Higwen to come to the court."

Funina covered her heart: "Xigwen...?"

[Arataki Yito: What exactly happened here? Miss Funina won’t dissolve, so why hasn’t the verdict been announced yet? 】

[Nacida: I have a bad feeling. 】

[Lei Movie: It’s really powerless here...]

At this time, Meilu Xigwen slowly walked out.

"Don't be nervous, just give it a try... Well, let me see..."

[Arataki Ito: I have to say, this Milu is so cute! 】

[Kuki Shinobu: Boss, now is not the time to talk about this...]

[Arataki Ito: Then she is very cute, I can’t hold it in, she is much prettier than A Chou! 】

[A Chou: Moo——! (protest)】

In the screen, Xigwen murmured after doing a simple investigation on Funina.

"Yeah, that's almost it."

Navilette: "Please ask Miss Higwen to announce the results of the examination."

Xigwen explained to the audience:

"As you can see, Miss Funina's skin condition and rapid breathing show..."

"She was affected by primordial fetal seawater to the same extent as an ordinary human being exposed to equivalent concentrations of primordial fetal seawater."

"Thank you, Miss Higwen. Please also ask Ms. Funina to return to her seat."

At this time, even Funina herself was confused, and she said as she walked back to her position.

"What's going on? What did she just say? I didn't dissolve in the fetal sea water. Can't you prove it?"

Navia stood up and explained:

"Initially we were indeed prepared to directly use the seawater near Baisong Town, because we thought you would definitely choose to escape as always."

"But in the end, after everyone's discussion, we decided to switch to seawater with a low concentration that would not dissolve humans. After all, just in case...even if something unexpected happens..."

"No one wants to see anyone dissolve in the fetal sea water again."

Paimon: "So it's low-concentration seawater and examination by head nurse Higwen?"

"Fortunately, it was decided like this, otherwise Funina wouldn't be..."

Happy Star God Aha was ready to give up watching, but as soon as he saw this, the eyes of all the masks lit up!

"What's the meaning?"

"What's the meaning?!"

“Funina—isn’t she the Water Goddess?!”

"Then why did she reach out just now?"

"Does she want her life?!!"

"Crazy, crazy!"

"I like!!!"

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