Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 40 The Star Gods Were Shocked! Fonina Cries

Aha really likes the development of this plot.

Mask of Mourning: "This is the interesting situation!"

Mask of Mercy: "By myself, I not only deceived Fontaine for 500 years, but also deceived the gods and people of other countries. This is equivalent to the fact that no one in the world doubts Funina's true identity. She is really too powerful. !”

Clown Mask: "I really - admire Ms. Funina so much! Oh, my dear Ms. Funina, please teach me some acting skills!"

Yinxie Mask: "I admit that in some aspects, she is better than me, and then don't you want to know what her difficulties are?"

Mask of Deceit: "I really want to know! What kind of method did she use to deceive everyone???"

Happy Mask: "She was born to do this, and the happy destiny belongs to her!"

Only then did everyone realize it.

[March 7: Wait, let’s put it this way… Funina was affected by the low concentration of primitive fetal sea water. She is not a water god, she is just an ordinary human being! Then she just...]

[Himeko: Yes, she really put her hand in as if she didn't care about her life just now. 】

[Blade: That’s crazy, I also like Fu Nina’s character! 】

[March 7: Why pretend to be a god and risk your life? 】

[Jingliu: Is it really that fun to pretend to be a god? Or should I say, she really has her reasons. 】

[Fu Xuan: What kind of difficulties can make a person give up his life. 】

However, in the Teyvat chat room, many people were like deflated rubber balls.

Because who would have thought that Funina is really not the water goddess.

She really fooled everyone.

[Tinari: Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, you must have known Funina’s true identity for a long time, right? 】

[Nascida: I don’t know. I only saw that Fonina would participate in a grand trial, and then Fontaine would be submerged by the sea as predicted. 】

[Seno: (eyelids are twitching), Mr. Little Lucky Grass King means that Fu Nina has even deceived you! 】

[Thunder Movie: I don’t know either...]

[Arataki Yidou: You even deceived me. I admit that Funina is awesome! 】

[Wendy: So, when we were verifying the original fetal sea water just now, Fu Nina’s cramped look and her heavy breathing afterward showed that she was ready to die. 】

[Zhongli: What kind of motivation can support her determination to sacrifice herself? 】

God's words could not be clearer.

At the moment, everyone is still feeling low in their hearts, complaining that Funina deceived the audience.

The barrages are basically:

[Is pretending to be a god really that fun? 】

[Why do you do this? 】

But after the words of the gods appeared, they reacted and looked back to imagine the time when Funina reached into the original fetal sea water.

[Obviously she is a human being, and she also knows that she is a human being, but when faced with the primitive fetal sea water, she still stretched out her hand without hesitation. 】

[She has accepted her own death. 】

[If the concentration of the original fetal seawater had not been reduced, Funina might have dissolved on the stage! 】

[Why, what is she doing this for? 】

[Could it be that she did this all for Fontaine? 】

[Stop joking, what does pretending to be a god have to do with Fontaine? 】

[She just loves to perform...]

Right now, everyone in the world is waiting for Funina's answer.

Even the Star Gods were shocked by this answer, and they couldn't think of any reason after thinking about it.

In terms of combat power, these Star Gods can undoubtedly devour billions of creatures on a planet at will.

Even some star gods can destroy entire galaxies with a snap of their fingers.

But in this matter, they admitted that they couldn't see through Funina!

[Memory Star God Fuli: Why did she do this? I really want to know! 】

[Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: Destroyed me. I scratched my head and couldn’t figure out why she did this! 】

[Pure Star Goddess Idrila: Even if the most beautiful face in the world does not belong to me, I still want to know the secrets that Fu Nina protects! 】

[Final Star God Mo Wang: I can’t help but complain about you. Even the most beautiful appearance doesn’t belong to you. 】

[Pure Star Goddess Idrila: (squinting) Shut up. 】

In the picture, Funina was at a loss. She widened her eyes, looked at her hands, and said in disbelief:


The travelers were also stunned and didn't even understand what was going on.

(Funina, there is no way she doesn’t know the consequences of doing this...)

(This is so different from her usual self. Is it possible that protecting the god’s false identity is far more important to her than her own life?)

(Obviously...she should have given up long ago, right?)

At this moment, the matter is on the table.

The Fontaine people are really stupid if they don't understand what's going on.

The Fontaine man's eyes, from his previous admiration and love for Funina, now became more and more cold and serious.

Even more people were looking at Funina with hostile eyes.

Looking at those cold eyes, Funina was so anxious that she cried:

"Listen to me, listen to me, and stop looking at me with cold eyes. The one just now doesn't count!"

"Look, you can't prove that gods won't be affected by the original seawater, right?"

"Ah, and, if I were really human, how could I dare to put my hand in such water?"

Although the logic is like this, based on the mountains of evidence that came before, all of Fu Nina's explanations at this moment seem to be quibbling.

The people of Fontaine's trust in Funina also completely disappeared at this moment.

No matter how reasonable what she said seemed to be, no one in Fontaine was willing to believe her.

Instead, what they responded to were eyes that were even colder to the point of biting and indifference.

Looking at all this, tears could not help but fill Funina's eyes.

"...Listen to me, please, listen to me, I am really a god..."

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