All around were enemies wrapped in black, and his target was inside the walled city.

"Did you kill my clone?"

"Yes, evil guy...I won't let you escape! Even if you have countless puppets..."

Mandrill took a deep breath.

Run Buddhist techniques.

I saw him clasping his hands together and opening his mouth.

A huge sound wave, accompanied by thunder, blasted out directly.

"Namo Amitabha..."

Chant one word at a time.

Then a golden sound wave spread.

The entire city wall collapsed one after another.

The puppets who had been trained into Gu by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Sect could not resist this force and fell to the ground one after another.

All kinds of green water spurted from their mouths.

There were even bugs crawling out of some of the eyeballs.

All in all, the death was very miserable.

Actually when arriving here.

Mandrill saw that these people were not actually human beings anymore.

Instead, they were soldiers who were made from human sacrifices by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

This kind of demon that tramples on life wantonly.

Mandrill absolutely cannot tolerate it.

A round of great thunder sound burst out.

Thousands of Gu people were all wiped out.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was also injured as a result.

Fortunately, he responded quickly.

He directly blocked the attack with a black umbrella.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight anymore.

Looking at the mandrill shrouded in the Buddha's light, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said with a gloomy look: "I can't tell how capable you are... If you don't have some preparations, I might really be killed by you.

However, you think I have controlled Nanzhao for so many years.

Do you only have this little trump card?

Do not make jokes...

Let you see the power of my Moon Worshiping Cult Leader. "

I saw him slapping the ground vigorously with his hands.

The entire city collapsed instantly.

A blood-red formation.

Appear in front of Mandrill.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult is close to an immortal, but he doesn't want to become an immortal because the other party knows.

If you become an immortal.

Will become the dog of the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, he would rather stay in the human world than become an immortal.

So over the years.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult has been studying painstakingly.

And this is his strongest trump card.

Blood refining magic array.

"Let you feel what I prepared for those gods and gods... For more than ten years, I have eroded the dragon veins of Nanzhao Kingdom... I am going to refine this kind of thing for you.

Come out...Dark Dragon. "

The earth is shaking.

A blood-red dragon responded to the call of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader.

It emerged from the earth's veins.

Its body was surrounded by blood, and there was endless blood and demonic energy all over it.

Just after it was born, the nearby sky turned a terrifying blood-red color.

Mandrill looked at the demon dragon and sighed: "What a sin...killing so many people, imprisoning the leader of a country, and refining such a destructive thing.

It's really a heinous crime.

I’ll use the Rebirth Mantra and give you 10%..."

As he spoke, he sat down cross-legged.

Oral chanting of Buddhist scriptures.

Countless golden lotuses fell from the sky.

After the demonic dragon came into contact with the golden light, it began to tremble crazily.

Chapter 490: Tempting Nuwa to leave the world, vowing to use the sword of victory to cut off the bonds of the demonic dragon

Mandrill chants scriptures.

The golden light in the sky directly tore the magic array apart.

He is not a Buddhist.

However, there are completely different understandings of the application of Buddhist scriptures.

Every inch of golden light.

It’s all his understanding of the scriptures.

This scripture is called the Purana Sutra by Buddhism.

"You guy... stop chanting sutras to me, shut up... shut up..."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult activated the magic weapon.

Countless black bees flew out of the strange hive.

Every black bee.

They are all carefully raised by the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

It’s not just the body that contains toxins.

Meanwhile, the body is about the size of an egg.

More than a thousand black bees.

Like a heavy rain, it rushed towards the person chanting sutras.

However, it’s not yet time to reach the other party’s side.

Layer after layer of golden light.

Then tear all this evil thing apart.

Countless black powder fell from the sky.

He looked at the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader's face twisted.

His poisonous black bee also failed.

If he continues to let the person in front of him recite, he is afraid that his own demon dragon will also perish.

"It seems I can't underestimate you... I, the Miao Territory, have countless magical spells, and I can naturally deal with a guy like you... Look at my Golden Silkworm Poison!!!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult took out a box.

I saw a small white jade-like thing sleeping peacefully inside.

When stimulated by mana.

Deal with it and disappear in an instant.


The huge impact force exploded outside the mandrill's body.

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