The golden silkworm poison hit the barrier.

Make a terrifying sound.

Not only that, after the little bug seemed unable to enter, it spit out a substance like gold.

And Mandrill’s Buddhist golden light.

It actually began to dissolve under the toxin.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult looked happy.

However, he was not happy for long.

A spear penetrated his own poison.

Sharp wind.

Cut the silkworm directly.

I almost got mad at the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

A sacred item from Miao territory that I have collected.

It was destroyed like this.

It's really abominable.

However, this golden silkworm poison also bought him some time.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult finally took control of the out-of-control dragon.

Launched an attack on Mandrill.

Blood red breath.

Defiling the golden Buddha light.

"You are very capable, right? It's a pity... You are not qualified to be a lifelong enemy... The dragon veins of Miaojiang have been refined by me. Over the past ten years

The foolish Witch King thought that he had caused natural disasters because of his many evil deeds.

But I didn’t know that the dragon veins were devoured and refined by me.

This is the power of all peoples, and I...will control this power to completely engulf the world..."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult became demonized.

Because if he doesn't work hard.

Well, once Mandrill finishes chanting.

He might be wiped out.

This is his intuition as a top expert.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult merges with the demonic dragon.

It hit directly.

Golden ripples.

Ignore all harm.

It's like a safe zone inside.

No matter how the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult wreaks havoc.

No one can cross such a red line.

Attack after attack kept coming.

Mandrill is nothing.

On the contrary, the Blood Red Demonic Dragon collapsed a little.

At this moment, Mandrill stopped chanting.

The Buddha's light all over the body is restrained.

He stretched out his five fingers and said to the dragon: "Don't be so presumptuous..."


Golden light passed through the body.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult was knocked away alive.

But he showed a strange sneer.

"Do you think it's over after you kill me? Tell's impossible. I never destroyed this dragon vein, I just refined it. Once I die...

Dragon Vein will go berserk.

As long as you attack, the dragon vein will bite back Nanzhao Kingdom.

Savor the despair...

Anyway...I am satisfied.

Hey Hey..."

Looking at the triumphant evil ghost.

Mandrill naturally won't get used to it.

He teleported directly in front of the opponent.

Buddha seal in hand.

It landed directly on the head of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader.

"You want to die? I'm sorry...I don't allow people like you to die casually..."

If he were allowed to die like this.

That's really cheap for the other party.

Mandrill hand with lotus seal.

Golden light entered the body of the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader.

It felt like red-hot steel.

It's like throwing it into the snow.


The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult couldn't help but scream.

Countless golden rays of light turned into chains, binding it to the ground.

And Mandrill turned around and shot.

Directly destroy the breath of the demonic dragon.

When the Buddha's light pierces the body of the demon dragon.

A place in Nanzhao Kingdom began to collapse instantly.

There was an earthquake.

And this scene was magically reflected deep in Mandrill's mind.

"This is..."

He was stunned.

Unexpectedly, his casual attack would cause suffering in Nanzhao Kingdom.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult, who was kneeling below and screaming, sneered: "Have you seen it? How does it feel to be in charge of the Nanzhao Kingdom...Continue to attack, as long as you don't care about the attack..."

Although he was in great pain.

However, he smiled extremely arrogantly.

Because this demonic dragon is something that cannot be dealt with.

Mandrill looked at him coldly and asked: "How on earth can we remove this kind of thing?"

"How do I know... Originally, I made two preparations. The water monster cannot destroy the world. At least it will destroy Nanzhao. Hehehehehe..."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult would naturally not tell the truth.

Look at his cold expression.

Mandrill fell into a passive situation.

The dragon cannot be bound for a lifetime.

Because the task must be completed.

But you can't hit it either.

If attacked, the dragon will redirect the damage elsewhere.

This time he was in a dilemma.


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