Although I don’t want to buy third-level treasures.

But it’s nice to take a look once in a while.

If you meet someone suitable, you can give it a try.

[Immortal Sword Body]: A special physique in a certain world, a natural prodigy of swordsmanship. After practicing, he can make rapid progress.

[Introduction]: Once you use this constitution, you can use any sword at will. Even if the weapon is not yours, you can temporarily use its power.

[Grade]: Immortal grade

[Passive]: Innate swordsmanship will automatically form its own swordsmanship array. It is extremely powerful after being released and can continue to grow according to its own strength.

[Tip]: If this constitution card is used, the Yuanshen and Yuanying will automatically condense the sword body, and the spiritual energy cultivated will also be converted into sword energy, which is a natural killing constitution.

[Special]: Any kendo move can be understood ten times faster than ordinary people, and the power will also be increased by 15%.

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

(bcfe) [Remaining time]: Fourteen days and eleven hours

[Distant Utopia Avalon]: In the magic world, the scabbard of Artoria, the stupid king, is also the scabbard of the Sword of Promise of Victory.

[Introduction]: Compared with weapons of destruction, the scabbard is the real supreme treasure. It can summon a distant ideal land and is immune to all damage. It is also a magic weapon created for fairies.

[Grade]: Immortal grade

[Passive]: Has the ability to automatically heal. Regardless of any damage received, the scabbard will automatically heal the owner. Even if it is fatally injured, it can trigger the blessing of the elves to directly recover.

[Tip]: The recovery period for fatal injuries is seven days of cooling. If it is a normal injury, there is no limit and you can recover without limit.

[Special]: Summon a distant Utopia to form a huge barrier that is immune to all damage. If the user is a righteous person, the power will be amplified without limit.

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and eleven hours


[Fairy Fetus·Glass Lotus Root]: An important treasure in the world of Xianxia. Taiyi Zhenren once used this object to create a physical body for Nezha, which became a human form.

[Introduction]: Glazed Immortal Lotus Root has its own glazed heart and is not affected by external demons. It can practice water and earth spells very quickly, and it is immune to all toxins and filth.

[Grade]: Immortal grade

[Passive]: Because it is an immortal lotus root, its cultivation speed is countless times faster than that of ordinary people, and it can comprehend a magical power.

[Tip]: Nezha used this to understand the ability of three heads and six arms, but it depends on the individual's strength... Everyone's talents are different and the results are also different.

[Special]: Although it is an immortal lotus root, it also has its weakness, which is the attack of concentrated flames. If there is a flame that exceeds the immortal level, it is still very easy to be injured.

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and eleven hours

Three things.

They all look good.

However, Su Han didn't want it.

Immortal Lotus Root is useful for both Raiden Movie and Raiden Shin.

Just in terms of price.

Five million for this.

It's really too expensive.

As for the first treasure, the immortal sword body.

It should be able to become a powerful immortal.

However, Su Han felt that... it was still not worth it.

On the contrary, if that Avalon can appear in the special offer.

I redeemed it myself.

Not to mention being immune to all harm.

Moreover, it can continue to heal itself.

Ning Guang glanced at the thing, shook his head and said: "It's a pity... There is no treasure like the World Tree. Otherwise, if you save some five million, you can redeem it."

"Yes...if the strength of our group continues to improve, we can try to redeem's a bit premature now."

Su Han shook his head.

Then he looked at the fourth level treasure.

There is only one grid anyway.

He wanted to see what this could refresh.

When he looked at the treasure.

The whole person froze on the spot.

That being said, this thing is a bit outrageous.

How could such a treasure be refreshed?

[Dinghai Divine Bead·Single Version]: An important treasure from a broken world. According to legend, each divine bead contains a world. Although the world is broken, one bead remains.

[Introduction]: It can be used as a magic weapon to practice, or it can be used as a space to cultivate. The inner space is inanimate, but there are some residues.

[Grade]: Ominous

[Analysis]: It was originally in the hands of a certain powerful person. Later, the master was defeated and the treasure fell into the hands of others. Later, the world was broken and the treasure was also collected by the mission group in the sky.

[Tip]: Although there is only one bead, the power contained in it has not decreased. It has even recovered its vitality over countless years. It seems that the owner of it poured some fragments into one bead.

[Special]: One attack is equivalent to crushing a world, please use it with caution...

[Price]: Twelve million points

[Restrictions]: Level 4 members

[Remaining time]: Fourteen days and eleven hours

The last treasure appears.

It turned out to be the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

Yae Shenzi looked at the orb and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and said in surprise: "How can there be such a terrifying thing in the world? There is a world inside the bead?

How big is that world? Will it be the same as our Teyvat world? "

"How can it be so big? And the large area does not mean that the world's strength can keep up. Don't forget that Inuyasha's world is also large, but it is very weak."

Faced with Lisa's rebuttal.

The fox nodded.

I felt like I was making a bit of a fuss.

But Su Han made a shocking statement: "The power of this treasure far exceeds the level of an immortal weapon... It can be said that it is easy to shatter the world with one blow, because its master is a very powerful being."

Hear what he has to say.

Ningguang asked: "The same period as the Immortal-Zhan Feidao?"

" was an era of great chaos. I can only tell you this. The first master was a powerful immortal. Listen clearly...

Not an ordinary immortal.

Rather, that kind of true immortal.

Immortals are also divided into levels...and in that world, the person who holds this orb.

It's really terrible.

He owns twenty-four Dinghai Pearls.

However, it was later plotted and the treasure fell into the hands of a Buddha.

This created the Twenty-Four Buddha Kingdoms.

It is also the world of the twenty-four heavens..."

Everyone nearby was stunned.

Open up the world?

Gather the heavens.

What a powerful force this is.

Everyone looked horrified.

Ning Guang looked at the bead and said, "In other words... if you have this bead, can you fit the world of Teyvat into it?"

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