"Yeah... totally fine!"

Compared to that world.

Teyvat is a toy.

It's simply incomparable.

A mere immortal can create the world.

One can imagine how terrifying the strength of a person standing at the top of the world would be.

"Su Han, please tell the story of that world when you have time... Moreover, looking at the description of the mission group in the heavens, it seems that the world in that area is broken...

What became of it later? "

"I don't know... I just know that catastrophes are coming again and again. If you think about it seriously... it's probably similar to the world of Teyvat.

The first powerful ones.

All turned into nourishment for the world.

The birth of every disaster.

They are all existences that feed back the world.

The world will not be truly complete until those strong men perish one after another. "

"But isn't this very contradictory? Such disasters always happen. Could it be that someone is causing trouble just like Fu Xi?"

Facing Ningguang's inquiry.

Su Han shook his head and said: "I don't know...I really don't know what will happen to that world in the end...".

Chapter 495 The arrogant Demon God of Salt, Tu Shan Rongrong who is envious of his second sister’s figure

The prehistoric world can be viewed here at the Zhutian Mission Group.

It completely collapsed.

As for why it collapsed, what happened to those people in the end.

He had no idea at all.

It's enough that it won't hinder the world of Teyvat anyway.

I’ve seen Dinghai Shenzhu.

Everyone has a clearer understanding of the dangers of the world of heavens.

At the same time, I also want to improve my own strength.

After the treasures are distributed.

Su Han did not practice, but went to the top floor of Qun Jade Pavilion.

I was too busy yesterday.

As a result, I didn’t come to look for Heulia.

I used to come here every day.

Sooner or later.

Although it's a day away.

However, Su Han felt that there should be no problem.

As a result, when he tried to use his conscious body to continue to sneak into the opponent's body.

But was rejected.


Su Han tried again.

In the end, he was still rejected.

The problem is troublesome.

In the previous contact with Heulia, the other party slowly accepted it, and she was silent from the beginning.

Slowly the space of consciousness becomes brighter.

Even the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

However, because I didn’t check in yesterday.

You are not allowed in now.

Su Han looked at the sleeping Heulia and began to think.

This is probably because he is angry.

So how to deal with arrogant women.

How should I do it?

Su Han hesitated for a moment, then directly hugged Heulia in his arms and said: "There were some busy things outside yesterday. Especially Xumi's things.

It wasted a lot of my time

By the time I finished cleaning up, it was already the next morning.

It's not that I forgot about you, but that I was negligent... No, I came here early after finishing my work today.

Yaya, don't be angry, okay? "


There was no movement in the room.

Even Heulia in her arms showed no reaction.

It's as if everything has returned to freezing point.

Su Han did not leave, but just held each other until two hours later.

The atmosphere in the room improved slightly.

There are two ways to deal with Tsundere's anger.

The first is to attack directly and strongly.

The second is silent companionship.

Like Heulia, Su Han used both, and even used the third one.

I can see the atmosphere getting better.

There was no biting feeling in the air.

He kissed her directly.

It was light at first, but...slowly it became strong, even intoxicating.

Just when Su Han was enjoying it.

The consciousness actually entered the other party's spiritual space directly.

He saw the Demon God of Salt, Heulia, with her little hands on her hips... pouting her little mouth, looking at him with an angry expression.

That vicious look.

I wish I could tear Su Han into pieces.

"Haha... I'm sorry, Yaya, I let you go yesterday... I really didn't mean it..."


"How about I come over for a while no matter how busy I am next time? I'll be alone with you..."


"Well... I'll give you a kiss every time, that's enough..."

"Bah... you're a stinky man who only takes advantage of me. I don't care about your kisses. Leave them to those innocent little girls..."

Facing Su Han.

The tsundere demon jumped up and down with enthusiasm.

In fact, her original character was not like this.

On the contrary, he is a quiet and gentle devil.

However, there have been huge changes before.

This caused some changes in her character.

Naturally, Su Han would not be affected. Instead, he took Heulia's little hand and said, "I promise... I won't be absent from the future..."


Although the other party did not turn around.

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