However, the attitude has softened a bit.

Because the surroundings were originally a little dark.

The singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers were restored again.

Su Han also seized this opportunity and began to coax slowly.


At this time, on the other side, Baiwen handed the Dragon Spine Sword embryo to the Pure Water Elf.

"this is?"

"The master's sword embryo is a water-based thing. I told you to keep it in your body for a period of time..."

"Okay, I know."

The pure water elf said obediently.

She didn't care that some of her strength would be absorbed by the sword body.

Because, it is close to the World Tree.

The power she gained was much more than the power she absorbed.

After watching the pure water elf absorb the sword embryo.

Baiwen left with satisfaction.

And the top of the World Tree.

A halo of light bloomed from the oval sphere.

Ever since he received the technique given to him by Fairy Miao Yue.

The tree spirit began to practice seriously.

Now from that light.

You can actually see a figure gradually taking shape. It is estimated that her spirit body will be able to leave the World Tree before long.

And thus was born into this world.

And Fairy Miaoyue perched on the terrace.

It is absorbing the power of holy objects.

Restore lost energy.

have to say.

There is the double promotion of the World Tree and the Holy Object.

Her recovery was much faster than expected.


Time comes to night.

Tushan Rongrong got off work from the medical department. After returning to Tushan, she discovered that many tribesmen were cultivating.

She looked surprised and asked: "Second sister, what kind of cleanup is this?"

"Hmph... Brother Su Han sent it today. It's said to be a method of cultivation... and he also ordered someone to send some gems full of fire elements.

It's a doesn't have ice properties.

Otherwise, my strength can be improved.

Do you think he has any feelings for his sister?

Otherwise, give away so many treasures? "

Faced with Tushan Yaya's doubts.

As the younger sister, Tushan Rongrong thought for a while and said, "Maybe... maybe not, but... they are so generous, no wonder monsters from other worlds like this place."

"That's right... I'm still thinking about it. When we become stronger in the future, will we also be able to have twelve tails? That Huasanli-sama looks so beautiful..."

"Ha...that's enough."

Tushan Rongrong sneered.

It is undeniable that the opponent is very strong.

But...she is also a bad woman who likes to tease others.

My second sister is not yet an adult.

The other party actually said that she would become a great person in the future.

But...can I see my future figure now?

He also asked me to come back and cook more papaya porridge.

You said this about people.

But...looking at the second sister's body, Tushan Rongrong looked at himself again.

It seems really big.

"What crumbs?"

After reacting, Tushan Yaya looked at her sister strangely.

What does this crumb mean?

The little fox shook his head and said: "It's nothing... Let's eat quickly, we have to practice later. After a busy day, we can only rest for a while at night..."

"Okay...what are you going to eat today, sister?"

"Uh... papaya porridge."

Tushan Rongrong hesitated and then said the name of the dish smoothly.

Although the second sister doesn't need it.

However, I still need it.


At the same time, in the fox demon world.

Sisters Dongfang Huaizhu and Dongfang Guyue were sitting in the fortress having a meal.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

"Dad...are the people of the Dao Alliance really willing to surrender?"

"So what if you don't surrender? Huh... some old stubborns don't look at their usual fairy-like demeanor. In fact... now they are only thinking about how to please that adult."

Dongfang Guyue, who was tasting the meat porridge, said with disdain.


Those guys knew that their Dongfang family was the first to surrender.

Also expressed disdain.

Some even scolded themselves for it.

What a scumbag.

What now?

Haha, a group of people actually started to study how to please Master Su Han.

Some even suggested it.

It can be done the same way as the human royal family.

Surrender plus marriage.

Choose outstanding women from your own tribe.

Even if she becomes a concubine.

If this level of relationship exists, even if we go to a whole new world.

A big family in the Dao League.

There is hope for a comeback.

In other words, leap ahead of everyone.

Become the person who informs the original world.

After listening to his father's words, Dongfang Huaizhu put down his chopsticks and frowned: "They would really do this? But... it's a little too disgusting."

....... 0

"Huh...disgusting? You don't understand. This is called Machiavellianism...willingly giving up one's own children while being ignored by the other party. Even if she cannot be a concubine.

Those old guys will feel at ease too.

I saw how powerful that adult was.

This group of people have understood that it is inevitable that the world will be devoured.

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