Even Tushan Demon King is ashamed of himself.

This shows how terrifying Master Su Han's strength is...Only by understanding the situation can you gain the glory of your family.

Otherwise, how do you think those big families maintain their bloodline?

It's all caused by intermarriage..."

"Then...Dad, do we also want to get married?"

Faced with the inquiry of the youngest daughter.

Dongfang Guyue sighed.

He didn't speak for a long time.

Because he wants his daughter to be happy.

However, if there is a marriage...then the descendants of the Dongfang family will not have to worry about being violated.

I only have two daughters.

There is no male in the family.

I used to want to recruit a wife, but now... the old man no longer has that thought.

It took a long time until the food was cold.

He then looked at Dongfang Huaizhu and asked, "What do you think?"

"My daughter wants to help that adult, which is different from marriage, but she hopes to repay the favor... Without him, daddy would be dead. Even my daughter and sister will be hunted by people in the world.

Such a great kindness.

It must be repaid. "

"Hmm... That's fine. When the time comes, you can take Qin Lan with you. The other party can arrange whatever they want. As for me... I'll just go to Liyue and be a tutor."

Don't look at Dongfang Guyue's average strength.

However, it is still possible to teach people to build foundations and practice cultivation.

Rely on this ability.

Elderly care is definitely enough.

Moreover, his daughter is extremely beautiful, and there are so many beauties around him.

Sooner or later the two of them will be together.

You will never suffer a loss.

Compared to her daughter's stunning beauty.

How can the descendants of those people be compared?

They're just weeds.

Dongfang Qinlan said nothing about his father's arrangements.

There was no objection either.

Because she thinks it would be good to learn more skills.

As for my sister.

Once a decision is made, it will never be changed.

It's no use trying to persuade yourself.

It's better to give him a blessing.

I hope my sister can find happiness.

Chapter 496 The girl Ke Lai wants to return to China, and Tushan Yaya is full of enthusiasm

The next day, Su Han walked out from the top floor.

In order to coax this devil, he spent a whole night.

He was held the whole time.

Telling stories about the world of Teyvat.

There are also some otherworldly things.

The other party was calm throughout the whole process.

No words were spoken, and there were no unnecessary emotional fluctuations.

However, before leaving...Heulia hugged him and kissed him back gently.

Very light and fast.

Su Han was kicked out after that.

"Sigh... It's really difficult to deal with such a demon..."

He rubbed his head and felt that all the people in his family were strange.

In other words, Thor’s wife is easy to coax.

Just being with her is enough.

No matter what you do.

Both parties are happy.

However, at night, he seemed to be a different person.

Always carve out a high ground.

Alas... As the saying goes, there is only a dead cow, not a dead pear.

This sentence is true.

While having breakfast, a guest came to the table.

A girl from Sumeru.


The other party came to say goodbye.

It must be because of Xumi's incident that he wanted to go back and help.

"Thank you to Brother Su Han and everyone here for this period of time. Although it is beautiful here, I have to go back... Thank you all."

The girl bowed slightly.

Pay tribute with "Seven Five Zero".

But Su Han said: "If you go back now, you won't be able to change anything... You may even become the prey of some people. Rather than stay here and practice well with Amber."

"But, my hometown is in chaos..."

"However, the Huachengguo area is peaceful. Nowadays, Buddhist scriptures are prevalent... If they can be vigorously promoted, the chaos will soon end."

The speaker is Ning Guang.

Her words carry a sense of authority.

Kelai couldn't help but think.

Is it really okay to go back now?

At this time, Lisa took out Tinari's letter, handed it to Cole and said, "Your teacher had anticipated this a long time ago, so he wrote a letter specially.

Practice well.

Wait until you have the strength to influence a city.

It’s not an exaggeration to go back.

Xumi is currently entangled with many forces.

The dispute between the people and the sages will break out sooner or later... Now that you go back, you can't affect anything.

On the contrary, it will make the practice stagnate. "

She wasn't kidding.

Kelai has successfully become a monk using the foundation building technique.

There are even some spells that can now be summoned.

The two-color Haki is also excellent.

If you continue your studies for a while.

Becoming a strong person is not a problem at all.

But if you go back now.

Because of his identity, Kelai was easily involved in the turmoil among the fools.

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