People like Ke Qing and others are not afraid of fools.

Because now their strength has reached its peak.

However, Ke Lai is not good at all.

Faced with Lisa's advice and Master's letter, Kelai finally gave up the idea.

"Okay... Then I will continue to stay for a while, and then please ask Brother Su Han to train me to your heart's content..."

"Well, don't worry... The improvement of strength cannot be completed overnight. The so-called cultivation... also depends on enlightenment and actual combat, so be it

Just go back and follow Amber to the fox demon world.

Practice there for a while and then come back. "

"Okay, Brother Su Han..."

After things are settled.

The breakfast party is also over.

And Sugar came over with some samples.

"The first batch of things has been catalyzed. Brother Su Han, look..."

The silver-white grass is like garlic sprouts, and the whole body exudes a charming fragrance, which is very attractive just looking at it.

The Qingyue Qiling Fruit is ice blue.

Shaped like a peach.

"How many are there?"

"In the first batch, apart from the breeding ones, there are currently only a hundred Tianxiang Lingcao and 300 Qianyue Qiling Fruits that can be used. If it takes a month.

This number will be higher. "

"Well, that's good...I'll accept the fruit. As for the elixir, you can just send it to the alchemy shop and let them refine it according to the prescription."

"Okay, I'll go right away..."

Watching Sugar trot away.

Su Han took the spiritual fruit and gave some to Baiwen, and said to him: "Give half to Madam Yue, and give the other half to the Eightfold Divine Son..."

"Yes, sir."

There are not many fruits in this batch.

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue also has some untransformed monsters.

Otherwise it's just weird.

If you take this fruit.

The transformation will be improved.

Taking the remaining two hundred Qianyue Qiling Fruits, Su Han went to Caiqiao Valley.

It was originally decided that the Tushan clan lived in Daozhu.

Later, Tushan Honghong and the three of them took a trip.

Then the location was changed to Liyue.

Because they don’t really like Inazuma’s island atmosphere.

On the contrary, Liyue is similar to the culture of the Central Plains.

But it made Tu Shan Honghong and others feel close to him.

So, after consultations between multiple parties.

The Caiqiao Valley was finally determined.

First, Keli bombed it, and then Lei Film personally placed Tushan on the platform.

From then on, Caiqiao Valley was also changed to Tushan.

And close to Tianqiu Valley.

Then there is a giant tree of bitterness.

Because he left his original world,...this magical tree does not have the power of reincarnation.

It can only serve as a spiritual root to accept people's wishes.

That's all.

After Su Han arrived at Tushan, he saw some little foxes playing.

At the same time, the entrance to the mountain.

There are also some shops.

It was all started by the foxes.

As for the leech family, they settled here together.

After all, both races come from the same world.

You will feel safe living here.

However, a large number of leech clan followed Jade Ling and joined the medical department.

Currently, those foundation building pills.

They are all refined under the guidance of Jade Jade Spirit.

And Su Han's artifact.

It is also lent to other parties for use.

Come to the entrance.

The foxes and leeches all bowed to him.

"See Master Su Han..."

"Well, get up... Is Tushan Yaya here?"

"Sir, our boss is practicing inside. Do you need me to lead the way?"

A little white-furred fox asked obediently.

Su Han shook his head and said, "I'll go by myself..."

Go inside and move forward.

He quickly found the purple-haired fox.

The other person is meditating seriously.

A flying sword in his hand hummed faintly.

When it senses someone coming.

The girl gently opened her eyes.

"'s Brother Su Han, you're here...what's the matter?"

"Susang's side has just produced a batch of Qianyue Qingling Fruits, which are helpful for monsters' transformation and spiritual intelligence. You can distribute these two hundred fruits with the leech clan."

" are so kind."

Look at the fruit that is so spiritual.

Tushan Yaya's eyes turned into crescents when she smiled.

Afterwards, he hurriedly called his subordinates and treated him with fruits and tea.

Looking at the girl who was so busy that she was sweating profusely.

Su Han couldn't laugh or cry and said: "I just came over to take a look when I have time. You are so nervous... just sit down for a while..."


Little foxes are not as indifferent as adults.

Very well-behaved for his age.

After arriving in front of him, he refused to give up and asked directly: "I heard from the people in Qun Yu Pavilion that Brother Su Han, you are omniscient and omnipotent, so... what will happen to my sister and me in the future?

If you don't come over. "

"Will your sister be reincarnated, and other monsters... Hehe, life is difficult when the spiritual energy ebbs, and humans are moving towards a technological life. How to say...

Things outside the circle are not resolved.

Humans and monsters cannot achieve true peace.

Instead, hundreds of years later.

True peace has not yet come..."

Hearing the ending between his sister and himself.

Tushan Yaya sighed with emotion: "It seems like it's better this way... If my sister follows Brother Su Han, she won't suffer any more..."

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