However, as she continued to look.

His gaze suddenly stopped, and he glared at Su Han fiercely.

Because she found that there was something abnormal about the other person's shoes and socks.

Mona, who was just about to explain, noticed Fischer's abnormality, and her face instantly turned red.

"Ahem... Well, I just gained some strength. Okay, okay... let's go and sit down. The mission will be born soon."

There are still ten minutes left before the task will be refreshed.

No one else noticed the episode either.

They sat on the chairs one after another.

Get ready to start this mission.

But Fischer sent Su Han an angry expression through a private message.

Su Han was a little puzzled.

What happened to the second girl today?

In order to prevent the other party from making the situation worse.

Su Han started asking directly.



"What? Is there anything unhappy about our Queen Youye Pure Land today..."

faced his inquiry.

Fischer responded directly: "What did you and Mona do? Don't think I didn't see... There are wrinkles on it..."

"Ahem...her leg was twisted."

"Oh? Then you mean the whole leg is twisted..."

Looking at Fischer's contemptuous tone.

Su Han really kept smiling bitterly.

However, he also has ways to deal with it.

A mere middle school girl.

Far easier to target than Heulia.

He rolled his eyes and said in a private chat: "How about today the Lord of the Night invites the Queen of the Pure Land of the Night to go on a date? It's just the two of us.

Even Oz is not allowed to come over..."


"If you don't want to, forget it, alas..."

"Who says you don't want to, but...the time has to be decided by this queen, are not allowed to do strange things. Do you understand...otherwise, this queen will be angry."

"Well, don't worry...I'm very honest."


"By the way...the Queen of Youye Pure Land, I like black."

Fischer stopped talking afterward.

Because the other party looked red and lowered his head.

It has been completely defeated.

At this time, the task was refreshed.

[Ding... It is detected that the mission cooldown time has expired, and the five-star mission has been released! 】

[Task]: Assist the children to kill the Steel Sea Dragon Beast

[Difficulty]: Five stars

[Countdown]: one hour

[Description]: After the children traveled back to the Digimon world, they encountered the attack of the Four Dark Kings. Although they were well prepared, they were still unable to resist the dark forces.

[Reminder]: All children cannot die, and neither can digital. Once any of the children die, the mission will directly fail, and subsequent missions will not appear.

[Tip]: Steel Seadramon is one of the Four Dark Kings who control the sea. It is an ultimate Digimon. It has a very cruel personality and will kill Digimon at every turn.

Please be careful if you fight

[Note]: The Four Dark Kings will not appear at the same time. Everyone has their own territory. If they are killed, the territory belonging to Steel Seadramon will return to normal.

[Special]: This mission is a solo mission and no team formation is allowed. Please be careful.

[Remarks]: If the countdown reaches zero and no task is accepted, it will be regarded as automatically abandoned.

Another Digimon World mission.

And it is to take over the mission after the last ultimate vampire monster.

Five-star mission.

Battle against the Ultimate.

The difficulty breakdown far exceeds the last time we fought against the ultimate blood-sucking monster.

Because the opponent had just evolved last time and his strength was not complete.

And body size also becomes a means to limit the opponent.

However, Steel Seadramon is different.

The other person was born in the sea.

His combat effectiveness in the water increased exponentially, and he also commanded countless subordinates.

It can be said that regardless of combat effectiveness, it is still the location.

It’s all the other side’s advantage.

Coral Palace Xinhai: ".¨Is it another five-star mission? It's really scary... Just looking at the picture gives people a shocking feeling... It is indeed the ultimate Digimon."

The shape of Steel Seadramon in the picture.

Perfect presentation appears.

The effect is amazing.

Beidou: "It's a five-star mission, and it's a solo mission... Who's sure? I guess this mission will bring back a lot of Digimon... I think it's OK.

But protecting children is a bit difficult.

I am very afraid that the other party will jump over the wall in a hurry. "

Ningguang: "It's best to be someone with ice attributes like Gan Yu or Shen He. The opponent is a dragon...and in the sea. If the attributes are incompatible...we will have a huge advantage."

Hua Sanli: "Actually, the thunder attribute is also very good...but if the opponent enters the depths of the sea, the thunder attribute will be limited. In fact, the same is true for the ice attribute.

Guys like Steel Seadramon.

Must be very cunning. "

Yae Shenzi: "Yes... the thunder attribute is not easy to deal with. Even if it is flying with a sword, as long as the opponent burrows into the bottom of the sea, it will be difficult for us to catch it.

This time it was a kill, not a defeat.

So it must be completely killed. "

Fischer: "Can't we get rid of the transcendent god?"

Wendy: "There is no way I can raise the sea. As for what Miss Barr said, she is probably still refining the fairy sword and has not spoken out yet.

How about it? Who is going to do it..."

Mona: "Since there is no one, let me perform once." Lu.

Chapter 504: Mona’s first trump card is the giant water element, the steel sea dragon that wants to escape.

Hutao: "This is a five-star mission... Are you okay, Mona..."

If it is a four-star mission.

She would never doubt it.

But the five-star mission is difficult.

That's no ordinary thing.

It should be noted that the intensity of the five-star mission.

Even ordinary-level ones are not having an easy time.

Qin: " @Mona... Are you really okay? Have you made a breakthrough in strength recently... Steel Seadramon is the ultimate form!!"

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